#!/bin/sh # get this from your .gitolite.conf; and don't forget this is shell, while # that is perl :-) export GL_ADMINDIR=/home/git/.gitolite # checkout the master branch to $GL_ADMINDIR GIT_WORK_TREE=$GL_ADMINDIR git checkout -f master # collect all the delegated fragments mkdir -p $GL_ADMINDIR/conf/fragments for br in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)') do # skip master (duh!) [[ $br == master ]] && continue # all other branches *should* contain a file called .conf # inside conf/fragments; if so copy it if git show $br:conf/fragments/$br.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 then git show $br:conf/fragments/$br.conf > $GL_ADMINDIR/conf/fragments/$br.conf echo "(extracted $br conf; `wc -l < $GL_ADMINDIR/conf/fragments/$br.conf` lines)" else echo " ***** ERROR *****" echo " branch $br does not contain conf/fragments/$br.conf" fi done cd $GL_ADMINDIR src/gl-compile-conf