
# please make sure this file is NOT chmod +x

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# settings for various ADCs, collected in one place for ease of keeping local
# settings intact during upgrades (you only have to worry about this file
# now).  Documentation for the variables, however, is in the respective ADC

# settings for 'rm' ADC

# settings for 'trash' ADC
TRASH_SUFFIX=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S`

# settings for 'hub' ADC
    # KDE may set this to kde-cloned-from for historical reasons

# Change to 1 to make -list the default action for the 'help' command

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

die() { echo "$@"; exit 1; }

# test an option value more concisely
opt() {
    [ "$1" = "1" ] && return 0
    return 1

valid_owned_repo() {
    # check that an arg passed is a valid repo and the current user owns it
    [ -z "$1" ] && die need a repo name
    get_rights_and_owner $1
    [ "$owner" = "$GL_USER" ] || die "$repo does not exist or is not yours!"

    # and we sneak this in too, quietly :)

# NOTE: this also sets $repo to the normalised (without .git suffix) reponame
get_rights_and_owner() {
    local ans
    ans=$(perl -I$GL_BINDIR -Mgitolite -e "cli_repo_rights('"$repo"')")

    # set shell variables as needed
    owner=${ans#* }
    rights=${ans% *}
    echo $rights | grep C >/dev/null 2>&1 && perm_create=yes  || perm_create=
    echo $rights | grep R >/dev/null 2>&1 && perm_read=yes    || perm_read=
    echo $rights | grep W >/dev/null 2>&1 && perm_write=yes   || perm_write=