#!/usr/bin/perl # let shell scripts query rc values # prints out a tab delimited list of all queried values # just run "gl-query-rc REPO_BASE GL_ADMINDIR" (for example) use strict; no strict 'refs'; use warnings; # find the rc file, then pull the libraries BEGIN { # find and set bin dir; same code as in gl-auth-command $0 =~ m|^(/)?(.*)/| and $ENV{GL_BINDIR} = ($1 || "$ENV{PWD}/") . $2; } use lib $ENV{GL_BINDIR}; require gitolite_rc; gitolite_rc->import; our $GL_RC=$ENV{GL_RC}; our $GL_BINDIR=$ENV{GL_BINDIR}; print join("\t", map { $$_ } grep { $$_ } @ARGV) . "\n" if @ARGV;