easy install: save version info, print upgrading message
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 22 additions and 2 deletions
@ -125,6 +125,25 @@ ls src/gl-auth-command \
ssh -p $port -o PasswordAuthentication=no $user@$host true ||
die "pubkey access didn't work; please set it up using 'ssh-copy-id' or something"
# MANUAL: if needed, make a note of the version you are upgrading from, and to
# record which version is being sent across; we assume it's HEAD
git describe --tags --long HEAD 2>/dev/null > src/VERSION || echo '(unknown)' > src/VERSION
# what was the old version there?
export upgrade_details="you are upgrading from \
$(ssh -p $port $user@$host cat gitolite-install/src/VERSION 2>/dev/null || echo '(unknown)' ) \
to $(cat src/VERSION)"
prompt "$upgrade_details" \
Note: getting '(unknown)' for the 'from' version should only happen once.
Getting '(unknown)' for the 'to' version means you are probably installing
from a tar file dump, not a real clone. This is not an error but it's
nice to have those version numbers in case you need support. Try and
install from a clone"
# MANUAL: create a new key for you as a "gitolite user" (as opposed to you as
# the "gitolite admin" who needs to login to the server and get a command
# line). For example, "ssh-keygen -t rsa ~/.ssh/sitaram"; this would create
@ -167,7 +186,7 @@ fi
if ssh-add -l &>/dev/null
prompt " ...adding key to agent..." \
prompt " ...adding key to agent..." \
"you're running ssh-agent. We'll try and do an ssh-add of the
private key we just created, otherwise this key won't get picked up. If
you specified a passphrase in the previous step, you'll get asked for one
@ -228,6 +247,7 @@ rm $HOME/.ssh/.gl-stanza
ssh -p $port $user@$host mkdir -p gitolite-install
rsync $quiet -e "ssh -p $port" -a src conf doc $user@$host:gitolite-install/
rm -f src/VERSION
# MANUAL: now log on to the server (ssh git@server) and get a command line.
# This step is for your convenience; the script does it all from the client
@ -312,7 +332,7 @@ ssh -p $port $user@$host "cd gitolite-install; src/install.pl $quiet"
if ssh -p $port $user@$host cat $GL_ADMINDIR/keydir/$admin_name.pub &> /dev/null
prompt "upgrade done!" \
prompt "done!" \
"this looks like an upgrade, based on the fact that a file called
$admin_name.pub already exists in $GL_ADMINDIR/keydir on the server.
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