## #dev-status g3 development status Not yet done (will be tackled in this order unless someone asks): * svnserve (someone is testing it) * pulling in documentation for things that are the same in g2 * smart http * special features (no-create-repos, gl-all-read-all, etc) * mechanism for ADCs using unchecked arguments -- this is not just a matter of writing it; I have to think about *how* it will be done. (AFAIK the only tool affected is git-annexe) Help needed: * I'd like distro packagers to play with it and help with migration advice for distro-upgrades * rsync, htpasswd * git-annexe support (but this has a pre-requisite in the previous list) Won't be done unless someone asks (saw no evidence that anyone used them in g2 anyway!): * mob branches * password access * specific ADCs -- there are too many for me to bother without applying Pareto somewhere, so I choose to not do any and wait for people to ask :-) Done: * core code * test suite * mirroring * most documentation * distro packaging instructions * migration advice for common cases