package Gitolite::Hooks::Update; # everything to do with the update hook # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @EXPORT = qw( update update_hook ); use Exporter 'import'; use Gitolite::Rc; use Gitolite::Common; use Gitolite::Conf::Load; use strict; use warnings; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub update { trace( 2, @ARGV ); gl_log( 'update', @ARGV ); # this is the *real* update hook for gitolite my ( $ref, $oldsha, $newsha, $oldtree, $newtree, $aa ) = args(@ARGV); my $ret = access( $ENV{GL_REPO}, $ENV{GL_USER}, $aa, $ref ); trace( 1, "access($ENV{GL_REPO}, $ENV{GL_USER}, $aa, $ref)", "-> $ret" ); trigger( 'ACCESS_2', $ENV{GL_REPO}, $ENV{GL_USER}, $aa, $ref, $ret ); _die $ret if $ret =~ /DENIED/; check_vrefs( $ref, $oldsha, $newsha, $oldtree, $newtree, $aa ); gl_log( 'check2', $ENV{GL_REPO}, $ENV{GL_USER}, $aa, @ARGV, '->', $ret ); exit 0; } sub check_vrefs { my ( $ref, $oldsha, $newsha, $oldtree, $newtree, $aa ) = @_; my $name_seen = 0; my $n_vrefs = 0; for my $vref ( vrefs( $ENV{GL_REPO}, $ENV{GL_USER} ) ) { $n_vrefs++; if ( $vref =~ m(^VREF/NAME/) ) { # this one is special; we process it right here, and only once next if $name_seen++; for my $ref ( map { chomp; s(^)(VREF/NAME/); $_; } `git diff --name-only $oldtree $newtree` ) { check_vref( $aa, $ref ); } } else { my ( $dummy, $pgm, @args ) = split '/', $vref; $pgm = "$ENV{GL_BINDIR}/VREF/$pgm"; -x $pgm or die "$vref: helper program missing or unexecutable\n"; open( my $fh, "-|", $pgm, @_, $vref, @args ) or die "$vref: can't spawn helper program: $!\n"; while (<$fh>) { my ( $ref, $deny_message ) = split( ' ', $_, 2 ); check_vref( $aa, $ref, $deny_message ); } close($fh) or die $! ? "Error closing sort pipe: $!" : "$vref: helper program exit status $?"; } } return $n_vrefs; } sub check_vref { my ( $aa, $ref, $deny_message ) = @_; my $ret = access( $ENV{GL_REPO}, $ENV{GL_USER}, $aa, $ref ); trace( 1, "access($ENV{GL_REPO}, $ENV{GL_USER}, $aa, $ref)", "-> $ret" ); _die "$ret" . ( $deny_message ? "\n$deny_message" : '' ) if $ret =~ /DENIED/ and $ret !~ /by fallthru/; trace( 1, "remember, fallthru is success here!" ) if $ret =~ /by fallthru/; } { my $text = ''; sub update_hook { if ( not $text ) { local $/ = undef; $text = ; } return $text; } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub args { my ( $ref, $oldsha, $newsha ) = @_; my ( $oldtree, $newtree, $aa ); # this is special to git -- the hash of an empty tree my $empty = '4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904'; $oldtree = $oldsha eq '0' x 40 ? $empty : $oldsha; $newtree = $newsha eq '0' x 40 ? $empty : $newsha; my $merge_base = '0' x 40; # for branch create or delete, merge_base stays at '0'x40 chomp( $merge_base = `git merge-base $oldsha $newsha` ) unless $oldsha eq '0' x 40 or $newsha eq '0' x 40; $aa = 'W'; # tag rewrite $aa = '+' if $ref =~ m(refs/tags/) and $oldsha ne ( '0' x 40 ); # non-ff push to ref (including ref delete) $aa = '+' if $oldsha ne $merge_base; $aa = 'D' if ( option( $ENV{GL_REPO}, 'DELETE_IS_D' ) ) and $newsha eq '0' x 40; $aa = 'C' if ( option( $ENV{GL_REPO}, 'CREATE_IS_C' ) ) and $oldsha eq '0' x 40; # and now "M" commits. All the other accesses (W, +, C, D) were mutually # exclusive in some sense. Sure a W could be a C or a + could be a D but # that's by design. A merge commit, however, could still be any of the # others (except a "D"). # so we have to *append* 'M' to $aa (if the repo has MERGE_CHECK in # effect and this push contains a merge inside) if ( option( $ENV{GL_REPO}, 'MERGE_CHECK' ) ) { if ( $oldsha eq '0' x 40 or $newsha eq '0' x 40 ) { _warn "ref create/delete ignored for purposes of merge-check\n"; } else { $aa .= 'M' if `git rev-list -n 1 --merges $oldsha..$newsha` =~ /./; } } return ( $ref, $oldsha, $newsha, $oldtree, $newtree, $aa ); } 1; __DATA__ #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { exit 0 if $ENV{GL_BYPASS_UPDATE_HOOK}; die "GL_BINDIR not set; aborting\n" unless $ENV{GL_BINDIR}; } use lib $ENV{GL_BINDIR}; use Gitolite::Hooks::Update; # gitolite update hook # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- update(); # is not expected to return exit 1; # so if it does, something is wrong