use strict; use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Deepcopy = 1; # this file is commonly used using "require". It is not required to use "use" # (because it doesn't live in a different package) # warning: preceding para requires 4th attribute of a programmer after # laziness, impatience, and hubris: sense of humour :-) # WARNING # ------- # the name of this file will change as soon as its function/feature set # stabilises enough ;-) # right now all it does is # - define a function that tells you where to find the rc file # - define a function that creates a new repo and give it our update hook # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # common definitions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- our $ABRT = "\n\t\t***** ABORTING *****\n "; our $WARN = "\n\t\t***** WARNING *****\n "; # commands we're expecting our $R_COMMANDS=qr/^(git[ -]upload-pack|git[ -]upload-archive)$/; our $W_COMMANDS=qr/^git[ -]receive-pack$/; # note that REPONAME_PATT allows "/", while USERNAME_PATT does not # also, the reason REPONAME_PATT is a superset of USERNAME_PATT is (duh!) # because in this version, a repo can have "CREATOR" in the name (see docs) our $REPONAME_PATT=qr(^\@?[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z._\@/+-]*$); # very simple pattern our $USERNAME_PATT=qr(^\@?[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z._\@+-]*$); # very simple pattern # same as REPONAME, but used for wildcard repos, allows some common regex metas our $REPOPATT_PATT=qr(^\@?[0-9a-zA-Z[][\\^.$|()[\]*+?{}0-9a-zA-Z._\@/-]*$); # these come from the RC file our ($REPO_UMASK, $GL_WILDREPOS, $GL_PACKAGE_CONF, $GL_PACKAGE_HOOKS, $REPO_BASE, $GL_CONF_COMPILED, $GL_BIG_CONFIG); our %repos; our %groups; our $data_version; our $current_data_version = '1.5'; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # convenience subs # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub wrap_chdir { chdir($_[0]) or die "$ABRT chdir $_[0] failed: $! at ", (caller)[1], " line ", (caller)[2], "\n"; } sub wrap_open { open (my $fh, $_[0], $_[1]) or die "$ABRT open $_[1] failed: $! at ", (caller)[1], " line ", (caller)[2], "\n" . ( $_[2] || '' ); # suffix custom error message if given return $fh; } sub dbg { for my $i (@_) { print STDERR "DBG: $i\n"; } } sub log_it { my ($ip, $logmsg); open my $log_fh, ">>", $ENV{GL_LOG} or die "open log failed: $!\n"; # first space sep field is client ip, per "man ssh" ($ip = $ENV{SSH_CONNECTION}) =~ s/ .*//; # the first part of logmsg is the actual command used; it's either passed # in via arg1, or picked up from SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND $logmsg = $_[0] || $ENV{SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND}; shift; # the rest of it upto the caller; we just dump it into the logfile $logmsg .= "\t@_" if @_; print $log_fh "$ENV{GL_TS}\t$ENV{GL_USER}\t$ip\t$logmsg\n"; close $log_fh or die "close log failed: $!\n"; } # check one ref sub check_ref { # normally, the $ref will be whatever ref the commit is trying to update # (like refs/heads/master or whatever). At least one of the refexes that # pertain to this user must match this ref **and** the corresponding # permission must also match the action (W or +) being attempted. If none # of them match, the access is denied. # Notice that the function DIES!!! Any future changes that require more # work to be done *after* this, even on failure, can start using return # codes etc., but for now we're happy to just die. my ($allowed_refs, $repo, $ref, $perm) = @_; my @allowed_refs = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @{$allowed_refs}; for my $ar (@allowed_refs) { my $refex = $ar->[1]; # refex? sure -- a regex to match a ref against :) next unless $ref =~ /^$refex/; die "$perm $ref $ENV{GL_USER} DENIED by $refex\n" if $ar->[2] eq '-'; # as far as *this* ref is concerned we're ok return $refex if ($ar->[2] =~ /\Q$perm/); } die "$perm $ref $repo $ENV{GL_USER} DENIED by fallthru\n"; } # ln -sf :-) sub ln_sf { my($srcdir, $glob, $dstdir) = @_; for my $hook ( glob("$srcdir/$glob") ) { $hook =~ s/$srcdir\///; unlink "$dstdir/$hook"; symlink "$srcdir/$hook", "$dstdir/$hook" or die "could not symlink $hook\n"; } } # collect repo patterns for all %repos # for each repo passed (actual repos only please!), use either its own name if # it exists as is in the repos hash, or find and use the pattern that matches sub collect_repo_patts { my $repos_p = shift; my %repo_patts = (); wrap_chdir("$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE_ABS}"); for my $repo (`find . -type d -name "*.git"`) { chomp ($repo); $repo =~ s(\./(.*)\.git$)($1); # if its non-wild that's all you need if ($repos_p->{$repo}) { $repo_patts{$repo} = $repo; } else { # otherwise it gets a wee bit complicated ;-) chomp (my $creator = `cat $repo.git/gl-creater`); for my $key (keys %$repos_p) { my $key2 = $key; # subst $creator in the copy with the creator name $key2 =~ s/\$creator/$creator/g; # match the new key against $repo if ($repo =~ /^$key2$/) { # and if it matched you're done for this $repo $repo_patts{$repo} = $key; last; } } } } return %repo_patts; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # where is the rc file hiding? # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub where_is_rc { # till now, the rc file was in one fixed place: .gitolite.rc in $HOME of # the user hosting the gitolite repos. This was fine, because gitolite is # all about empowering non-root users :-) # then we wanted to make a debian package out of it (thank you, Rhonda!) # which means (a) it's going to be installed by root anyway and (b) any # config files have to be in /etc/ # the only way to resolve this in a backward compat way is to look for the # $HOME one, and if you don't find it look for the /etc one # this common routine does that, setting an env var for the first one it # finds return if $ENV{GL_RC}; for my $glrc ( $ENV{HOME} . "/.gitolite.rc", "/etc/gitolite/gitolite.rc" ) { if (-f $glrc) { $ENV{GL_RC} = $glrc; return; } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create a new repository # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: this sub will change your cwd; caller beware! sub new_repo { my ($repo, $hooks_dir, $creator) = @_; umask($REPO_UMASK); die "wildrepos disabled, can't set creator $creator on new repo $repo\n" if $creator and not $GL_WILDREPOS; system("mkdir", "-p", "$repo.git") and die "$ABRT mkdir $repo.git failed: $!\n"; # erm, note that's "and die" not "or die" as is normal in perl wrap_chdir("$repo.git"); system("git --bare init >&2"); if ($creator) { system("echo $creator > gl-creater"); system("git", "config", "gitweb.owner", $creator); } # propagate our own, plus any local admin-defined, hooks ln_sf($hooks_dir, "*", "hooks"); # in case of package install, GL_ADMINDIR is no longer the top cop; # override with the package hooks ln_sf("$GL_PACKAGE_HOOKS/common", "*", "hooks") if $GL_PACKAGE_HOOKS; chmod 0755, "hooks/update"; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # metaphysics (like, "is there a god?", "who created me?", etc) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "who created this repo", "am I on the R list", and "am I on the RW list"? sub wild_repo_rights { my ($repo, $user) = @_; # creator my $c = ''; if ( -f "$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE_ABS}/$repo.git/gl-creater") { my $fh = wrap_open("<", "$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE_ABS}/$repo.git/gl-creater"); chomp($c = <$fh>); } # $user's R and W rights my ($r, $w); $r = ''; $w = ''; if ($user and -f "$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE_ABS}/$repo.git/gl-perms") { my $fh = wrap_open("<", "$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE_ABS}/$repo.git/gl-perms"); my $perms = join ("", <$fh>); if ($perms) { $r = $user if $perms =~ /^\s*R(?=\s).*\s(\@all|$user)(\s|$)/m; $w = $user if $perms =~ /^\s*RW(?=\s).*\s(\@all|$user)(\s|$)/m; } } return ($c, $r, $w); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # getperms and setperms # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_set_perms { my($repo, $verb, $user) = @_; my ($creator, $dummy, $dummy2) = &wild_repo_rights($repo, ""); die "$repo doesnt exist or is not yours\n" unless $user eq $creator; wrap_chdir("$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE_ABS}"); wrap_chdir("$repo.git"); if ($verb eq 'getperms') { system("cat", "gl-perms") if -f "gl-perms"; } else { system("cat > gl-perms"); print "New perms are:\n"; system("cat", "gl-perms"); } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # getdesc and setdesc # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_set_desc { my($repo, $verb, $user) = @_; my ($creator, $dummy, $dummy2) = &wild_repo_rights($repo, ""); die "$repo doesnt exist or is not yours\n" unless $user eq $creator; wrap_chdir("$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE_ABS}"); wrap_chdir("$repo.git"); if ($verb eq 'getdesc') { system("cat", "description") if -f "description"; } else { system("cat > description"); print "New description is:\n"; system("cat", "description"); } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IMPORTANT NOTE: next 3 subs (setup_*) assume $PWD is the bare repo itself # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set/unset repo configs # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub setup_repo_configs { my ($repo, $repo_patt, $repo_config_p) = @_; while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%{ $repo_config_p->{$repo_patt} }) ) { if ($value) { $value =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/; system("git", "config", $key, $value); } else { system("git", "config", "--unset-all", $key); } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set/unset daemon access # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $export_ok = "git-daemon-export-ok"; sub setup_daemon_access { my ($repo, $allowed) = @_; if ($allowed) { system("touch $export_ok"); } else { unlink($export_ok); } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set/unset gitweb access # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $desc_file = "description"; sub setup_gitweb_access # this also sets "owner" for gitweb, by the way { my ($repo, $allowed, $desc, $owner) = @_; if ($allowed) { if ($desc) { open(DESC, ">", $desc_file); print DESC $desc . "\n"; close DESC; } if ($owner) { # set the repository owner system("git", "config", "gitweb.owner", $owner); } else { # remove the repository owner setting system("git config --unset-all gitweb.owner 2>/dev/null"); } } else { unlink $desc_file; system("git config --unset-all gitweb.owner 2>/dev/null"); } # if there are no gitweb.* keys set, remove the section to keep the config file clean my $keys = `git config --get-regexp '^gitweb\\.' 2>/dev/null`; if (length($keys) == 0) { system("git config --remove-section gitweb 2>/dev/null"); } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # parse the compiled acl # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parse_acl { # IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: a wee bit of this is duplicated in the update hook; # please update that also if the interface or the env vars change my ($GL_CONF_COMPILED, $repo, $c, $r, $w) = @_; $c = $r = $w = "NOBODY" unless $GL_WILDREPOS; # set up the variables for a parse to interpolate stuff from the dumped # hash (remember the selective conversion of single to double quotes?). # if they're not passed in, then we look for an env var of that name, else # we default to "NOBODY" (we hope there isn't a real user called NOBODY!) # And in any case, we set those env vars so level 2 can redo the last # parse without any special code our $creator = $ENV{GL_CREATOR} = $c || $ENV{GL_CREATOR} || "NOBODY"; our $readers = $ENV{GL_READERS} = $r || $ENV{GL_READERS} || "NOBODY"; our $writers = $ENV{GL_WRITERS} = $w || $ENV{GL_WRITERS} || "NOBODY"; our $gl_user = $ENV{GL_USER}; die "parse $GL_CONF_COMPILED failed: " . ($! or $@) unless do $GL_CONF_COMPILED; unless (defined($data_version) and $data_version eq $current_data_version) { # this cannot happen for 'easy-install' cases, by the way... print STDERR "(INTERNAL: $data_version -> $current_data_version; running gl-setup)\n"; system("$ENV{SHELL} -l gl-setup >&2"); die "parse $GL_CONF_COMPILED failed: " . ($! or $@) unless do $GL_CONF_COMPILED; } # basic access reporting doesn't send $repo, and doesn't need to; you just # want the config dumped as is, really return unless $repo; my ($wild, @repo_plus, @user_plus); # expand $repo and $gl_user into all possible matching values ($wild, @repo_plus) = &get_memberships($repo, 1); ( @user_plus) = &get_memberships($gl_user, 0); # XXX testing notes: the above should return just one entry during # non-BC usage, whether wild or not die "assert 1 failed" if (@repo_plus > 1 and $repo_plus[-1] ne '@all' or @repo_plus > 2) and not $GL_BIG_CONFIG; # the old "convenience copy" thing. Now on steroids :) # note that when copying the @all entry, we retain the destination name as # @all; we dont change it to $repo or $gl_user for my $r ('@all', @repo_plus) { my $dr = $repo; $dr = '@all' if $r eq '@all'; $repos{$dr}{DELETE_IS_D} = 1 if $repos{$r}{DELETE_IS_D}; $repos{$dr}{CREATE_IS_C} = 1 if $repos{$r}{CREATE_IS_C}; $repos{$dr}{NAME_LIMITS} = 1 if $repos{$r}{NAME_LIMITS}; for my $u ('@all', "$gl_user - wild", @user_plus) { my $du = $gl_user; $du = '@all' if $u eq '@all'; $repos{$dr}{C}{$du} = 1 if $repos{$r}{C}{$u}; $repos{$dr}{R}{$du} = 1 if $repos{$r}{R}{$u}; $repos{$dr}{W}{$du} = 1 if $repos{$r}{W}{$u}; next if $r eq $dr and $u eq $du; # no point duplicating those refexes push @{ $repos{$dr}{$du} }, @{ $repos{$r}{$u} } if exists $repos{$r}{$u} and ref($repos{$r}{$u}) eq 'ARRAY'; } } $ENV{GL_REPOPATT} = ""; $ENV{GL_REPOPATT} = $wild if $wild and $GL_WILDREPOS; return ($wild); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print a report of $user's basic permissions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub report_version { my($GL_ADMINDIR, $user) = @_; print "hello $user, the gitolite version here is "; system("cat", ($GL_PACKAGE_CONF || "$GL_ADMINDIR/conf") . "/VERSION"); } # basic means wildcards will be shown as wildcards; this is pretty much what # got parsed by the compile script sub report_basic { my($GL_ADMINDIR, $GL_CONF_COMPILED, $repo, $user) = @_; # XXX The correct way is actually to give parse_acl another argument # (defaulting to $ENV{GL_USER}, the value being used now). But for now # this will do, even though it's a bit of a kludge to get the basic access # rights for some other user this way local $ENV{GL_USER} = $user; &parse_acl($GL_CONF_COMPILED, "", "CREATOR", "READERS", "WRITERS"); # send back some useful info if no command was given &report_version($GL_ADMINDIR, $user); print "\rthe gitolite config gives you the following access:\r\n"; my $count = 0; for my $r (sort keys %repos) { next unless $r =~ /$repo/i; # if $GL_BIG_CONFIG is on, limit the number of output lines to 5 next if $GL_BIG_CONFIG and $count++ >= 5; if ($r =~ $REPONAME_PATT and $r !~ /\bCREAT[EO]R\b/) { &parse_acl($GL_CONF_COMPILED, $r, "NOBODY", "NOBODY", "NOBODY"); } else { $r =~ s/\bCREAT[EO]R\b/$user/g; &parse_acl($GL_CONF_COMPILED, $r, $ENV{GL_USER}, "NOBODY", "NOBODY"); } # @all repos; meaning of read/write flags: # @R => @all users are allowed access to this repo # #R => you're a super user and can see @all repos # R => normal access my $perm .= ( $repos{$r}{C}{'@all'} ? ' @C' : ( $repos{$r}{C}{$user} ? ' C' : ' ' ) ); $perm .= ( $repos{$r}{R}{'@all'} ? ' @R' : ( $repos{'@all'}{R}{$user} ? ' #R' : ( $repos{$r}{R}{$user} ? ' R' : ' ' ))); $perm .= ( $repos{$r}{W}{'@all'} ? ' @W' : ( $repos{'@all'}{W}{$user} ? ' #W' : ( $repos{$r}{W}{$user} ? ' W' : ' ' ))); print "$perm\t$r\r\n" if $perm =~ /\S/; } print "only 5 out of $count candidate repos examined\r\nplease use a partial reponame or regex pattern to limit output\r\n" if $GL_BIG_CONFIG and $count > 5; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print a report of $user's basic permissions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub expand_wild { my($GL_ADMINDIR, $GL_CONF_COMPILED, $repo, $user) = @_; &report_version($GL_ADMINDIR, $user); print "\ryou have access to the following repos on the server:\r\n"; # this is for convenience; he can copy-paste the output of the basic # access report instead of having to manually change CREATOR to his name $repo =~ s/\bCREAT[EO]R\b/$user/g; # display matching repos (from *all* the repos in the system) that $user # has at least "R" access to chdir("$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE_ABS}") or die "chdir $ENV{GL_REPO_BASE_ABS} failed: $!\n"; my $count = 0; for my $actual_repo (`find . -type d -name "*.git"|sort`) { chomp ($actual_repo); $actual_repo =~ s/^\.\///; $actual_repo =~ s/\.git$//; # actual_repo has to match the pattern being expanded next unless $actual_repo =~ /$repo/i; next if $GL_BIG_CONFIG and $count++ >= 5; my($perm, $creator, $wild) = &repo_rights($actual_repo); next unless $perm =~ /\S/; print "$perm\t$creator\t$actual_repo\n"; } print "only 5 out of $count candidate repos examined\nplease use a partial reponame or regex pattern to limit output\n" if $GL_BIG_CONFIG and $count > 5; } # there will be multiple calls to repo_rights; better to use a closure. We # might even be called from outside (see the admin-defined-commands docs for # how/why). Regardless of how we're called, we assume $ENV{GL_USER} is # already defined { my $last_repo = ''; sub repo_rights { my $repo = shift; $repo =~ s/^\.\///; $repo =~ s/\.git$//; return if $last_repo eq $repo; # a wee bit o' caching, though not yet needed # we get passed an actual repo name. It may be a normal # (non-wildcard) repo, in which case it is assumed to exist. If it's # a wildrepo, it may or may not exist. If it doesn't exist, the "C" # perms are also filled in, else that column is left blank unless ($REPO_BASE) { # means we've been called from outside; see doc/admin-defined-commands.mkd &where_is_rc(); die "parse $ENV{GL_RC} failed: " . ($! or $@) unless do $ENV{GL_RC}; } my $perm = ' '; my $creator; # get basic info about the repo and fill %repos my $wild = ''; my $exists = -d "$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE_ABS}/$repo.git"; if ($exists) { # these will be empty if it's not a wildcard repo anyway my ($read, $write); ($creator, $read, $write) = &wild_repo_rights($repo, $ENV{GL_USER}); # get access list with these substitutions $wild = &parse_acl($GL_CONF_COMPILED, $repo, $creator || "NOBODY", $read || "NOBODY", $write || "NOBODY"); } else { $wild = &parse_acl($GL_CONF_COMPILED, $repo, $ENV{GL_USER}, "NOBODY", "NOBODY"); } if ($exists and not $wild) { $creator = ''; } elsif ($exists) { # is a wildrepo, and it has already been created $creator = "($creator)"; } else { # repo didn't exist; C perms need to be filled in $perm = ( $repos{$repo}{C}{'@all'} ? ' @C' : ( $repos{$repo}{C}{$ENV{GL_USER}} ? ' =C' : ' ' )) if $GL_WILDREPOS; # if you didn't have perms to create it, delete the "convenience" # copy of the ACL that parse_acl makes delete $repos{$repo} if $perm !~ /C/ and $wild; $creator = ""; } $perm .= ( $repos{$repo}{R}{'@all'} ? ' @R' : ( $repos{'@all'}{R}{$ENV{GL_USER}} ? ' #R' : ( $repos{$repo}{R}{$ENV{GL_USER}} ? ' R' : ' ' ))); $perm .= ( $repos{$repo}{W}{'@all'} ? ' @W' : ( $repos{'@all'}{W}{$ENV{GL_USER}} ? ' #W' : ( $repos{$repo}{W}{$ENV{GL_USER}} ? ' W' : ' ' ))); # set up for caching %repos $last_repo = $repo; return($perm, $creator, $wild); } } # helper/convenience routine to get rights and ownership from a shell command sub cli_repo_rights { my ($perm, $creator, $wild) = &repo_rights($_[0]); $perm =~ s/ /_/g; $creator =~ s/^\(|\)$//g; print "$perm $creator\n"; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # setup the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub setup_authkeys { # ARGUMENTS my($bindir, $GL_KEYDIR, $user_list_p) = @_; # calling from outside the normal compile script may mean that argument 2 # may not be passed; so make sure it's a valid hashref, even if empty $user_list_p = {} unless $user_list_p; # CONSTANTS # command and options for authorized_keys my $AUTH_COMMAND="$bindir/gl-auth-command"; my $AUTH_OPTIONS="no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty"; # START my $authkeys_fh = wrap_open( "<", $ENV{HOME} . "/.ssh/authorized_keys", "\tFor security reasons, gitolite will not *create* this file if it does\n" . "\tnot already exist. Please see the \"admin\" document for details\n"); my $newkeys_fh = wrap_open( ">", $ENV{HOME} . "/.ssh/new_authkeys" ); # save existing authkeys minus the GL-added stuff while (<$authkeys_fh>) { print $newkeys_fh $_ unless (/^# gito(sis-)?lite start/../^# gito(sis-)?lite end/); } # add our "start" line, each key on its own line (prefixed by command and # options, in the standard ssh authorized_keys format), then the "end" line. print $newkeys_fh "# gitolite start\n"; wrap_chdir($GL_KEYDIR); my @not_in_config; # pubkeys exist but users don't appear in the config file for my $pubkey (`find . -type f`) { chomp($pubkey); $pubkey =~ s(^\./)(); # security check (thanks to divVerent for catching this) unless ($pubkey =~ $REPONAME_PATT) { print STDERR "$pubkey contains some unsavoury characters; ignored...\n"; next; } # lint check 1 unless ($pubkey =~ /\.pub$/) { print STDERR "WARNING: pubkey files should end with \".pub\", ignoring $pubkey\n"; next; } my $user = $pubkey; $user =~ s(.*/)(); # foo/bar/ -> $user =~ s/(\@[^.]+)?\.pub$//; #, -> baz # lint check 2 -- don't print right now; just collect the messages push @not_in_config, "$user($pubkey)" if %$user_list_p and not $user_list_p->{$user}; $user_list_p->{$user} = 'has pubkey' if %$user_list_p; # apparently some pubkeys don't end in a newline... my $pubkey_content; { local $/ = undef; local @ARGV = ($pubkey); $pubkey_content = <>; } $pubkey_content =~ s/\s*$/\n/; # don't trust files with multiple lines (i.e., something after a newline) if ($pubkey_content =~ /\n./) { print STDERR "WARNING: a pubkey file can only have one line (key); ignoring $pubkey\n" . " If you want to add multiple public keys for a single user, use\n" . " \"user\\" file names. See the \"one user, many keys\"\n" . " section in doc/3-faq-tips-etc.mkd for details.\n"; next; } print $newkeys_fh "command=\"$AUTH_COMMAND $user\",$AUTH_OPTIONS "; print $newkeys_fh $pubkey_content; } # lint check 2 -- print less noisily if (@not_in_config > 10) { print STDERR "$WARN You have " . scalar(@not_in_config) . " pubkeys that do not appear to be used in the config\n"; } elsif (@not_in_config) { print STDERR "$WARN the following users (pubkey files in parens) do not appear in the config file:\n", join(",", sort @not_in_config), "\n"; } # lint check 3; a little more severe than the first two I guess... { my @no_pubkey = grep { $_ !~ /^(gitweb|daemon|\@.*|~\$creator|\$readers|\$writers)$/ } grep { $user_list_p->{$_} ne 'has pubkey' } keys %{$user_list_p}; if (@no_pubkey > 10) { print STDERR "$WARN You have " . scalar(@no_pubkey) . " users WITHOUT pubkeys...!\n"; } elsif (@no_pubkey) { print STDERR "$WARN the following users have no pubkeys:\n", join(",", sort @no_pubkey), "\n"; } } print $newkeys_fh "# gitolite end\n"; close $newkeys_fh or die "$ABRT close newkeys failed: $!\n"; # all done; overwrite the file (use cat to avoid perm changes) system("cat $ENV{HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys > $ENV{HOME}/.ssh/old_authkeys"); system("cat $ENV{HOME}/.ssh/new_authkeys > $ENV{HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys") and die "couldn't write authkeys file\n"; system("rm $ENV{HOME}/.ssh/new_authkeys"); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # S P E C I A L C O M M A N D S # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub special_cmd { my ($GL_ADMINDIR, $GL_CONF_COMPILED, $shell_allowed, $RSYNC_BASE, $HTPASSWD_FILE, $SVNSERVE) = @_; my $cmd = $ENV{SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND}; my $user = $ENV{GL_USER}; # check each special command we know about and call it if enabled if ($cmd eq 'info') { &report_basic($GL_ADMINDIR, $GL_CONF_COMPILED, '^', $user); print "you also have shell access\r\n" if $shell_allowed; } elsif ($cmd =~ /^info\s+(.+)$/) { my @otherusers = split ' ', $1; # the first argument is assumed to be a repo pattern, like in the # expand command my $repo = shift(@otherusers); die "$repo has invalid characters" unless "x$repo" =~ $REPOPATT_PATT; print STDERR "(treating $repo as pattern to limit output)\n"; # set up the list of users being queried; it's either a list passed in # (allowed only for admin pushers) or just $user if (@otherusers) { my($perm, $creator, $wild) = &repo_rights('gitolite-admin'); die "you can't ask for others' permissions\n" unless $perm =~ /W/; } push @otherusers, $user unless @otherusers; &parse_acl($GL_CONF_COMPILED); for my $otheruser (@otherusers) { warn("ignoring illegal username $otheruser\n"), next unless $otheruser =~ $USERNAME_PATT; &report_basic($GL_ADMINDIR, $GL_CONF_COMPILED, $repo, $otheruser); } } elsif ($HTPASSWD_FILE and $cmd eq 'htpasswd') { &ext_cmd_htpasswd($HTPASSWD_FILE); } elsif ($RSYNC_BASE and $cmd =~ /^rsync /) { &ext_cmd_rsync($GL_CONF_COMPILED, $RSYNC_BASE, $cmd); } elsif ($SVNSERVE and $cmd eq 'svnserve -t') { &ext_cmd_svnserve($SVNSERVE); } else { # if the user is allowed a shell, just run the command &log_it(); exec $ENV{SHELL}, "-c", $cmd if $shell_allowed; die "bad command: $cmd\n"; } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get memberships # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # given a plain reponame or username, return: # - the name itself, plus all the groups it belongs to if $GL_BIG_CONFIG is # set # OR # - (for repos) if the name itself doesn't exist in the config, a wildcard # matching it, plus all the groups that wildcard belongs to (again if # $GL_BIG_CONFIG is set) # A name can normally appear (repo example) (user example) # - directly (repo foo) (RW = bar) # - (only for repos) as a direct wildcard (repo foo/.*) # but if $GL_BIG_CONFIG is set, it can also appear: # - indirectly (@g = foo; repo @g) (@ug = bar; RW = @ug)) # - (only for repos) as an indirect wildcard (@g = foo/.*; repo @g). # things that may not be obvious from the above: # - the wildcard stuff does not apply to username memberships # - for repos, wildcard appearances are TOTALLY ignored if a non-wild # appearance (direct or indirect) exists sub get_memberships { my $base = shift; # reponame or username my $is_repo = shift; # some true value means a repo name has been passed my $wild = ''; my (@ret, @ret_w); # maintain wild matches separately from non-wild # direct push @ret, $base if not $is_repo or exists $repos{$base}; if ($is_repo and $GL_WILDREPOS and not @ret) { for my $i (sort keys %repos) { if ($base =~ /^$i$/) { die "$ABRT $base matches $wild AND $i\n" if $wild and $wild ne $i; $wild = $i; # direct wildcard push @ret_w, $i; } } } if ($GL_BIG_CONFIG) { for my $g (sort keys %groups) { for my $i (sort keys %{ $groups{$g} }) { if ($base eq $i) { # indirect push @ret, $g; } elsif ($is_repo and $GL_WILDREPOS and not @ret and $base =~ /^$i$/) { die "$ABRT $base matches $wild AND $i\n" if $wild and $wild ne $i; $wild = $i; # indirect wildcard push @ret_w, $g; } } } } # deal with returning user info first unless ($is_repo) { # add in group membership info sent in via second and subsequent # arguments to gl-auth-command; be sure to prefix the "@" sign to each # of them! push @ret, map { s/^/@/; $_; } split(' ', $ENV{GL_GROUP_LIST}) if $ENV{GL_GROUP_LIST}; return (@ret); } # enforce the rule about ignoring all wildcard matches if a non-wild match # exists while returning. (The @ret gating above does not adequately # ensure this, it is only an optimisation). # # Also note that there is an extra return value when called for repos # (compared to usernames) return ((@ret ? '' : $wild), (@ret ? @ret : @ret_w)); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # generic check access routine # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_access { my ($GL_CONF_COMPILED, $repo, $path, $perm) = @_; my $ref = "NAME/$path"; &parse_acl($GL_CONF_COMPILED); # until I do some major refactoring (which will bloat the update hook a # bit, sadly), this code duplicates stuff in the current update hook. my @allowed_refs; # user+repo specific perms override everything else, so they come first. # Then perms given to specific user for @all repos, and finally perms # given to @all users for specific repo push @allowed_refs, @ { $repos{$repo}{$ENV{GL_USER}} || [] }; push @allowed_refs, @ { $repos{'@all'}{$ENV{GL_USER}} || [] }; push @allowed_refs, @ { $repos{$repo}{'@all'} || [] }; &check_ref(\@allowed_refs, $repo, $ref, $perm); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # external command helper: rsync # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ext_cmd_rsync { my ($GL_CONF_COMPILED, $RSYNC_BASE, $cmd) = @_; # test the command patterns; reject if they don't fit. Rsync sends # commands that looks like one of these to the server (the first one is # for a read, the second for a write) # rsync --server --sender -some.flags . some/path # rsync --server -some.flags . some/path die "bad rsync command: $cmd" unless $cmd =~ /^rsync --server( --sender)? -[\w.]+(?: --(?:delete|partial))* \. (\S+)$/; my $perm = "W"; $perm = "R" if $1; my $path = $2; die "I dont like some of the characters in $path\n" unless $path =~ $REPOPATT_PATT; # XXX make a better pattern for this if people complain ;-) die "I dont like absolute paths in $cmd\n" if $path =~ /^\//; die "I dont like '..' paths in $cmd\n" if $path =~ /\.\./; # ok now check if we're permitted to execute a $perm action on $path # (taken as a refex) using rsync. &check_access($GL_CONF_COMPILED, 'EXTCMD/rsync', $path, $perm); # that should "die" if there's a problem wrap_chdir($RSYNC_BASE); &log_it(); exec $ENV{SHELL}, "-c", $ENV{SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND}; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # external command helper: htpasswd # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ext_cmd_htpasswd { my $HTPASSWD_FILE = shift; die "$HTPASSWD_FILE doesn't exist or is not writable\n" unless -w $HTPASSWD_FILE; $|++; print <; $password =~ s/[\n\r]*$//; die "empty passwords are not allowed\n" unless $password; my $rc = system("htpasswd", "-b", $HTPASSWD_FILE, $ENV{GL_USER}, $password); die "htpasswd command seems to have failed with $rc return code...\n" if $rc; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # external command helper: svnserve # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ext_cmd_svnserve { my $SVNSERVE = shift; $SVNSERVE =~ s/%u/$ENV{GL_USER}/g; exec $SVNSERVE; die "svnserve exec failed\n"; } 1;