#!/usr/bin/perl use Cwd; my $h = $ENV{HOME}; my $rc = "$h/.gitolite.rc"; my %count; intro(); msg( FATAL => "no rc file found; do you even *have* g2 running?" ) if not -f $rc; do $rc; unless ( $return = do $rc ) { msg( FATAL => "couldn't parse $rc: $@" ) if $@; msg( FATAL => "couldn't do $rc: $!" ) unless defined $return; msg( WARNING => "couldn't run $rc" ) unless $return; } print "checking rc file...\n"; rc_basic(); rest_of_rc(); print "\n"; print "checking conf file(s)...\n"; conf(); print "\n"; print "checking repos...\n"; repo(); print "\n"; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub intro { msg( INFO => "This program only checks for uses that make the new g3 completely unusable" ); msg( '' => "or that might end up giving *more* access to someone if migrated as-is." ); msg( '' => "It does NOT attempt to catch all the differences described in the docs." ); msg( '', '' ); msg( INFO => "'see docs' usually means doc/g2migr.mkd"); msg( '', => "(online at http://sitaramc.github.com/gitolite/g3/g2migr.html)" ); msg( '', '' ); } sub rc_basic { msg( FATAL => "GL_ADMINDIR in the wrong place -- aborting; see docs" ) if $GL_ADMINDIR ne "$h/.gitolite"; msg( NOTE => "GL_ADMINDIR is in the right place; assuming you did not mess with" ); msg( '', "GL_CONF, GL_LOGT, GL_KEYDIR, and GL_CONF_COMPILED" ); msg( FATAL => "REPO_BASE in the wrong place -- aborting; see docs" ) if $REPO_BASE ne "$h/repositories" and $REPO_BASE ne "repositories"; # ( abs or rel both ok) } sub rest_of_rc { msg( SEVERE => "GIT_PATH found; see docs" ) if $GIT_PATH; msg( SEVERE => "GL_ALL_INCLUDES_SPECIAL found; see docs" ) if $GL_ALL_INCLUDES_SPECIAL; msg( SEVERE => "GL_GET_MEMBERSHIPS_PGM not yet implemented" ) if $GL_GET_MEMBERSHIPS_PGM; msg( SEVERE => "GL_NO_CREATE_REPOS not yet implemented" ) if $GL_NO_CREATE_REPOS; msg( SEVERE => 'htpasswd, rsync, and svnserve not yet implemented' ) if $HTPASSWD_FILE or $RSYNC_BASE or $SVNSERVE; msg( WARNING => "ADMIN_POST_UPDATE_CHAINS_TO found; see docs" ) if $ADMIN_POST_UPDATE_CHAINS_TO; msg( WARNING => "GL_NO_DAEMON_NO_GITWEB found; see docs" ) if $GL_NO_DAEMON_NO_GITWEB; msg( WARNING => "GL_NO_SETUP_AUTHKEYS found; see docs" ) if $GL_NO_SETUP_AUTHKEYS; msg( WARNING => "UPDATE_CHAINS_TO found; see docs" ) if $UPDATE_CHAINS_TO; msg( WARNING => "GL_ADC_PATH found; many ADCs not yet implemented") if $GL_ADC_PATH; msg( WARNING => "non-default GL_WILDREPOS_PERM_CATS found" ) if $GL_WILDREPOS_PERM_CATS ne 'READERS WRITERS'; } sub conf { chdir($h); chdir($GL_ADMINDIR); my $conf = `find . -name "*.conf" | xargs cat`; msg( "SEVERE", "fallthru in NAME rules; see docs" ) if $conf =~ m(NAME/); msg( "SEVERE", "subconf command in admin repo; see docs" ) if $conf =~ m(NAME/conf/fragments); } sub repo { chdir($h); chdir($REPO_BASE); my @creater = `find . -name gl-creater`; if (@creater) { msg( WARNING => "found " . scalar(@creater) . " gl-creater files; see docs" ); } my @perms = `find . -name gl-perms | xargs egrep -l -w R\\|RW`; if (@perms) { msg( WARNING => "found " . scalar(@perms) . " gl-perms files with R or RW; see docs" ); } } sub msg { my ( $type, $text ) = @_; print "$type" if $type; print "\t$text\n"; exit 1 if $type eq 'FATAL'; $count{$type}++ if $type; }