doc/6 revamp; would appreciate reviews ;-)

This commit is contained in:
Sitaram Chamarty 2010-01-22 20:05:14 +05:30
parent 645ab77af5
commit e68d76f127
2 changed files with 184 additions and 98 deletions

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@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ etc. You'd just like a simple way to know what repos you have access to.
Easy! Just use ssh and try to log in as if you were attempting to get a
$ ssh gitolite
$ ssh gitolite info
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
hello sitaram, the gitolite version here is v0.6-17-g94ed189
you have the following permissions:

View file

@ -1,116 +1,175 @@
# ssh troubleshooting
Update 2009-12-23: most of this document is now of historical interest and
will be totally revamped when I have time. For now, just note this amendment.
The document below says "we can't use the same key for both [gitolite access
and shell access]...". We've managed (thanks to an idea from Jesse Keating)
to get around this. Now it *is* possible for a single key to allow both
gitolite access *and* shell access.
This is done by:
* (**on the server**) listing all such users in a variable called
`$SHELL_USERS` in the `~/.gitolite.rc` file. For example:
$SHELL_USERS = "alice bob";
(Note the syntax: a space separated list of users in one string variable).
* (**on your client**) make at least a dummy change to your clone of the
gitolite-admin repo and push it.
**IMPORTANT UPGRADE NOTE**: a previous implementation of this feature worked
by adding people to a special group (`@SHELL`) in the *config* file. This
meant that anyone with gitolite-admin repo write access could add himself to
the `@SHELL` group and push, thus obtaining shell.
This is not a problem for most setups, but if someone wants to separate these
two privileges (the right to push the admin repo and the right to get a shell)
then it does pose a problem. Since the "rc" file can only be edited by
someone who already has shell access, we now use that instead, even though
this forces a change in the syntax.
To migrate from the old scheme to the new one, add a new variable
`$SHELL_USERS` to `~/.gitolite.rc` on the server with the appropriate names in
it. **It is best to do this directly on the server *before* upgrading to this
version.** (After the upgrade is done and tested you can remove the `@SHELL`
lines from the gitolite config file).
Ssh has always been the biggest troublespot in all this. While gitolite makes
it as easy as possible, you might still run into trouble sometimes.
In this document:
* ssh sanity checks
* explanation
* basic ssh troubleshooting
* passphrases versus passwords
* ssh-agent problems
* basic ssh troubleshooting for the main admin
* basic ssh troubleshooting for a normal user
* details
* files on the server
* files on client
* why two keys on client
* more complex ssh setups
* two gitolite servers to manage?
* further reading
* giving shell access to gitolite users
> But before we get to all that, let's clarify that all this is applicable
> **only** to the gitolite **admin**. He's the only one who needs both a
> shell and gitolite access, so he has **two** pubkeys in play.
This document should help you troubleshoot ssh-related problems in accessing
gitolite *after* the install has completed successfully.
> Normal users have only one pubkey, since they are only allowed to access
> gitolite itself. They do not need to worry about any of this stuff, and
> their repo urls are very simple, like: `git@my.git.server:reponame.git`.
In addition, I **strongly** recommend reading [this document][glb] -- it's a
very detailed look at how gitolite uses ssh's features on the server side.
Most people don't know ssh as well as they *think* they do; even if you dont
have any problems right now, it's worth skimming over.
Please also note that ssh problems don't always look like ssh problems. One
common example: when the remote says the repo you're trying to access "does
not appear to be a git repository", and yet you are sure it exists, you
haven't mis-spelled it, etc.
### ssh sanity checks
### basic ssh troubleshooting
There are two quick sanity checks you can run:
* running `ssh gitolite` should get you a list of repos you have rights to
access, as described [here][myrights]
I assume the gitolite server is called "server" and the user hosting all the
gitolite repos is "git". I will also be using "sitaram" as the *gitolite
username* of the admin.
Unless specifically mentioned, all these commands are run on the user's or
admin's workstation, not on the server.
#### passphrases versus passwords
When you create an ssh keypair, you have the option of protecting it with a
passphrase. When you subsequently use that keypair to access a remote host,
your *local* ssh client needs to unlock the corresponding private key, and ssh
will probably ask for the passphrase you set when you created the keypair.
Do not confuse or mistake this prompt (`Enter passphrase for key
'/home/sitaram/.ssh/id_rsa':`) for a password prompt from the remote server!
You have two choices to avoid this prompt every time you try to access the
remote. The first is to create keypairs *without* a passphrase (just hit
enter when prompted for one). **Be sure to add a passphrase later, once
everything is working, using `ssh-keygen -p`**.
The second is to use `ssh-agent` (or `keychain`, which in turn uses
`ssh-agent`) or something like that to manage your keys. Other than the next
section, further discussion of this is out of scope of this document.
#### ssh-agent problems
1. Run `ssh-add -l`. If this responds with either "The agent has no
identities." or "Could not open a connection to your authentication
agent.", skip this section.
2. However, if it lists some keys, like this:
2048 fc:c1:48:1e:06:31:97:a4:8b:fc:37:b2:76:14:c7:53 /home/sitaram/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)
2048 d2:e0:7f:fa:1a:89:22:41:bb:06:d9:ff:a7:27:36:5c /home/sitaram/.ssh/sitaram (RSA)
then run `ls ~/.ssh` and make sure that all the keypairs you have there
are represented in the `ssh-add -l` output.
3. If you find any keypairs in `~/.ssh` that are not represented in the
`ssh-add -l` output, add them. For instance, if `ssh-add -l` showed me
only the `id_rsa` key, but I also had a `sitaram` (and ``)
keypair, I'd run `ssh-add ~/.ssh/sitaram` to add it.
This is because ssh-agent has a quirk: if `ssh-add -l` shows *any* keys at
all, ssh will only use those keys. Even if you explicitly specify an unlisted
key using `ssh -i` or an `identityfile` directive in the config file, it won't
use it.
#### basic ssh troubleshooting for the main admin
You're the "main admin" if you're trying to access gitolite from the same
workstation and user account where you ran the "easy install" command. You
should have two keypairs in your `~/.ssh` directory. The pair called `id_rsa`
(and ``) was probably the first one you created, and you used this
to get passwordless (pubkey based) access to the server (which was a
pre-requisite for running the easy install command).
The second keypair has the same name as the last argument in the easy install
command you ran (in my case, `sitaram` and ``). It was probably
created by the easy install script, and is the key used for gitolite access.
In addition, you should have a "gitolite" paragraph in your `~/.ssh/config`,
looking something like this:
host gitolite
user git
hostname server
identityfile ~/.ssh/sitaram
If any of these are not true, you did something funky in your install; email
me or hop onto #git and hope for the best ;-)
Otherwise, run these checks:
1. `ssh git@server` should get you a command line.
If it asks you for a password, then your `id_rsa` keypair changed after
you ran the easy install, or someone fiddled with the
`~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file on the server.
If it prints [gitolite version and access info][myrights], you managed to
overwrite the `id_rsa` keypair with the `sitaram` keypair, or something
equally weird.
2. `ssh gitolite info` should print some [gitolite version and access
info][myrights]. If you get the output of the GNU info command instead,
you probably reused your `id_rsa` keypair as your `sitaram` keypair, or
overwrote the `sitaram` keypair with the `id_rsa` keypair.
There are many ways to fix this, depending on where and what the damage is.
The most generic way (and therefore time-taking) is to re-install gitolite
from scratch:
* make a backup of your gitolite-admin repo clone somewhere (basically your
"keydir/*.pub" and your "conf/gitolite.conf"). If necessary get these
files from the server's `~/.gitolite` directory.
* log on to the server somehow (using some other account, using a password,
su-ing in, etc) and delete `~/.ssh/authorized_keys`. Rename or move aside
`~/.gitolite` so that also looks like it is missing.
* back on your workstation, make sure you have 2 keypairs (`id_rsa` and
`sitaram`, along with corresponding `.pub` files). Create them if needed.
Also make sure they are *different* and not a copy of each other :-)
* install gitolite normally:
* run `ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa git@server` to get passwordless
access to the server. (Mac users may have to do this step manually)
* make sure `ssh git@server pwd` prints the `$HOME` of `git@server`
**without** asking for a password. Do not proceed till this works.
* run easy install again, (in my case: `cd gitolite-source;
src/gl-easy-install -q git server sitaram`)
* go to your gitolite-admin repo clone, and copy `conf/gitolite.conf` and
`keydir/*.pub` from your backup to this directory
* copy (be sure to overwrite!) `~/.ssh/` also to keydir
* now `git add keydir; git commit; git push -f`
That's a long sequence but it should work.
#### basic ssh troubleshooting for a normal user
For a normal user, life is much simpler. They should have only one pubkey,
which was previously sent to the gitolite admin to add into the admin repo's
`keydir` as "", and then "user" given permissions to some repo.
`ssh git@server info` should get you [gitolite version and access
info][myrights]. If it asks you for a password, your pubkey was not sent to
the server properly. Check with your admin.
* conversely, `ssh git@server` should get you a command line
If it gets you the GNU info command output, you have shell access. This means
you had command line access to the server *before* you were added as a
gitolite user. If you send that same key to your gitolite admin to include in
the admin repo, it won't work. For reasons why, see below.
If one or both of these does not work as expected, do this:
* first, check that your `~/.ssh` has two public keys, like below:
$ ls -al ~/.ssh/*.pub
-rw-r--r-- 1 sitaram sitaram 409 2008-04-21 17:42 /home/sitaram/.ssh/
-rw-r--r-- 1 sitaram sitaram 409 2009-10-15 16:25 /home/sitaram/.ssh/
If it doesn't you have either lost your keys or you're on the wrong
machine. As long as you have password access to the server you can alweys
recover; just pretend you're installing from scratch and start over.
* next, try running `ssh-add -l`. On my desktop the output looks like this:
2048 63:ea:ab:10:d2:4f:88:f4:85:cb:d3:7d:3a:83:37:9a /home/sitaram/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)
2048 d7:23:89:12:5f:22:4f:ad:54:7d:7e:f8:f5:2a:e9:13 /home/sitaram/.ssh/sitaram (RSA)
If you get only one line (typically the top one), you should ssh-add the
other one, using (in my case) `ssh-add ~/.ssh/sitaram`.
If you get no output, add both of them and check `ssh-add -l` again.
If this error keeps happening please consider installing [keychain][kch]
or something similar, or add these commands to your bash startup scripts.
* Finally, make sure your `~/.ssh/config` has the required `host gitolite`
para (see below for more on this).
Once these sanity checks have passed, things should be fine. However, if you
still have problems, make sure that the "origin" URL in any clones looks like
`gitolite:reponame.git`, not `git@server:reponame.git`.
### explanation
### details
Here's how it all hangs together.
@ -301,10 +360,37 @@ instance if you have *two* gitolite servers you are administering)?
* now access one server's repos as `gitolite:reponame.git` and the other
server's repos as `gitolite2:reponame.git`.
### further reading
### giving shell access to gitolite users
While this focused mostly on the client side ssh, you may also want to read
[this][glb] for a much more detailed explanation of the ssh magic on the
server side.
We've managed (thanks to an idea from Jesse Keating) to make it possible for a
single key to allow both gitolite access *and* shell access.
This is done by:
* (**on the server**) listing all such users in a variable called
`$SHELL_USERS` in the `~/.gitolite.rc` file. For example:
$SHELL_USERS = "alice bob";
(Note the syntax: a space separated list of users in one string variable).
* (**on your client**) make at least a dummy change to your clone of the
gitolite-admin repo and push it.
**IMPORTANT UPGRADE NOTE**: a previous implementation of this feature worked
by adding people to a special group (`@SHELL`) in the *config* file. This
meant that anyone with gitolite-admin repo write access could add himself to
the `@SHELL` group and push, thus obtaining shell.
This is not a problem for most setups, but if someone wants to separate these
two privileges (the right to push the admin repo and the right to get a shell)
then it does pose a problem. Since the "rc" file can only be edited by
someone who already has shell access, we now use that instead, even though
this forces a change in the syntax.
To migrate from the old scheme to the new one, add a new variable
`$SHELL_USERS` to `~/.gitolite.rc` on the server with the appropriate names in
it. **It is best to do this directly on the server *before* upgrading to this
version.** (After the upgrade is done and tested you can remove the `@SHELL`
lines from the gitolite config file).