# vim: syn=sh:
has_export_ok() {
    runremote ls -al $TEST_BASE_FULL/$1.git/git-daemon-export-ok
    expect "$USER $USER .* $TEST_BASE_FULL/$1.git/git-daemon-export-ok"

does_not_have_export_ok() {
    runremote ls -al $TEST_BASE_FULL/$1.git/git-daemon-export-ok
    expect "ls: cannot access $TEST_BASE_FULL/$1.git/git-daemon-export-ok: No such file or directory"

is_in_projects_list() {
    runremote cat projects.list
    expect "^$1.git$"

is_not_in_projects_list() {
    runremote cat projects.list
    notexpect "^$1.git$"

for bc in 0 1
    for ais in 0 1
        cd $TESTDIR
        $TESTDIR/rollback || die "rollback failed"
        editrc GL_WILDREPOS 1
        editrc GL_BIG_CONFIG $bc
        echo "\$GL_ALL_INCLUDES_SPECIAL = $ais;" | addrc

        name "INTERNAL"
        echo "
            repo @all
                R   =   @all
            repo foo
                RW+ =   u1
            repo bar
                RW+ =   u2
            repo dev/..*
                C   =   u3 u4
                RW+ =   CREATOR
        " | ugc
        name "setup"
        expect_push_ok "master -> master"

        cd ~/td

        runlocal git ls-remote u1:dev/wild1
        expect "fatal: '$TEST_BASE_FULL/dev/wild1.git' does not appear to be a git repository"
        expect "fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly"

        runlocal git clone u3:dev/wild1
        expect "Cloning into wild1..."
        expect "Initialized empty Git repository in $TEST_BASE_FULL/dev/wild1.git/"
        expect "warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository."

        cd wild1
        mdc; mdc
        runlocal git push origin master:wild1
        expect "To u3:dev/wild1"
        expect "* \[new branch\]      master -> wild1"
        runlocal git push u1:foo master:br-foo
        expect "To u1:foo"
        expect "* \[new branch\]      master -> br-foo"
        runlocal git push u2:bar master:br-bar
        expect "To u2:bar"
        expect "* \[new branch\]      master -> br-bar"

        runlocal git ls-remote u6:foo
        expect refs/heads/br-foo

        runlocal git ls-remote u6:bar
        expect refs/heads/br-bar

        runlocal git ls-remote u6:dev/wild1
        expect refs/heads/wild1

        name "gitweb and daemon"

        for REPO in foo bar dev/wild1
            [ "$ais" = "0" ] && does_not_have_export_ok $REPO
            [ "$ais" = "0" ] && is_not_in_projects_list $REPO

            [ "$ais" = "1" ] && has_export_ok $REPO
            [ "$ais" = "1" ] && is_in_projects_list $REPO
