#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use lib $ENV{GL_BINDIR}; use Gitolite::Rc; use Gitolite::Common; use Gitolite::Conf::Load; =for usage Usage: gitolite access [-q] Print access rights for arguments given. The string printed has the word DENIED in it if access was denied. With '-q', returns only an exit code (shell truth, not perl truth -- 0 is success). - repo: mandatory - user: mandatory - perm: defauts to '+'. Valid values: R, W, +, C, D, M - ref: defauts to 'any'. See notes below Notes: - ref: Any fully qualified ref ('refs/heads/master', not 'master') is fine. The 'any' ref is special -- it ignores deny rules (see docs for what this means and exceptions). For each case where access is not denied, one line is printed like this: reponameusernameaccess rights This is orders of magnitude faster than running the command multiple times; you'll notice if you have more than a hundred or so repos. Advanced uses: see src/commands/post-compile/update-git-daemon-access-list for a good example. =cut usage() if not @ARGV or $ARGV[0] eq '-h'; my $quiet = 0; if ( $ARGV[0] eq '-q' ) { $quiet = 1; shift @ARGV; } my ( $repo, $user, $aa, $ref ) = @ARGV; $aa ||= '+'; $ref ||= 'any'; _die "invalid perm" if not( $aa and $aa =~ /^(R|W|\+|C|D|M)$/ ); _die "invalid ref name" if not( $ref and $ref =~ $REPONAME_PATT ); my $ret = ''; if ( $repo ne '%' and $user ne '%' ) { # single repo, single user; no STDIN _die "invalid repo name" if not( $repo and $repo =~ $REPONAME_PATT ); _die "invalid user name" if not( $user and $user =~ $USERNAME_PATT ); $ret = access( $repo, $user, $aa, $ref ); if ( $ret =~ /DENIED/ ) { print "$ret\n" unless $quiet; exit 1; } print "$ret\n" unless $quiet; exit 0; } $repo = '' if $repo eq '%'; $user = '' if $user eq '%'; _die "'-q' doesn't go with using a pipe" if $quiet; @ARGV = (); while (<>) { my @in = split; my $r = $repo || shift @in; my $u = $user || shift @in; $ret = access( $r, $u, $aa, $ref ); print "$r\t$u\t$ret\n"; }