# gitolite installatation In this document: * please read this first * important notes * conventions used * requirements * client side * server side * installation and setup * (package method) directly on the server, using RPM/DEB * (root method) directly on the server, manually, with root access * (non-root method) directly on the server, manually, without root access * (from-client method) install from the client to the server * special cases -- multiple gitolite instances * upgrading * uninstalling * cleaning out a botched install * uninstalling gitolite completely ---- ### please read this first #### important notes Please make sure you understand the following points first. * gitolite is somewhat unusual as far as "server" software goes -- every userid on the server is a potential "gitolite host". * gitolite depends **heavily** on ssh pubkey (passwordless) access. Do not assume you know all about ssh -- most people **don't**. If in doubt, use a dedicated userid on both client and server for installation and administration of gitolite. To make matters worse, ssh problems in gitolite don't always look like ssh problems. See [doc/6-ssh-troubleshooting.mkd][doc6] for help. #### conventions used We assume the admin user is "sitaram", and his workstation is called "client". The hosting user is "git", and the server is called "server". Substitute your values as needed. #### requirements ##### client side * git version 1.6.2 or greater * even msysgit on Windows is fine; please don't ask me for help if you're using putty, plink, puttygen, etc., for ssh; I recommend msysgit for Windows and the openssh that comes with it * if you're using the "from-client" method of install (see below), the bash shell is needed * again, msysgit on Windows is fine ##### server side * any Unix system with a posix compatible "sh". * people using "csh" or derivatives please don't ask me for help -- tell your admin csh is not posix compatible * git version 1.6.2 or greater * can be in a non-PATH location if you are unable to install it normally; see the `$GIT_PATH` variable in the "rc" file * perl (but since git requires it anyway, you probably have it) * openssh or any ssh that can understand the `authorized_keys` file format ### installation and setup #### (package method) directly on the server, using RPM/DEB * from your workstation, copy your `~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub` file to the server. Put it in `/tmp/sitaram.pub`. * (U) on the server, as root, do the install (urpmi, yum, apt-get, etc.). * on the server, "su - git", then as "git" user, run `gl-setup /tmp/sitaram.pub`. * on the client, run `cd; git clone git@server:gitolite-admin` #### (root method) directly on the server, manually, with root access * from your workstation, copy your `~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub` file to the server. Put it in `/tmp/sitaram.pub`. * (U) on the server, as root, do the following: cd $HOME git clone git://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite gitolite-source cd gitolite-source mkdir -p /usr/local/share/gitolite/conf /usr/local/share/gitolite/hooks src/gl-system-install /usr/local/bin /usr/local/share/gitolite/conf /usr/local/share/gitolite/hooks * on the server, "su - git", then as "git" user, run `gl-setup /tmp/sitaram.pub`. * on the client, run `cd; git clone git@server:gitolite-admin` #### (non-root method) directly on the server, manually, without root access WARNING: if you use this method you'd better know enough about ssh to be able to keep your keys straight, and you'd also better have password access to the server so that if you screw up the keys you can still get on, or be able to "su - git" from some other user on the server. * from your workstation, copy your `~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub` file to the server. Put it in `/tmp/sitaram.pub`. * (U) on the server, as "git", do the following: cd $HOME git clone git://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite gitolite-source cd gitolite-source mkdir -p $HOME/bin $HOME/share/gitolite/conf $HOME/share/gitolite/hooks src/gl-system-install $HOME/bin $HOME/share/gitolite/conf $HOME/share/gitolite/hooks * on the server, still as "git", run `gl-setup /tmp/sitaram.pub`. * if `$HOME/bin` is not on the default PATH, fiddle with your `.bashrc` or `.bash_profile` files and add it somehow. You can also try adding `$GIT_PATH = "$ENV{HOME}/bin";` to `~/.gitolite.rc` on the server. * on the client, run `cd; git clone git@server:gitolite-admin` #### (from-client method) install from the client to the server This used to be the most common install method for a long time, and it is still the one I use for most of my testing. The **main advantage** of this method is that it **forces you** to solve the ssh pubkey problem **before** attempting to install. Sadly, it also forces the admin to use a **different** URL for gitolite repos than normal users, which seems to confuse a heck of a lot of people who don't read the prominently displayed messages and/or the documentation. This method is verbosely documented in [doc/7-install-transcript.mkd][doc7], including *outputs* of the commands concerned. ### special cases -- multiple gitolite instances With the first two methods (package or root methods) of installation, it's trivial to create multiple gitolite instances (say one for each department, on some mega company-wide server). You can even do this without giving shell access to the admins. Here's an example with just two "departments", and their admins Alice and Bob: * create userids `webbrowser_repos` and `webserver_repos` * ask Alice and Bob for their pubkeys; copy them to the respective home directories for convenience * run `su - webbrowser_repos`, then `gl-setup alice.pub` * (similarly with `webserver_repos` and `bob.pub`, and so on for others) That's it. The URL for all web browser projects is now something like `webbrowser_repos@server:reponame`, and similarly for the others. Notice that you only have to do this once for each "department", and it's really just one command after creating the userid. None of these admins need to have a command line on the server, so don't give them the passwords if you don't need to -- the pubkey will allow them to be gitolite admins on their domain, and that's quite enough for normal operations. ### upgrading Upgrading gitolite is easy. In each method above, just re-do the step that is marked "(U)". Also, if you're using either of the two methods that use the `src/gl-system-install` command, please make sure you give it the same arguments! Also, remember that some new features may require additional settings in your `~/.gitolite.rc` file. ### uninstalling #### cleaning out a botched install When people have trouble installing gitolite, they often try to change a bunch of things manually on the server. This usually makes things worse ;-) so here's how to clean the slate. * client-side * edit `~/.ssh/config` and delete the paragraph starting with `host gitolite`, if present. * remove `~/gitolite-admin` * server-side * edit `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` and delete all lines between `# gitolite start` and `# gitolite end` inclusive. * remove `~/.gitolite`, `~/.gitolite.rc` and `~/repositories/gitolite-admin.git` #### uninstalling gitolite completely There's some duplication between this and the previous section, but uninstalling gitolite is described in great detail in [doc/9-uninstall.mkd][doc9unin] ---- [doc6]: http://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite/blob/pu/doc/6-ssh-troubleshooting.mkd [doc7]: http://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite/blob/pu/doc/7-install-transcript.mkd [doc9unin]: http://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite/blob/pu/doc/9-uninstall.mkd [doc9ssh]: http://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite/blob/pu/doc/9-ssh-tips.mkd