# the gitolite.conf file This file is the crux of all of gitolite's access control. The basic syntax is very simple. Note: `+` means one or more user or user group names, `+` means one or more repo or repo group names, and `*` means zero or more refexes. * [group][group] definitions (optional, for convenience) @ = + @ = + * [repo][repo] definitions and access [rules][] repo + * = + # one or more such lines * [gitolite options][options] that apply to the repo(s) in the last "repo ..." line, for example: option deny-rules = 1 * [git config][git-config] keys and values that also apply to the last named repo(s), for example: config hooks.emailprefix = '[%GL_REPO] ' In addition, you can also have [include][] statements.