# paths and configuration variables for gitolite # please read comments before editing # this file is meant to be pulled into a perl program using "do" or "require". # You do NOT need to know perl to edit the paths; it should be fairly # self-explanatory # -------------------------------------- # this is where the repos go. If you provide a relative path (not starting # with "/"), it's relative to your $HOME. You may want to put in something # like "/bigdisk" or whatever if your $HOME is too small for the repos, for # example $REPO_BASE="repositories"; # the default umask for repositories is 0077; change this if you run stuff # like gitweb and find it can't read the repos. Please note the syntax; the # leading 0 is required $REPO_UMASK = 0077; # gets you 'rwx------' # $REPO_UMASK = 0027; # gets you 'rwxr-x---' # $REPO_UMASK = 0022; # gets you 'rwxr-xr-x' # part of the setup of gitweb is a variable called $projects_list (please see # gitweb documentation for more on this). Set this to the same value: $PROJECTS_LIST = "/home/git/projects.list"; # -------------------------------------- # I see no reason anyone may want to change the gitolite admin directory, but # feel free to do so. However, please note that it *must* be an *absolute* # path (i.e., starting with a "/" character) # gitolite admin directory, files, etc $GL_ADMINDIR=$ENV{HOME} . "/.gitolite"; # -------------------------------------- # templates for location of the log files and format of their names # I prefer this template (note the %y and %m placeholders) # it produces files like `~/.gitolite/logs/gitolite-2009-09.log` $GL_LOGT="$GL_ADMINDIR/logs/gitolite-%y-%m.log"; # other choices are below, or you can make your own -- but PLEASE MAKE SURE # the directory exists and is writable; gitolite won't do that for you (unless # it is the default, which is "$GL_ADMINDIR/logs") # $GL_LOGT="$GL_ADMINDIR/logs/gitolite-%y-%m-%d.log"; # $GL_LOGT="$GL_ADMINDIR/logs/gitolite-%y.log"; # -------------------------------------- # I see even less reason to change these, since they're all relative to the # gitolite admin directory above, but hey it's *your* system... $GL_CONF="$GL_ADMINDIR/conf/gitolite.conf"; $GL_KEYDIR="$GL_ADMINDIR/keydir"; $GL_CONF_COMPILED="$GL_ADMINDIR/conf/gitolite.conf-compiled.pm"; # -------------------------------------- # personal branch prefix; leave it as is (empty) if you don't want to use the # feature (see the "developer-specific branches" section in the "faq, tips, # etc" document) $PERSONAL=""; # uncomment one of these if you do want it. If you change it, remember it # MUST start with "refs/" # I recommend this: # $PERSONAL="refs/personal"; # if you want something more visible/noisy, use this: # $PERSONAL="refs/heads/personal"; # NOTE: whatever value you choose, for security reasons it is better to make # it fully qualified -- that is, starting with "refs/" # -------------------------------------- # per perl rules, this should be the last line in such a file: 1; # vim: set syn=perl: