# adding users and repos Do NOT add repos directly on the server. Clone the 'gitolite-admin' repo to your workstation, make changes to it, then add, commit, and push. When the push hits the server, the server "acts" upon your changes. Full documentation on the conf file is [here][conf]. Here's a sample sequence, on your workstation, after your install is done git clone git@host:gitolite-admin cd gitolite-admin vi conf/gitolite.conf # now add lines like these: repo foo RW+ = me RW = alice R = wally # now save the file and add it git add conf # add a couple of users; get their pubkeys by email or something, then: cp /some/where/alice.pub keydir cp /else/where/wally.pub keydir git add keydir # now commit and push git commit -m 'added repo foo' git push # at this point gitolite will create the new repo 'foo' (if it did not # already exist) then update the authorized keys file to include alice and # wally's pubkeys