# assorted faqs, tips, and notes on gitolite In this document: * common errors and mistakes * other errors, warnings, notes... * differences from gitosis * two levels of access rights checking * error checking the config file * one user, many keys * who am I? * cool ideas I want feedback on * developer specific branches ### common errors and mistakes * forgetting to suffix `.git` to the end of the reponame in the `git clone`. This suffix is *not* used in the gitolite config file for the sake of clarity and cleaner syntax, but don't let that fool you. It's a convention in the git world that **bare repos** end with `.git`. * adding `repositories/` at the start of the repo name in the `git clone`. This error is typically made by the *admin* himself -- because he knows what `$REPO_BASE` is set to and thinks he has to provide that prefix on the client side also :-) In fact gitolite prepends `$REPO_BASE` when it is required anyway, so you shouldn't do the same thing! ### other errors, warnings, notes... * cloning an empty repo is only possible with clients greater than 1.6.2. So at least one of your clients needs to have a recent git. Once at least one commit has been made, older clients can also use it. * when you clone an empty repo, git seems to complain about the remote hanging up or something. I have no idea what that is, but it doesn't seem to hurt anything. This happens even in normal git, not just gitolite. [Update 2009-09-14; this has been fixed in git] * once in a while, if you're feeling particularly BOFH-ish, take a look at `$GL_ADMINDIR/log` :-) * if you specify a repo that is not at the top level `$REPO_BASE`, be sure to manually create the intermediate directories first. For instance if you specify a new repo called "a/b/c" to the config file and "compile", the "compile" script will just `mkdir a/b/c.git`, assuming "a/b" has already been created * if you run `git init` inside `$GL_ADMINDIR` (that is, make it a normal, non-bare, repo), then, everytime you "compile" (run `src/gl-compile-conf`), any changes to `conf` and `keydir` will automatically be committed. This is a simple safety net in case you accidentally delete the whole config or something. Also see [4-push-to-admin.mkd](http://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite/blob/pu/doc/4-push-to-admin.mkd) if you really know what you're doing and want "push to admin". ### differences from gitosis Apart from the big ones listed in the top level README, and subjective ones like "better config file format", there are some small, but significant and concrete, differences from gitosis. #### two levels of access rights checking Gitolite has two levels of access checks. The **first check** is what I will call the **pre-git** level (this is the only check that gitosis has). At this stage, the `gl-auth-command` has been invoked by `sshd`, and it knows just three things: * who, * what repository, and * what type of access (R or W) Note that at this point no git program has entered the picture, and we have no way of knowing what **ref** (branch, tag, etc) he is trying to update, even if it is a "write" operation. For a "read" operation to pass this check, the username (or `@all`) must be mentioned on some line in the config for this repo. For a "write" operation, there is an additional restriction: lines specifying only `R` (read access) don't count. *The user must have write access to **some** ref in the repo in order to pass this stage!* The **second check** is via a git `update hook`. This check only happens for write operations. By this time we know what "ref" he is trying to update, as well as the old and the new SHAs of that ref (by which we can also deduce whether it's a fast forward or not). This is where the "per-branch" permissions come into play. #### error checking the config file gitosis does not do any. I just found out that if you mis-spell `members` as `member`, gitosis will silently ignore it, and leave you wondering why access was denied. In gitolite, you have to "compile" the config file first (this step takes the place of the commit+push in gitosis), and keyword typos *are* caught so you know right away. #### built-in logging ...just in case of emergency :-) Let's say you gave a dev the right to rewind a branch and he went and rewound it all the way, or pushed something drastically different on it. Now you need to recover the commit that got wiped out. If you'd remembered to `git config core.logAllRefUpdates` for that repo, or globally, you'd be fine -- the reflog will tell you. Otherwise you'd be left grubbing around in `git fsck --unreachable` a bit :-( And even if you recover the correct commit, you'll never know *who* did it -- not unless you add a one-line patch to gitosis, plus a `post-receive` hook to every repository. With gitolite, there's a log file in `$GL_ADMINDIR` that contains lines like this [I have abbreviated the SHAs for brevity in this document; the actual log file will have all 40 characters]: +: username reponame refs/heads/branchname d0188d1 c5c00b6 The "+" at the start indicates a non-fast forward update, in this case from d0188d1 to c5c00b6 So d0188d1 is the one to restore! Can it get easier? #### one user, many keys I have a laptop and a desktop I need to access the server from. I have different private keys on them, but as far as gitolite is concerned both of them should be treated as "sitaram". How does this work? In gitosis, the admin creates a single "sitaram.pub" containing one line for each of my pubkeys. In gitolite, we keep them separate: "sitaram@laptop.pub" and "sitaram@desktop.pub". The part before the "@" is the username, so gitolite knows these two keys belong to the same person. I think this is easier to maintain if you have to delete or change one of those keys. #### who am I? As a developer, I send a file called `id_rsa.pub` to the gitolite admin. He would rename it to "sitaram.pub" and put it in the key directory. Then he'd add "sitaram" to the config file for the repos which I have access to. But he could have called me "foobar" instead of "sitaram" -- as long as he uses it consistently, it'll all work the same and look the same to me, because the public key is all that matters. So do I have no reason to know what the admin named me? Well -- maybe (see next section for one possible use). Anyway how do I find out? In gitolite, it's simple: just ask nicely :-) $ ssh git@my.gitolite.server PTY allocation request failed on channel 0 no SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND? I'm not a shell, sitaram! ### cool ideas #### developer specific branches So I know what gitolite calls me. Big deal... who cares? Here is an idea: give every developer a personal "scratch" namespace within which she can create, rewind, or delete any branch. For example, I would own anything under $PERSONAL_BRANCH_PREFIX/sitaram/ The admin could set `$PERSONAL_BRANCH_PREFIX` in the rc file and communicate this to all users. It could be something like `refs/heads/personal`, which means all such branches will show up in `git branch` lookups and `git clone` will fetch them. Or he could use, say, `refs/personal`, which means it won't show up in any normal "branch-y" commands and stuff, and generally be much less noisy. Yes, I know git is all about allowing private branches, but in a corporate environment it's not always possible to pull from a co-worker, for the same reasons you don't have anonymous access (like the git:// protocol). A normal developer workstation cannot do authentication, so how would they know who's pulling? This is a perfect way to share code *without* cluttering the global namespace, and each developer controls his/her own set of branches! The amount of code needed? *One line!* I'll spend about 3x more on declaring and initialising the new variable, and 30x more on documenting it :-) **Note that a user who has NO write access cannot have personal branches**; if you read the section (above) on "two levels of access rights checking" you'll understand why. For instance, in the following example, `user3` cannot push to any `refs/heads/personal/user3/*` branches because the first level check stops him cold: # assume $PERSONAL = 'refs/heads/personal' in ~/.gitolite.rc repo myrepo RW+ master = sitaram RW+ release = qa_guy RW = user1 user2 R = user3 If we relax that check, *any* access becomes *write* access. Yes it will be caught later, by the hook, but it's good practice to catch things in multiple places. If you want `user3` to have his own personal branch, but without write access to any of the "real" branches (like "master", "release", etc.), just use a dummy branch. Choose a name that will never exist in practice, or even if someone creates it, we don't care. For example, this will get him past the first check: RW dummy = user3 Just don't *show* the user this config file; it might sound insulting :-)