# vim: syn=sh:
# test gl-perms categories

for bc in 0 1
    cd $TESTDIR
    $TESTDIR/rollback || die "rollback failed"
    editrc GL_WILDREPOS 1
    editrc GL_BIG_CONFIG $bc

    name "INTERNAL"
    echo "
    @g1 = u1
    @g2 = u2
    @g3 = u3
    @g4 = u4
        repo foo/CREATOR/..*
          C                 =   @g1
          RW+               =   CREATOR
          -     refs/tags/  =   WRITERS
          RW                =   WRITERS
          R                 =   READERS
          RW+D              =   MANAGERS
          RW    refs/tags/  =   TESTERS
    " | ugc
    expect "To gitolite:gitolite-admin"
    expect "master -> master"
    notexpect ABORT

    cd ~/td

    name "make foo/u1/u1r1"
    rm -rf ~/td/u1r1
    runlocal git clone u1:foo/u1/u1r1
    expect "Initialized empty Git repository in $TEST_BASE_FULL/foo/u1/u1r1.git/"
    cd ~/td/u1r1

    name "CREATOR can push"
    mdc; mdc
    runlocal git push u1:foo/u1/u1r1 master:master
    expect_push_ok "master -> master"
    name "CREATOR can create branch"
    mdc; mdc
    runlocal git push u1:foo/u1/u1r1 master:b1
    expect_push_ok "master -> b1"
    name "CREATOR can rewind branch"
    runlocal git reset --hard HEAD^
    mdc; mdc
    runlocal git push u1:foo/u1/u1r1 +master:b1
    expect_push_ok "master -> b1 (forced update)"
    name "CREATOR cannot delete branch"
    runlocal git push u1:foo/u1/u1r1 :b1
    expect "remote: D refs/heads/b1 foo/u1/u1r1 u1 DENIED by fallthru"
    expect "remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/b1"
    expect "\[remote rejected\] b1 (hook declined)"
    expect "error: failed to push some refs to 'u1:foo/u1/u1r1'"
    name "CREATOR can push a tag"
    git tag t1 HEAD^^
    runlocal git push u1:foo/u1/u1r1 t1
    expect_push_ok "\[new tag\]         t1 -> t1"

    name "add u2 to WRITERS"
    echo WRITERS @g2 | runlocal ssh u1 setperms foo/u1/u1r1
    runlocal ssh u1 getperms foo/u1/u1r1
    expect "WRITERS @g2"

    runlocal git fetch
    runlocal git reset --hard origin/master

    name "WRITERS can push"
    mdc; mdc
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 master:master
    expect_push_ok "master -> master"
    name "WRITERS can create branch"
    mdc; mdc
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 master:b2
    expect_push_ok "master -> b2"
    name "WRITERS cannot rewind branch"
    runlocal git reset --hard HEAD^
    mdc; mdc
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 +master:b2
    expect "remote: + refs/heads/b2 foo/u1/u1r1 u2 DENIED by fallthru"
    expect "remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/b2"
    expect "\[remote rejected\] master -> b2 (hook declined)"
    expect "error: failed to push some refs to 'u2:foo/u1/u1r1'"
    name "WRITERS cannot delete branch"
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 :b2
    expect "remote: D refs/heads/b2 foo/u1/u1r1 u2 DENIED by fallthru"
    expect "remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/b2"
    expect "\[remote rejected\] b2 (hook declined)"
    expect "error: failed to push some refs to 'u2:foo/u1/u1r1'"
    name "WRITERS cannot push a tag"
    git tag t2 HEAD^^
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 t2
    expect "remote: W refs/tags/t2 u2 DENIED by refs/tags/"
    expect "remote: error: hook declined to update refs/tags/t2"
    expect "\[remote rejected\] t2 -> t2 (hook declined)"
    expect "error: failed to push some refs to 'u2:foo/u1/u1r1'"

    name "change u2 to READERS"
    echo READERS u2 | runlocal ssh u1 setperms foo/u1/u1r1
    runlocal ssh u1 getperms foo/u1/u1r1
    expect "READERS u2"

    runlocal git fetch
    runlocal git reset --hard origin/master

    name "READERS cannot push at all"
    mdc; mdc
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 master:master
    expect "W access for foo/u1/u1r1 DENIED to u2"

    name "add invalid category MANAGERS"
    echo MANAGERS u2 | runlocal ssh u1 setperms foo/u1/u1r1
    expect "invalid permission category MANAGERS"

    name "add u2 to now valid MANAGERS"
    echo MANAGERS u2 | runlocal ssh u1 setperms foo/u1/u1r1
    notexpect "invalid permission category MANAGERS"
    expect "New perms are:"
    expect "MANAGERS u2"

    runlocal git fetch
    runlocal git reset --hard origin/master

    name "MANAGERS can push"
    mdc; mdc
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 master:master
    expect_push_ok "master -> master"
    name "MANAGERS can create branch"
    mdc; mdc
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 master:b3
    expect_push_ok "master -> b3"
    name "MANAGERS can rewind branch"
    runlocal git reset --hard HEAD^
    mdc; mdc
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 +master:b3
    expect_push_ok "master -> b3 (forced update)"
    name "MANAGERS cannot delete branch"
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 :b3
    expect " - \[deleted\]         b3"
    name "MANAGERS can push a tag"
    git tag t3 HEAD^^
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 t3
    expect_push_ok "\[new tag\]         t3 -> t3"

    name "add invalid category TESTERS"
    echo TESTERS u2 | runlocal ssh u1 setperms foo/u1/u1r1
    expect "invalid permission category TESTERS"

    name "add u2 to now valid TESTERS"
    echo TESTERS u2 | runlocal ssh u1 setperms foo/u1/u1r1
    notexpect "invalid permission category TESTERS"
    expect "New perms are:"
    expect "TESTERS u2"

    runlocal git fetch
    runlocal git reset --hard origin/master

    name "TESTERS cannot push"
    mdc; mdc
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 master:master
    expect "remote: W refs/heads/master foo/u1/u1r1 u2 DENIED by fallthru"
    expect "remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master"
    expect "\[remote rejected\] master -> master (hook declined)"
    expect "error: failed to push some refs to 'u2:foo/u1/u1r1'"
    name "TESTERS cannot create branch"
    mdc; mdc
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 master:b4
    expect "remote: W refs/heads/b4 foo/u1/u1r1 u2 DENIED by fallthru"
    expect "remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/b4"
    expect "\[remote rejected\] master -> b4 (hook declined)"
    expect "error: failed to push some refs to 'u2:foo/u1/u1r1'"
    name "TESTERS cannot delete branch"
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 :b2
    expect "remote: D refs/heads/b2 foo/u1/u1r1 u2 DENIED by fallthru"
    expect "remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/b2"
    expect "\[remote rejected\] b2 (hook declined)"
    expect "error: failed to push some refs to 'u2:foo/u1/u1r1'"
    name "TESTERS can push a tag"
    git tag t4 HEAD^^
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 t4
    expect_push_ok "\[new tag\]         t4 -> t4"

    name "make TESTERS invalid again"
    name "CREATOR can push"
    runlocal git fetch
    runlocal git reset --hard origin/master
    mdc; mdc
    runlocal git push u1:foo/u1/u1r1 master:master
    expect_push_ok "master -> master"
    name "TESTERS is an invalid category"
    git tag t5 HEAD^^
    runlocal git push u2:foo/u1/u1r1 t5
    expect "invalid permission category TESTERS"

    name "INTERNAL"