#!/bin/bash mirror=$1 [ -z "$1" ] && { echo need \"user@host\" or ssh hostalias; exit 1; } ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no $mirror echo hello-there | grep hello-there >/dev/null || { echo I cant ssh to $mirror; exit 1; } cd $HOME REPO_BASE=`${0%/*}/gl-query-rc REPO_BASE` cd $REPO_BASE ssh $mirror cat \$HOME/.gitolite.rc | expand | egrep '^ *\$GL_SLAVE_MODE *= *1; *$' >/dev/null || { echo $mirror does not seem to be in slave mode exit 1; } find . -type d -name "*.git" | cut -c3- | sort | while read r do cd $HOME; cd $REPO_BASE; cd $r printf "$r " if [ `git rev-parse HEAD` = "HEAD" ] then echo is empty\; skipping continue fi # this is essentially the same code as in the post-receive hook if git push --mirror $mirror:$r then : else ssh $mirror mkdir -p $r ssh $mirror git init --bare $r git push --mirror $mirror:$r || echo "WARNING: mirror push to $mirror failed" fi < /dev/null done