# mirroring using gitolite **WARNING** existing gitolite mirroring users please note: significant changes in syntax and usage compared to g2. The most important change is that `config gitolite.mirror.master` changes to `option mirror.master`, and similarly for 'slaves' and redirectOK. In addition, the special value for 'redirectOK' changes from '1' to 'all'. The second big change is the disappearance of the ambiguously named 'keys' (for example `gitolite.mirror.hourly` etc., in the old mirroring doc) -- all that complexity is yours to handle now :-) ---- Mirroring is simple: you have one "master" and one or more "slaves". The slaves get updates only from the master; to the rest of the world they are at best read-only. Gitolite extends this simple notion in the following ways: * different masters and sets of slaves for different repos This lets you do things like * use the server closest to *most* of its developers as the master for that repo * not mirror a repo at all to some servers * have repos that are purely local to a server (not mirrored at all) * negotiate mirroring with servers that are not even under your control * push to a slave on demand or via cron (helps deal with bandwidth or connectivity constraints). * pushes to a slave can be transparently forwarded to the real master Your developers need not worry about where a repo's master is -- they just write to their local mirror for *all* repos, even if their local mirror is only a slave for some. ## caveats * mirroring will never *create* a repo on a slave; it has to exist and be prepared to receive updates from the master. (For example, [wild][] repos must be created on the slave as well, otherwise they will not propagate). * mirroring is only for git repos. Ancillary files like gl-creator and gl-perms in the repo directory are not mirrored; you must do that separately. Files in the admin directory (like log files) are also not mirrored. ## setting up mirroring This is in two parts: the initial setup and the rc file, followed by the conf file settings and syntax. ### the initial setup and the rc file On each server: * install gitolite normally. Make clones of each server's 'gitolite-admin' repo on your workstation so you can admin them all from one place. * give each server a short, simple, "hostname" and set the HOSTNAME in the rc file to this name, for example 'mars'. * run ssh-keygen if needed and get an ssh key pair for the server. Copy the public key to a common area and name it after the host, but with 'server-' prefixed. So the pubkey for server 'mars' would be stored as 'server-mars.pub'. * copy all keys to **each of** the admin repo clones on your workstation and and add them as usual. You may have guessed that the prefix 'server-' is special, and distinguishes a human user from a mirroring peer. * create "host" aliases on each machine to refer to all other machines. See [here][ssh-ha] for what/why/how. The host alias for a host (in all other machines' `~/.ssh/config` files) MUST be the same as the `HOSTNAME` in the referred host's `~/.gitolite.rc`. Gitolite mirroring **requires** this consistency in naming; things will NOT work otherwise. Normally you should be able to build one common file and append it to all the servers' `~/.ssh/config` files. * the following **MUST** work for **each pair** of servers that must talk to each other: # on server mars ssh phobos info # the response MUST start with "hello, server-mars..." Note the exact syntax used; variations like "ssh git@phobos.example.com info" are NOT sufficient. That is why you need the ssh host aliases. Check this command from *everywhere to everywhere else*, and make sure you get expected results. **Do NOT proceed otherwise.** * setup the gitolite.conf file on all the servers. If the slaves are to be exact copies of the master, you need to do the complete configuration only on the master; the slaves can have just this: repo gitolite-admin RW+ = option mirror.master = mars option mirror.slaves = phobos because on the first push to the master it will update all the slaves anyway. * when that is all done and tested, **enable mirroring** on each server by going through the rc file and uncommenting all the lines mentioning `Mirroring`. ### conf file settings and syntax Mirroring is defined by the following [option][]s. You can have different settings for different repos, and of course some repos may not have any mirror options at all -- they are then purely local. repo foo ...access rules... option mirror.master = mars option mirror.slaves = phobos deimos option mirror.redirectOK = all The first line is easy, since a repo can have only one master. The second is a space separated list of hosts that are all slaves. You can have several slave lists, as long as the config key starts with 'mirror.slaves' and is unique. For example. option mirror.slaves-1 = phobos deimos option mirror.slaves-2 = io europa option mirror.slaves-3 = ganymede callisto Do not repeat a key; then only the last line for that key will be effective. ## redirected pushes **Please read carefully; there are security implications if you enable this for mirrors NOT under your control**. Normally, a master, (and *only* a master), pushes to a slave, and the slaves are "read-only" to the users. Gitolite allows a *slave* to receive pushes from a user and transparently redirect them to the *master*. This simplifies things for users in complex setups, letting them use their local mirror for both fetch and push access to all repos. Just remember that if you do this, **authentication** happens on the slave, but **authorisation** is on the master. The master is trusting the slave to authenticate the user correctly, *and* use the same authentication data (i.e., user alice on the slave should be guaranteed to be the same as user alice on the master). The syntax for enabling this is one of these: option mirror.redirectOK = all option mirror.redirectOK = phobos deimos The first syntax trusts all valid slaves to redirect user pushes, while the second one trusts only some slaves. Note that you cannot redirect gitolite commands (like perms, etc). ## manually synchronising a slave repo You can use the `gitolite mirror push` command on a master to manually synchronise any of its slaves. Try it with `-h` to get usage info. Tip: if you want to do this to all the slaves, try this: for s in `gitolite git-config -r reponame mirror.slave | cut -f3` do gitolite mirror push $s reponame done This command can also be run remotely; run `ssh git@host mirror -h` for details. ## appendix A: efficiency versus paranoia If you're paranoid enough to use mirrors, you should be paranoid enough to set this on each server, despite the possible CPU overhead: git config --global receive.fsckObjects true