# and now for something completely different... package SugarBox; sub run_sugar_script { my ($ss, $lref) = @_; do $ss if -x $ss; $lref = sugar_script($lref); return $lref; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- package Gitolite::Conf::Sugar; # syntactic sugar for the conf file, including site-local macros # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @EXPORT = qw( sugar ); use Exporter 'import'; use Gitolite::Rc; use Gitolite::Common; use Gitolite::Conf::Explode; use strict; use warnings; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub sugar { # gets a filename, returns a listref my @lines = (); explode(shift, 'master', \@lines); my $lines; $lines = \@lines; # run through the sugar stack one by one # first, user supplied sugar: if (exists $rc{SYNTACTIC_SUGAR}) { if (ref($rc{SYNTACTIC_SUGAR}) ne 'ARRAY') { _warn "bad syntax for specifying sugar scripts; see docs"; } else { for my $s (@{ $rc{SYNTACTIC_SUGAR} }) { # perl-ism; apart from keeping the full path separate from the # simple name, this also protects %rc from change by implicit # aliasing, which would happen if you touched $s itself my $sfp = "$ENV{GL_BINDIR}/syntactic-sugar/$s"; _warn("skipped sugar script '$s'"), next if not -x $sfp; $lines = SugarBox::run_sugar_script($sfp, $lines); $lines = [ grep /\S/, map { cleanup_conf_line($_) } @$lines ]; } } } # then our stuff: $lines = option($lines); $lines = owner_desc($lines); # $lines = name_vref($lines); return $lines; } sub option { my $lines = shift; my @ret; # option foo = bar # -> config gitolite-options.foo = bar for my $line (@$lines) { if ( $line =~ /^option (\S+) = (\S.*)/ ) { push @ret, "config gitolite-options.$1 = $2"; } else { push @ret, $line; } } return \@ret; } sub owner_desc { my $lines = shift; my @ret; # XXX compat breakage: (1) adding repo/owner does not automatically add an # entry to projects.list -- we need a post-procesor for that, and (2) # removing the 'repo' line no longer suffices to remove the config entry # from projects.list. Maybe the post-procesor should do that as well? # owner = "owner name" # -> config gitweb.owner = owner name # description = "some long description" # -> config gitweb.description = some long description # category = "whatever..." # -> config gitweb.category = whatever... # older formats: # repo = "some long description" # repo = "owner name" = "some long description" # -> config gitweb.owner = owner name # -> config gitweb.description = some long description for my $line (@$lines) { if ( $line =~ /^(\S+)(?: "(.*?)")? = "(.*)"$/ ) { my ( $repo, $owner, $desc ) = ( $1, $2, $3 ); # XXX these two checks should go into add_config # _die "bad repo name '$repo'" unless $repo =~ $REPONAME_PATT; # _die "$fragment attempting to set description for $repo" # if check_fragment_repo_disallowed( $fragment, $repo ); push @ret, "repo $repo"; push @ret, "config gitweb.description = $desc"; push @ret, "config gitweb.owner = $owner" if $owner; } elsif ( $line =~ /^desc = (\S.*)/ ) { push @ret, "config gitweb.description = $1"; } elsif ( $line =~ /^owner = (\S.*)/ ) { push @ret, "config gitweb.owner = $1"; } elsif ( $line =~ /^category = (\S.*)/ ) { push @ret, "config gitweb.category = $1"; } else { push @ret, $line; } } return \@ret; } 1;