
use strict;
use warnings;

# allow a user to delete a ref if the last create of the ref was done by the
# same user, *and* it was done within a certain time limie

# change this to suit your needs
my $oldest = 60*60*24*7;        # in seconds

# use a generic error message to avoid information leak
my $error = "didn't find repo/ref, or the ref is too old, or you did not create it\n";

# ----

die "ENV GL_RC not set\n" unless $ENV{GL_RC};
die "ENV GL_BINDIR not set\n" unless $ENV{GL_BINDIR};

unshift @INC, $ENV{GL_BINDIR};
require gitolite or die "parse gitolite.pm failed\n";

# arg check
die "need two arguments, a reponame and a refname\n" unless @ARGV == 2;
# get the repo name
my $repo = shift;
$repo =~ s/\.git$//;
# get the ref name to be deleted, and allow the same convenience shortcut
# (prefix "refs/heads/" if it doesn't start with "refs/") as in the main
# config file
my $ref = shift;
$ref =~ m(^refs/) or $ref =~ s(^)(refs/heads/);

# XXX WARNING: we do not do any access control checking -- we just go by the
# fact that if *you* created a branch within the last $limit seconds (default
# value is 1 week), you are allowed to delete the branch.

# find the earliest log entry we're willing to look at
my $limit = `date -d '$oldest seconds ago' '+%F.%T'`;
    # NOTE: this is the format that gitolite uses in its log entries (see sub
    # 'get_logfilename in one of the pm files).  The logic also depends on the
    # fact that this is sortable, because we read backwards and stop when we
    # reach something older than $limit

# find the last 2 log files; here also we depend on the fact that the file
# *names* are time ordered when sorted
my ($lf1, $lf2) = reverse sort glob("$ENV{GL_ADMINDIR}/logs/gitolite*log");

my $found = 0;
my($ts, $user, $ip, $cmd, $op, $oldsha, $newsha, $logrepo, $logref, $refrule);
for my $lf ($lf1, $lf2) {
    next unless $lf;
    open(LF, "-|", "tac", $lf) or die "tac $lf failed: $!\n";
    while (<LF>) {
        ($ts, $user, $ip, $cmd, $op, $oldsha, $newsha, $logrepo, $logref, $refrule) = split /\t/;
        next unless $refrule;
        if ($ts le $limit) {
            # we don't look at entries earlier than this
            $found = -1;
        if ($op eq 'C' and $oldsha =~ /^0+$/ and $logrepo eq $repo and $logref eq $ref) {
            # creation record found; no need to look at any more entries
            $found = 1;
    last if $found;
# check user in creation record to make sure it is the same one
if ($found == 1 and $user eq $ENV{GL_USER}) {
    chdir("$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE_ABS}/$repo.git") or die "chdir $ENV{GL_REPO_BASE_ABS}/$repo.git failed: $!\n";
    system("git", "update-ref", "-d", $ref, $newsha) and die "ref deletion failed\n";
    warn "deleted $ref from $repo (created on $ts)\n";
        # NOTE: we use warn so this gets into the log in some way; perhaps
        # later we can adjust the format to more closely resemble a normal
        # remote delete operation
    exit 0;

print STDERR $error;
exit 1;