# how to setup gitolite to use smart http mode **Note**: "smart http" refers to the feature that came with git 1.6.6, late 2009 or so. The base documentation for this is `man git-http-backend`. Do **NOT** read `Documentation/howto/setup-git-server-over-http.txt` and think that is the same or even relevant -- that is from 2006 and is quite different (and arguably obsolete). ## WARNINGS and important notes * Please read [authentication versus authorisation][auth] first, and make sure you understand what is gitolite's responsibility and what isn't. * I have tested this only on stock Fedora 16; YDMV. ## assumptions: * Apache 2.x and git installed. * Httpd runs under the "apache" userid; adjust instructions below if not. * Similarly for "/var/www" and other file names/locations. ## instructions The detailed instructions I used to have in g2 have now been replaced by a script called `t/smart-http.root-setup`. **Do NOT run this script as is -- it is actually meant for my testing setup and deletes stuff**. However, it does provide an excellent (and working!) narration of what you need to do to install gitolite in smart http mode. Make a copy of the script, go through it carefully, (possibly removing lines that delete files etc.), change values per your system, and only then run it. Note that the `GIT_PROJECT_ROOT` variable (see "man git-http-backend") is no longer optional. Make sure you set it to some place outside apache's `DOCUMENT_ROOT`. ## Making repositories available to both ssh and http mode clients This section has been contributed by Thomas Hager (duke at sigsegv dot at). Assumptions: * Apache 2.x with CGI and Suexec support installed. * Git and Gitolite installed with user "git" and group "git", and pubkey SSH access configured and working. * Git plumbing installed to /usr/libexec/git-core * Gitolite base located at /opt/git * Apache `DOCUMENT_ROOT` set to /var/www * Apache runs with user www and group www Please adjust the instructions below to reflect your setup (users and paths). Edit your .gitolite.rc and add $ENV{GIT_HTTP_BACKEND} = "/usr/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend"; $ENV{PATH} .= ":/opt/git/bin"; at the very top (as described in `t/smart-http.root-setup`). Next, check which document root your Apache's suexec accepts: # suexec -V -D AP_DOC_ROOT="/var/www" -D AP_GID_MIN=100 -D AP_HTTPD_USER="www" -D AP_LOG_EXEC="/var/log/apache/suexec.log" -D AP_SAFE_PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin" -D AP_UID_MIN=100 -D AP_USERDIR_SUFFIX="public_html" We're interested in `AP_DOC_ROOT`, which is set to `/var/www` in our case. Create a `bin` and a `git` directory in `AP_DOC_ROOT`: install -d -m 0755 -o git -g git /var/www/bin install -d -m 0755 -o www -g www /var/www/git `/var/www/git` is just a dummy directory used as Apache's document root (see below). Next, create a shell script inside `/var/www/bin` named `gitolite-suexec-wrapper.sh`, with mode **0700** and owned by user and group **git**. Add the following content: #!/bin/bash # # Suexec wrapper for gitolite-shell # export GIT_PROJECT_ROOT="/opt/git/repositories" export GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME="/opt/git" exec ${GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME}/gitolite-source/src/gitolite-shell Edit your Apache's config to add http pull/push support, preferably in a dedicated `VirtualHost` section: ServerName git.example.com ServerAlias git ServerAdmin you@example.com DocumentRoot /var/www/git Options None AllowOverride none Order allow,deny Allow from all SuexecUserGroup git git ScriptAlias /git/ /var/www/bin/gitolite-suexec-wrapper.sh/ ScriptAlias /gitmob/ /var/www/bin/gitolite-suexec-wrapper.sh/ AuthType Basic AuthName "Git Access" Require valid-user AuthUserFile /etc/apache/git.passwd This Apache config is just an example, you probably should adapt the authentication section and use https instead of http! Finally, add an `R = daemon` access rule to all repositories you want to make available via http. ## usage ### client side Git URLs look like `http://user:password@server/git/reponame.git`. The custom commands, like "info", "expand" should be handled as follows. The command name will come just after the `/git/`, followed by a `?`, followed by the arguments, with `+` representing a space. Here are some examples: # ssh git@server info curl http://user:password@server/git/info # ssh git@server info repopatt curl http://user:password@server/git/info?repopatt # ssh git@server info repopatt user1 user2 curl http://user:password@server/git/info?repopatt+user1+user2 With a few nice shell aliases, you won't even notice the horrible convolutions here ;-) See t/smart-http for a couple of useful ones. ### server side The 'gitolite' command (for example, 'gitolite compile', 'gitolite query-rc', and so on) *can* be run on the server, but it's not straightforward. Assuming you installed exactly as given in this document, you should * get a shell by using, say, `su -s /bin/bash - apache` * run `export HOME=$HOME/gitolite-home` * run `export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin` and *then* you can run `gitolite `