# vim: syn=sh: # this is the specific example in commit 32056e0 for bc in 0 1 do cd $TESTDIR $TESTDIR/rollback || die "rollback failed" editrc GL_WILDREPOS 1 editrc GL_BIG_CONFIG $bc name "INTERNAL" echo " @private-owners = u1 u2 @experienced-private-owners = u3 u4 repo CREATOR/.* C = @private-owners @experienced-private-owners RWD = CREATOR RW = WRITERS R = READERS - = @private-owners RW+D = CREATOR " | ugc name "nothing set yet" expect_push_ok "master -> master" cd ~/td runlocal git clone u1:u1/r1 expect "Initialized empty Git repository in $TEST_BASE_FULL/u1/r1.git/" cd r1 mdc r1file1 runlocal git push origin master runlocal git checkout -b br1 mdc r1file2 mdc r1file3 name "u1 create branch" runlocal git push origin br1 expect "\* \[new branch\] br1 -> br1" expect_push_ok "br1 -> br1" name "u1 rewind branch" runlocal git reset --hard HEAD^ mdc r1file4 runlocal git push origin +br1 expect "remote: + refs/heads/br1 u1 DENIED by refs/" expect "remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/br1" name "u1 delete branch" runlocal git push origin :br1 expect "\[deleted\] br1" cd ~/td rm -rf r1 runlocal git clone u3:u3/r1 expect "Initialized empty Git repository in $TEST_BASE_FULL/u3/r1.git/" cd r1 mdc r1file1 runlocal git push origin master runlocal git checkout -b br1 mdc r1file2 mdc r1file3 name "u3 create branch" runlocal git push origin br1 expect "\* \[new branch\] br1 -> br1" expect_push_ok "br1 -> br1" name "u3 rewind branch" runlocal git reset --hard HEAD^ mdc r1file4 runlocal git push origin +br1 expect "To u3:u3/r1" expect "+ .......\.\.\........ br1 -> br1 (forced update)" name "u3 delete branch" runlocal git push origin :br1 expect "\[deleted\] br1" name "INTERNAL" done