#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use lib $ENV{GL_LIBDIR}; use Gitolite::Rc; use Gitolite::Common; =for usage Usage: ssh git@host help # via ssh gitolite help # directly on server command line Prints a list of custom commands available at this gitolite installation. Each command has its own help, accessed by passing it '-h' again. =cut usage() if @ARGV; my $user = $ENV{GL_USER} || ''; print "hello" . ( $user ? " $user" : "" ) . ", this is gitolite3 " . version() . " on git " . substr( `git --version`, 12 ) . "\n"; print "list of " . ( $user ? "remote" : "gitolite" ) . " commands available:\n\n"; my %list = (list_x( $ENV{GL_BINDIR}), list_x($rc{LOCAL_CODE} || '')); for (sort keys %list) { print "\t$list{$_}" if $ENV{D}; print "\t$_\n" if not $user or $rc{COMMANDS}{$_}; } print "\n"; exit 0; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub list_x { my $d = shift; return unless $d; _chdir "$d/commands"; return map { $_ => $d } grep { -x $_ } map { chomp; s(^./)(); $_ } `find . -type f -o -type l|sort`; }