# vim: ft=sh:
tsh pwd || die '## tsh not installed?'

# note 'tc' is an abbreviation for 'test-commit' in tsh lingo

for wr in 0 1
    for bc in 0 1
        cd $TESTDIR
        $TESTDIR/rollback || die "rollback failed"
        editrc GL_WILDREPOS $wr
        editrc GL_BIG_CONFIG $bc

        # ----------

        name "INTERNAL"
        echo "
            @gfoo = foo
            @lead = u1
            @senior_devs = u2 u3
            @junior_devs = u4 u5 u6
            repo  @gfoo

                RW+                                 =   @all

                RW+ VREF/COUNT/2/NO_SIGNOFF         =   @lead
                -   VREF/COUNT/2/NO_SIGNOFF         =   @all

                -   VREF/COUNT/10/NEWFILES          =   @junior_devs

                -   VREF/FILETYPE/AUTOGENERATED     =   @all
        " | ugc

        name "setup"
        cd ~/td
        tsh "
            ls -al foo;         !ok;    /cannot access foo: No such file or directory/
            clone u1:foo;       ok;     /Cloning into/
                                        /You appear to have cloned an empty/
        cd foo
        tsh "
            ls -Al;             ok;     /\.git/

        name "u1 can push 15 new files"
        tsh "
            tc a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
                                ok;     /d8c0392/
            push-om;            ok;     /new branch.*master -. master/

        name "u2 can push 2 new and 10 old files without signoff"
        tsh "
            tc a b c d e f g h i j u2a u2b
                                ok;     /6787ac9/
            push u2:foo;        ok;     /d8c0392..6787ac9.*master -. master/
        name "u2 cannot push 3 new files without signoff"
        tsh "
            tc u2c u2d u2e;     ok;     /a74562b/
            push u2:foo;        !ok;    /W VREF/COUNT/2/NO_SIGNOFF foo u2 DENIED by VREF/COUNT/2/NO_SIGNOFF/
                                        /top commit message should include the text .3 new files signed-off by: tester.example.com./
                                        /hook declined/
                                        /remote rejected/
        name "u2 can push 15 new files with signoff"
        tsh "
            tc u2f u2g u2h u2i u2j u2k u2l u2m u2n u2o u2p u2q
                                ok;     /8dd31aa/
            git commit --allow-empty -m '15 new files signed-off by: tester@example.com'
                                ok;     /.master 6126489. 15 new files signed-off by: tester.example.com/
            push u2:foo;        ok;     /6787ac9..6126489.*master -. master/

        name "u4 can push 2 new and 10 old files without signoff"
        tsh "
            tc u4a u4b a b c d e f g h i j
                                ok;     /76c5593/
            push u4:foo;        ok;     /6126489..76c5593.*master -. master/
        name "u4 cannot push 3 new files without signoff"
        tsh "
            tc u4c u4d u4e;     ok;     /2a84398/
            push u4:foo;        !ok;    /W VREF/COUNT/2/NO_SIGNOFF foo u4 DENIED by VREF/COUNT/2/NO_SIGNOFF/
                                        /top commit message should include the text .3 new files signed-off by: tester.example.com./
                                        /hook declined/
                                        /remote rejected/
        name "u4 can push 10 new and 5 old files with signoff"
        tsh "
            tc u4f u4g u4h u4i u4j u4k u4l a b c d e
                                ok;     /09b646a/
            git commit --allow-empty -m '10 new files signed-off by: tester@example.com'
                                ok;     /.master 47f84b0. 10 new files signed-off by: tester.example.com/
            push u4:foo;        ok;     /76c5593..47f84b0.*master -. master/
        name "u4 cannot push 11 new files even with signoff"
        tsh "
            tc u4ab u4ac u4ad u4ae u4af u4ag u4ah u4ai u4aj u4ak u4al
                                ok;     /90e7344/
            git commit --allow-empty -m '11 new files signed-off by: tester@example.com'
                                ok;     /.master 1f36537. 11 new files signed-off by: tester.example.com/
            push u4:foo;        !ok;    /W VREF/COUNT/10/NEWFILES foo u4 DENIED by VREF/COUNT/10/NEWFILES/
                                        /too many new files in this push/
                                        /hook declined/
                                        /remote rejected/

        name "test AUTOGENERATED vref"
        tsh "
            fetch;              ok;
            reset-h origin/master;
        tsh "
            tc not-really.java; ok;     /0f88b2e/
            push u4:foo;        ok;     /47f84b0..0f88b2e.*master -. master/
        echo "Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT" >> not-really.java
        tsh "
            commit -am pbc;     ok;     /aa3d8da/
            push u4:foo;        !ok;    /W VREF/FILETYPE/AUTOGENERATED foo u4 DENIED by VREF/FILETYPE/AUTOGENERATED/
                                        /hook declined/
                                        /remote rejected/

        name INTERNAL