package Gitolite::Hooks::PostUpdate; # everything to do with the post-update hook # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @EXPORT = qw( post_update post_update_hook ); use Exporter 'import'; use Gitolite::Rc; use Gitolite::Common; use strict; use warnings; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub post_update { trace( 1, 'post-up', @ARGV ); # this is the *real* post_update hook for gitolite tsh_try("git ls-tree --name-only master"); _die "no files/dirs called 'hooks' or 'logs' are allowed" if tsh_text() =~ /^(hooks|logs)$/m; my $hooks_changed = 0; { local $ENV{GIT_WORK_TREE} = $rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}; tsh_try("git diff --name-only master"); $hooks_changed++ if tsh_text() =~ m(/hooks/common/); # the leading slash ensure that this hooks/common directory is below # some top level directory, not *at* the top. That's LOCAL_CODE, and # it's actual name could be anything but it doesn't matter to us. tsh_try("git checkout -f --quiet master"); } _system("gitolite compile"); _system("gitolite setup --hooks-only") if $hooks_changed; _system("gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE"); exit 0; } { my $text = ''; sub post_update_hook { if ( not $text ) { local $/ = undef; $text = ; } return $text; } } 1; __DATA__ #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use lib $ENV{GL_LIBDIR}; use Gitolite::Hooks::PostUpdate; # gitolite post-update hook (only for the admin repo) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- post_update(); # is not expected to return exit 1; # so if it does, something is wrong