There are 5 files you need to touch/copy example.conf example.gitosis-lite.rc gl-auth-command gl-compile-conf 1. copy `example.gitosis-lite.rc` as `~/.gitosis-lite.rc`. This location is fixed for now (maybe later I'll change it to a "git config" variable). 2. edit `~/.gitosis-lite.rc` and change all the paths however you want. Be sure to keep the perl syntax -- you *don't* have to know perl to do so, it's fairly easy to guess in this limited case. 3. copy `example.conf` to whatever path you specified for `GL_CONF` in the rc file in step 2. By default it is `~/.gitosis-lite/gitosis-lite.conf`. Edit the file as you wish. The comments in the file ought to be clear enough but let me know if not 4. create directories for whatever you named in `GL_KEYDIR` and `REPO_BASE` (default `~/.gitosis-lite/keydir` and `~/repositories`) 5. copy `` to `$GL_ADMINDIR` (default `~/.gitosis-lite`)