# vim: syn=sh:
for gcw in 0 1
    cd $TESTDIR
    $TESTDIR/rollback || die "rollback failed"

    name INTERNAL
    editrc GL_WILDREPOS 1
    echo "\$GL_GITCONFIG_WILD = $gcw;" | addrc

    # ----------

    name "fail to set foo.bar"
    echo "
        @leads = u1 u2
        @devs = u1 u2 u3 u4

        repo    bar/CREATOR/..*
            C               =   @leads
            RW+             =   CREATOR
            RW              =   @leads
            config foo.bar  =   baz
    " | ugc
    expect "remote:         git config foo.bar not allowed"

    name "update rc file to allow foo.*"
    cp ~/1 ~/junk
    perl -pi -e 's/GL_GITCONFIG_KEYS = ""/GL_GITCONFIG_KEYS = "foo\\\\..*"/' ~/junk
    cat ~/junk | runremote dd of=.gitolite.rc
    expect "GL_GITCONFIG_KEYS.*foo"

    name "ok to set foo.bar"
    echo "
        @leads = u1 u2
        @devs = u1 u2 u3 u4

        repo    bar/CREATOR/..*
            C               =   @leads
            RW+             =   CREATOR
            RW              =   @leads
            config foo.bar  =   baz
    " | ugc -r
    [ "$gcw" = "0" ] &&    expect "remote:         git config set for bar/\$creator/..\* but \$GL_GITCONFIG_WILD not set"
    [ "$gcw" = "1" ] && notexpect "remote:         git config set for bar/\$creator/..\* but \$GL_GITCONFIG_WILD not set"
    notexpect "git config.*not allowed"
    expect_push_ok "master -> master"

    [ "$gcw" = "0" ] && continue    # the rest of these tests don't make sense now

    name "fail to set foobar.baz"
    echo "
        @leads = u1 u2
        @devs = u1 u2 u3 u4

        repo    bar/CREATOR/..*
            C               =   @leads
            RW+             =   CREATOR
            RW              =   @leads
            config foo.bar  =   baz
            config foobar.baz  =   ooka
    " | ugc -r
    expect "remote:         git config foobar.baz not allowed"

    name "u1 create bar/u1/try1"
    runlocal git ls-remote u1:bar/u1/try1
    expect "Initialized empty Git repository in /home/gitolite-test/repositories/bar/u1/try1.git/"

    name "check u1 has foo.bar"
    runremote cat repositories/bar/u1/try1.git/config
    expect '^.foo'
    expect 'bar = baz'

    name "delete foo.bar"
    echo "
        @leads = u1 u2
        @devs = u1 u2 u3 u4

        repo    bar/CREATOR/..*
            C               =   @leads
            RW+             =   CREATOR
            RW              =   @leads
            config foo.bar  =   
    " | ugc -r
    expect_push_ok "master -> master"

    name "check u1 doesnt have foo.bar"
    runremote cat repositories/bar/u1/try1.git/config
    expect '^.foo'      # git leaves the section header behind
    notexpect 'bar = baz'

    name "u2 create bar/u2/try2"
    runlocal git ls-remote u2:bar/u2/try2
    expect "Initialized empty Git repository in /home/gitolite-test/repositories/bar/u2/try2.git/"

    name "check u2 doesnt have foo.bar"
    runremote cat repositories/bar/u2/try2.git/config
    notexpect '^.foo'   # but not here, since this repo never had the key at all
    notexpect 'bar = baz'

    name "add foo.frob retroactively"
    echo "
        @leads = u1 u2
        @devs = u1 u2 u3 u4

        repo    bar/CREATOR/..*
            C               =   @leads
            RW+             =   CREATOR
            RW              =   @leads
            config foo.frob =   nitz
    " | ugc -r
    expect_push_ok "master -> master"

    name "check u1 has foo.frob"
    runremote cat repositories/bar/u1/try1.git/config
    expect '^.foo'
    expect 'frob = nitz'

    name "check u2 has foo.frob"
    runremote cat repositories/bar/u2/try2.git/config
    expect '^.foo'
    expect 'frob = nitz'

    name INTERNAL