We detect an upgrade situation by the presence of
$GL_ADMINDIR/conf/gitolite.conf -- if it exists, we reason, this is not
a fresh install. And if so we skip setting up PTA, and the initial
Well, turns out this is not always true. I've had a few cases where the
first install didn't go right, but left enough stuff in to make the
subsequent attempt think this is an upgrade.
[This mostly happened to me when I was testing the "oldgits" branch, and
also when I was making it work from msysgit I think... regardless of
why, it'd be good to fix]
So this changes the flow somewhat. Now the *only* difference between a
fresh install and an ugrade is the "initial_conf_key" function call (you
don't want to overwrite an existing conf file or keydir!)
- all $HOME/blah becomes "$HOME/blah" (bl**dy "Documents and Settings" crap)
- replace bash regex with perl, and in one case replace the check with
something else
- rsync changed to appropriate scp
- since we no longer insist on running from a specific directory, create
tmpgli dir *after* you cd to the right place
You can now add your own hooks into src/hooks/ and they get propagated
along with the update hook that is present there now. Please read the
new section in the admin document, and make sure you understand the
security implications of accidentally fiddling with the "update" script.
This also prompted a major rename spree of all the files to be
consistent, etc. Plus people said that the .sh and .pl suffixes should
be avoided (and I was feeling the same way). I've also been
inconsistent with that "gl-" prefix, so I cleaned that up, and the 00-
and 99- were also funny animals.
Time to get all this cleaned up before we get 1.0 :)
So these are the changes, in case you're looking at just the commit
message and not the diffstat:
src/pta-hook.sh -> src/ga-post-update-hook
src/conf-convert.pl -> src/gl-conf-convert
src/00-easy-install.sh -> src/gl-easy-install
src/99-emergency-addkey.sh -> src/gl-emergency-addkey
src/install.pl -> src/gl-install
src/update-hook.pl -> src/hooks/update