(please read full commit message) upgrade behaviour changed
**upgrades no longer touch the config or the keydir**
When you first install gitolite, the easy install script has to do two
*distinct* things:
* install the software
* create and seed the gitolite-admin repo with a minimum config file
and the newly created pubkey
That's fine for an install, because nothing exists yet anyway.
Subsequent invocations of the script should only do the first task (so
that gitolite itself can be upgraded), and not attempt to fiddle with
the config file and pubkeys.
Unfortunately, until now I had not been separating these two activities
cleanly enough. For instance, the commit message for 8e47e01
IMPORTANT: we assume that $admin_name remains the same in an upgrade
-- that's how we detect it is an upgrade! Change that name or his
pubkey, and you're toast!
So now I decided to clean things up. The "Usage" message tells you
clearly what to do for an upgrade.
Should have been like this from the beginning, but hey we got there
eventually :)
Code-wise, this is a major refactor of the easy install script. It uses
an old forgotten trick to get forward refs for bash functions ;-) and in
the process cleans up the flow quite a bit.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 364 additions and 248 deletions
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ In this document:
* advantages over the older install methods
* disadvantages
* manual install
* upgrades
* other notes
* next steps
@ -75,6 +76,22 @@ If you don't have bash, it's not very complicated to do it manually. Just
open the file `src/00-easy-install.sh` in a nice, syntax coloring, text
editor, and follow the instructions marked "MANUAL" :-)
### upgrades
Upgrading gitolite is easy.
To upgrade, pull the latest "master" (or other) branch in your gitolite repo
clone, then run the same exact command you ran to do the install, except you
can leave out the last argument.
And you might want to add a `-q` to speed things up :-)
Note that this only upgrades the software. Unlike earlier versions, it does
**not** touch the `conf/gitolite.conf` file or the contents of `keydir` in any
way. I decided that it is not possible to **safely** let an upgrade do
something meaningful with them -- fiddling with existing config files (as
opposed to merely creating one which did not exist) is best left to a human.
### other notes
* if you run `src/00-easy-install.sh` without the `-q` option, you will be
@ -16,31 +16,82 @@
set -e
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# temp files
# bootstrap and main
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if [[ $1 != boot/strap ]]
# did someone tell you you can't call functions before they're defined in
# bash? Don't believe everything you hear ;-)
. $0 boot/strap
main "$@"
exit 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# no direct executable statements after this; only functions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
export tmpgli=tmp-gl-install
trap "rm -rf $tmpgli" 0
mkdir -p $tmpgli
main() {
basic_sanity "$@"
version_info "$@"
[[ -n $admin_name ]] && setup_local_ssh
copy_gl # src, conf, etc
[[ $upgrade == 1 ]] && {
# just compile it, in case the config file's internal format has
# changed and the hooks expect something different
ssh -p $port $user@$host "cd $GL_ADMINDIR; src/gl-compile-conf $quiet"
eval "echo \"$v_done\""
exit 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# setup temp files
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
setup_tempdir() {
export tmpgli=tmp-gl-install
trap cleanup 0
mkdir -p $tmpgli
cleanup() {
rm -rf $tmpgli
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# service functions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
die() { echo "$@"; echo; echo "run $0 again without any arguments for help and tips"; exit 1; }
die() { echo "$@"; echo; echo "run $0 without any arguments for help and tips"; cleanup; exit 1; }
prompt() {
# receives two arguments. A short piece of text to be displayed, without
# pausing, in "quiet" mode, and a much longer one to be displayed, *with*
# a pause, in normal (verbose) mode
[[ $quiet == -q ]] && [[ -n $1 ]] && {
echo "$1"
eval "echo \"$1\""
echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo " $1"
eval "echo \"$1\""
read -p '...press enter to continue or Ctrl-C to bail out'
@ -55,7 +106,8 @@ Usage: $0 [-q] user host [port] admin_name # install
- "host" is that server's hostname (or IP address)
- "port" is the ssh server port on "host"; optional, defaults to 22
- "admin_name" is *your* name as it should appear in the eventual gitolite
config file (not needed/used for upgrades)
config file. For upgrades (ie., gitolite is already installed on the
server), this argument is not needed, and will be *ignored* if provided.
Example usage: $0 git my.git.server sitaram
@ -84,116 +136,96 @@ EOFU
# basic sanity / argument checks
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# MANUAL: this *must* be run as "src/00-easy-install.sh", not by cd-ing to src
# and then running "./00-easy-install.sh"
basic_sanity() {
# MANUAL: this *must* be run as "src/00-easy-install.sh", not by cd-ing to
# src and then running "./00-easy-install.sh"
[[ $0 =~ ^src/00-easy-install.sh$ ]] ||
echo "please cd to the gitolite repo top level directory and run this as
exit 1;
[[ $0 =~ ^src/00-easy-install.sh$ ]] ||
die "please cd to the gitolite repo top level directory and run this as
# are we in quiet mode?
[[ "$1" == "-q" ]] && {
# MANUAL: (info) we'll use "git" as the user, "server" as the host, and
# "sitaram" as the admin_name in example commands shown below, if any
[[ -z $2 ]] && usage
# but if the 3rd arg is a number, that's a port number, and the 4th arg is
# the admin_name
if [[ $3 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
[[ "$user" =~ [^a-zA-Z0-9._-] ]] && die "user '$user' invalid"
[[ -n $admin_name ]] && [[ "$admin_name" =~ [^a-zA-Z0-9._-] ]] && die "admin_name '$admin_name' invalid"
# MANUAL: make sure you're in the gitolite directory, at the top level.
# The following files should all be visible:
ls src/gl-auth-command \
src/gl-compile-conf \
src/install.pl \
src/update-hook.pl \
conf/example.conf \
conf/example.gitolite.rc >/dev/null ||
die "cant find at least some files in gitolite sources/config; aborting"
# MANUAL: make sure you have password-less (pubkey) auth on the server.
# That is, running "ssh git@server" should log in straight away, without
# asking for a password
ssh -p $port -o PasswordAuthentication=no $user@$host true ||
die "pubkey access didn't work; please set it up using 'ssh-copy-id' or something"
# are we in quiet mode?
[[ "$1" == "-q" ]] && {
# MANUAL: (info) we'll use "git" as the user, "server" as the host, and
# "sitaram" as the admin_name in example commands shown below, if any
[[ -z $2 ]] && usage
# but if the 3rd arg is a number, that's a port number, and the 4th arg is the
# admin_name
if [[ $3 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
[[ "$user" =~ [^a-zA-Z0-9._-] ]] && die "user '$user' invalid"
[[ -n $admin_name ]] && [[ "$admin_name" =~ [^a-zA-Z0-9._-] ]] && die "admin_name '$admin_name' invalid"
# MANUAL: make sure you're in the gitolite directory, at the top level.
# The following files should all be visible:
ls src/gl-auth-command \
src/gl-compile-conf \
src/install.pl \
src/update-hook.pl \
conf/example.conf \
conf/example.gitolite.rc >/dev/null ||
die "cant find at least some files in gitolite sources/config; aborting"
# MANUAL: make sure you have password-less (pubkey) auth on the server. That
# is, running "ssh git@server" should log in straight away, without asking for
# a password
ssh -p $port -o PasswordAuthentication=no $user@$host true ||
die "pubkey access didn't work; please set it up using 'ssh-copy-id' or something"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# version info
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# MANUAL: if needed, make a note of the version you are upgrading from, and to
version_info() {
# record which version is being sent across; we assume it's HEAD
git describe --tags --long HEAD 2>/dev/null > src/VERSION || echo '(unknown)' > src/VERSION
# MANUAL: if needed, make a note of the version you are upgrading from, and to
# what was the old version there?
export upgrade_details="you are upgrading from \
$(ssh -p $port $user@$host cat gitolite-install/src/VERSION 2>/dev/null || echo '(unknown)' ) \
to $(cat src/VERSION)"
# record which version is being sent across; we assume it's HEAD
git describe --tags --long HEAD 2>/dev/null > src/VERSION || echo '(unknown)' > src/VERSION
prompt "$upgrade_details" \
# what was the old version there?
export upgrade_details="you are upgrading from \
$(ssh -p $port $user@$host cat gitolite-install/src/VERSION 2>/dev/null || echo '(unknown)' ) \
to $(cat src/VERSION)"
Note: getting '(unknown)' for the 'from' version should only happen once.
Getting '(unknown)' for the 'to' version means you are probably installing
from a tar file dump, not a real clone. This is not an error but it's
nice to have those version numbers in case you need support. Try and
install from a clone"
prompt "$upgrade_details" "$v_upgrade_details"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# new keypair, ssh-config para; only on "install" (not upgrade)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[[ -n $admin_name ]] && {
setup_local_ssh() {
# MANUAL: create a new key for you as a "gitolite user" (as opposed to you
# as the "gitolite admin" who needs to login to the server and get a
# command line). For example, "ssh-keygen -t rsa ~/.ssh/sitaram"; this
# would create two files in ~/.ssh (sitaram and sitaram.pub)
prompt "setting up keypair..." \
"the next command will create a new keypair for your gitolite access
The pubkey will be $HOME/.ssh/$admin_name.pub. You will have to choose a
passphrase or hit enter for none. I recommend not having a passphrase for
now, *especially* if you do not have a passphrase for the key which you
are already using to get server access!
Add one using 'ssh-keygen -p' after all the setup is done and you've
successfully cloned and pushed the gitolite-admin repo. After that,
install 'keychain' or something similar, and add the following command to
your bashrc (since this is a non-default key)
ssh-add \$HOME/.ssh/$admin_name
This makes using passphrases very convenient."
prompt "setting up keypair..." "$v_setting_up_keypair"
if [[ -f $HOME/.ssh/$admin_name.pub ]]
prompt " ...reusing $HOME/.ssh/$admin_name.pub..." \
"Hmmm... pubkey $HOME/.ssh/$admin_name.pub exists; should I just re-use it?
Be sure you remember the passphrase, if you gave one when you created it!"
prompt " ...reusing $HOME/.ssh/$admin_name.pub..." "$v_reuse_pubkey"
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f $HOME/.ssh/$admin_name || die "ssh-keygen failed for some reason..."
@ -210,12 +242,7 @@ prompt "$upgrade_details" \
if ssh-add -l &>/dev/null
prompt " ...adding key to agent..." \
"you're running ssh-agent. We'll try and do an ssh-add of the
private key we just created, otherwise this key won't get picked up. If
you specified a passphrase in the previous step, you'll get asked for one
now -- type in the same one."
prompt " ...adding key to agent..." "$v_ssh_add"
ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/$admin_name
@ -231,30 +258,17 @@ prompt "$upgrade_details" \
# port 22
# identityfile ~/.ssh/sitaram
echo "
host gitolite
user $user
hostname $host
port $port
identityfile ~/.ssh/$admin_name" > $tmpgli/.gl-stanza
echo "host gitolite
user $user
hostname $host
port $port
identityfile ~/.ssh/$admin_name" > $tmpgli/.gl-stanza
if grep 'host *gitolite' $HOME/.ssh/config &>/dev/null
prompt "found gitolite para in ~/.ssh/config; assuming it is correct..." \
"your \$HOME/.ssh/config already has settings for gitolite. I will
assume they're correct, but if they're not, please edit that file, delete
that paragraph (that line and the following few lines), Ctrl-C, and rerun.
In case you want to check right now (from another terminal) if they're
correct, here's what they are *supposed* to look like:
$(cat $tmpgli/.gl-stanza)"
prompt "found gitolite para in ~/.ssh/config; assuming it is correct..." "$v_found_para"
prompt "creating gitolite para in ~/.ssh/config..." \
"creating settings for your gitolite access in $HOME/.ssh/config;
these are the lines that will be appended to your ~/.ssh/config:
$(cat $tmpgli/.gl-stanza)"
prompt "creating gitolite para in ~/.ssh/config..." "$v_creating_para"
cat $tmpgli/.gl-stanza >> $HOME/.ssh/config
# if the file didn't exist at all, it might have the wrong permissions
chmod 644 $HOME/.ssh/config
@ -265,118 +279,83 @@ host gitolite
# server side
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# MANUAL: copy the gitolite directories "src", "conf", and "doc" to the
# server, to a directory called (for example) "gitolite-install". You may
# have to create the directory first.
copy_gl() {
ssh -p $port $user@$host mkdir -p gitolite-install
rsync $quiet -e "ssh -p $port" -a src conf doc $user@$host:gitolite-install/
rm -f src/VERSION
# MANUAL: copy the gitolite directories "src", "conf", and "doc" to the
# server, to a directory called (for example) "gitolite-install". You may
# have to create the directory first.
# MANUAL: now log on to the server (ssh git@server) and get a command line.
# This step is for your convenience; the script does it all from the client
# side but that may be too much typing for manual use ;-)
ssh -p $port $user@$host mkdir -p gitolite-install
rsync $quiet -e "ssh -p $port" -a src conf doc $user@$host:gitolite-install/
rm -f src/VERSION
# MANUAL: cd to the "gitolite-install" directory where the sources are. Then
# copy conf/example.gitolite.rc as ~/.gitolite.rc and edit it if you wish to
# change any paths. Make a note of the GL_ADMINDIR and REPO_BASE paths; you
# will need them later
# MANUAL: now log on to the server (ssh git@server) and get a command
# line. This step is for your convenience; the script does it all from
# the client side but that may be too much typing for manual use ;-)
prompt "finding/creating gitolite rc..." \
"the gitolite rc file needs to be edited by hand. The defaults
are sensible, so if you wish, you can just exit the editor.
# MANUAL: cd to the "gitolite-install" directory where the sources are.
# Then copy conf/example.gitolite.rc as ~/.gitolite.rc and edit it if you
# wish to change any paths. Make a note of the GL_ADMINDIR and REPO_BASE
# paths; you will need them later
Otherwise, make any changes you wish and save it. Read the comments to
understand what is what -- the rc file's documentation is inline.
prompt "finding/creating gitolite rc..." "$v_edit_glrc"
Please remember this file will actually be copied to the server, and that
all the paths etc. represent paths on the server!"
# lets try and get the file from there first
if scp -P $port $user@$host:.gitolite.rc $tmpgli &>/dev/null
prompt " ...trying to reuse existing rc" \
"Oh hey... you already had a '.gitolite.rc' file on the server.
Let's see if we can use that instead of the default one..."
sort < $tmpgli/.gitolite.rc | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /^\s*(\$\w+) *=/' > $tmpgli/glrc.old
sort < conf/example.gitolite.rc | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /^\s*(\$\w+) *=/' > $tmpgli/glrc.new
if diff -u $tmpgli/glrc.old $tmpgli/glrc.new
# lets try and get the file from there first
if scp -P $port $user@$host:.gitolite.rc $tmpgli &>/dev/null
[[ $quiet == -q ]] || ${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}} $tmpgli/.gitolite.rc
prompt " ...trying to reuse existing rc" \
"Oh hey... you already had a '.gitolite.rc' file on the server.
Let's see if we can use that instead of the default one..."
sort < $tmpgli/.gitolite.rc | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /^\s*(\$\w+) *=/' > $tmpgli/glrc.old
sort < conf/example.gitolite.rc | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /^\s*(\$\w+) *=/' > $tmpgli/glrc.new
if diff -u $tmpgli/glrc.old $tmpgli/glrc.new
[[ $quiet == -q ]] || ${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}} $tmpgli/.gitolite.rc
# MANUAL: if you're upgrading, read the instructions below and
# manually make sure your final ~/.gitolite.rc has both your existing
# customisations as well as any new variables that the new version of
# gitolite has introduced
prompt "" "$v_upgrade_glrc"
${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}} conf/example.gitolite.rc $tmpgli/.gitolite.rc
# MANUAL: if you're upgrading, read the instructions below and
# manually make sure your final ~/.gitolite.rc has both your existing
# customisations as well as any new variables that the new version of
# gitolite has introduced
prompt "" \
" looks like you're upgrading, and there are some new rc variables
that this version is expecting that your old rc file doesn't have.
I'm going to run your editor with two filenames. The first is the
example file from this gitolite version. It will have a block (code
and comments) for each of the variables shown above with a '+' sign.
The second is your current rc file, the destination. Copy those lines
into this file, preferably *with* the surrounding comments (for
clarity) and save it.
This is necessary; please dont skip this!
[It's upto you to figure out how your editor handles 2 filename
arguments, switch between them, copy lines, etc ;-)]"
${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}} conf/example.gitolite.rc $tmpgli/.gitolite.rc
cp conf/example.gitolite.rc $tmpgli/.gitolite.rc
[[ $quiet == -q ]] || ${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}} $tmpgli/.gitolite.rc
cp conf/example.gitolite.rc $tmpgli/.gitolite.rc
[[ $quiet == -q ]] || ${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}} $tmpgli/.gitolite.rc
# copy the rc across
scp $quiet -P $port $tmpgli/.gitolite.rc $user@$host:
# copy the rc across
scp $quiet -P $port $tmpgli/.gitolite.rc $user@$host:
prompt "installing/upgrading..." \
"ignore any 'please edit this file' or 'run this command' type
lines in the next set of command outputs coming up. They're only relevant
for a manual install, not this one..."
run_install() {
# extract the GL_ADMINDIR and REPO_BASE locations
GL_ADMINDIR=$(ssh -p $port $user@$host "perl -e 'do \".gitolite.rc\"; print \$GL_ADMINDIR'")
REPO_BASE=$( ssh -p $port $user@$host "perl -e 'do \".gitolite.rc\"; print \$REPO_BASE'")
prompt "installing/upgrading..." "$v_ignore_stuff"
# determine if this is an upgrade; we decide based on whether a file called
# $GL_ADMINDIR/conf/gitolite.conf exists on the remote side. We can't do this
# till we know the correct value for GL_ADMINDIR
if ssh -p $port $user@$host cat $GL_ADMINDIR/conf/gitolite.conf &> /dev/null
[[ -n $admin_name ]] && echo "looks like an upgrade... not using new key '$admin_name' after all!"
[[ -z $admin_name ]] && die "this doesn't look like an upgrade... I need a name for the admin"
# extract the GL_ADMINDIR and REPO_BASE locations
GL_ADMINDIR=$(ssh -p $port $user@$host "perl -e 'do \".gitolite.rc\"; print \$GL_ADMINDIR'")
REPO_BASE=$( ssh -p $port $user@$host "perl -e 'do \".gitolite.rc\"; print \$REPO_BASE'")
# MANUAL: still in the "gitolite-install" directory? Good. Run
# "src/install.pl"
# determine if this is an upgrade; we decide based on whether a file
# called $GL_ADMINDIR/conf/gitolite.conf exists on the remote side. We
# can't do this till we know the correct value for GL_ADMINDIR
if ssh -p $port $user@$host cat $GL_ADMINDIR/conf/gitolite.conf &> /dev/null
[[ -n $admin_name ]] && echo -e "\n *** WARNING ***: looks like an upgrade... ignoring argument '$admin_name'"
[[ -z $admin_name ]] && die " *** ERROR ***: doesn't look like an upgrade, so I need a name for the admin"
ssh -p $port $user@$host "cd gitolite-install; src/install.pl $quiet"
# MANUAL: still in the "gitolite-install" directory? Good. Run
# "src/install.pl"
# MANUAL: if you're upgrading, run "src/gl-compile-conf" and you're done! --
# ignore the rest of this file for the purposes of an upgrade
ssh -p $port $user@$host "cd gitolite-install; src/install.pl $quiet"
[[ $upgrade == 1 ]] && {
# just compile it, in case the config file's internal format has changed
# and the hooks expect something different
ssh -p $port $user@$host "cd $GL_ADMINDIR; src/gl-compile-conf $quiet"
# MANUAL: if you're upgrading, run "src/gl-compile-conf" and you're done!
# -- ignore the rest of this file for the purposes of an upgrade
prompt "" "done!
If you forgot the help message you saw when you first ran this, there's a
somewhat generic version of it at the end of this file. Try:
tail -30 $0
exit 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -389,7 +368,8 @@ ssh -p $port $user@$host "cd gitolite-install; src/install.pl $quiet"
# repo gitolite-admin
# RW+ = sitaram
echo "#gitolite conf
initial_conf_key() {
echo "#gitolite conf
# please see conf/example.conf for details on syntax and features
repo gitolite-admin
@ -400,57 +380,176 @@ repo testing
" > $tmpgli/gitolite.conf
# send the config and the key to the remote
scp $quiet -P $port $tmpgli/gitolite.conf $user@$host:$GL_ADMINDIR/conf/
scp $quiet -P $port $HOME/.ssh/$admin_name.pub $user@$host:$GL_ADMINDIR/keydir
# send the config and the key to the remote
scp $quiet -P $port $tmpgli/gitolite.conf $user@$host:$GL_ADMINDIR/conf/
scp $quiet -P $port $HOME/.ssh/$admin_name.pub $user@$host:$GL_ADMINDIR/keydir
# MANUAL: cd to $GL_ADMINDIR and run "src/gl-compile-conf"
ssh -p $port $user@$host "cd $GL_ADMINDIR; src/gl-compile-conf $quiet"
# MANUAL: cd to $GL_ADMINDIR and run "src/gl-compile-conf"
ssh -p $port $user@$host "cd $GL_ADMINDIR; src/gl-compile-conf $quiet"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# hey lets go the whole hog on this; setup push-to-admin!
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# MANUAL: you have to now make the first commit in the admin repo. This is
# a little more complex, so read carefully and substitute the correct paths.
# What you have to do is:
setup_pta() {
# cd $REPO_BASE/gitolite-admin.git
# GIT_WORK_TREE=$GL_ADMINDIR git add conf/gitolite.conf keydir
# GIT_WORK_TREE=$GL_ADMINDIR git commit -am start
# MANUAL: you have to now make the first commit in the admin repo. This
# is a little more complex, so read carefully and substitute the correct
# paths. What you have to do is:
# Substitute $GL_ADMINDIR and $REPO_BASE appropriately. Note there is no
# space around the "=" in the second and third lines.
# cd $REPO_BASE/gitolite-admin.git
# GIT_WORK_TREE=$GL_ADMINDIR git add conf/gitolite.conf keydir
# GIT_WORK_TREE=$GL_ADMINDIR git commit -am start
echo "cd $REPO_BASE/gitolite-admin.git
# Substitute $GL_ADMINDIR and $REPO_BASE appropriately. Note there is no
# space around the "=" in the second and third lines.
echo "cd $REPO_BASE/gitolite-admin.git
GIT_WORK_TREE=$GL_ADMINDIR git add conf/gitolite.conf keydir
GIT_WORK_TREE=$GL_ADMINDIR git commit -am start --allow-empty
" | ssh -p $port $user@$host
# MANUAL: now that the admin repo is created, you have to set the hooks
# properly. The install program does this. So cd back to the
# "gitolite-install" directory and run "src/install.pl"
# MANUAL: now that the admin repo is created, you have to set the hooks
# properly. The install program does this. So cd back to the
# "gitolite-install" directory and run "src/install.pl"
ssh -p $port $user@$host "cd gitolite-install; src/install.pl $quiet"
ssh -p $port $user@$host "cd gitolite-install; src/install.pl $quiet"
# MANUAL: you're done! Log out of the server, come back to your workstation,
# and clone the admin repo using "git clone gitolite:gitolite-admin.git", or
# pull once again if you already have a clone
# MANUAL: you're done! Log out of the server, come back to your
# workstation, and clone the admin repo using "git clone
# gitolite:gitolite-admin.git", or pull once again if you already have a
# clone
prompt "cloning gitolite-admin repo..." \
"now we will clone the gitolite-admin repo to your workstation
and see if it all hangs together. We'll do this in your \$HOME for now,
and you can move it elsewhere later if you wish to."
prompt "cloning gitolite-admin repo..." "$v_cloning"
cd $HOME
git clone gitolite:gitolite-admin.git
cd $HOME
git clone gitolite:gitolite-admin.git
# MANUAL: be sure to read the message below; this applies to you too...
# MANUAL: be sure to read the message below; this applies to you too...
echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
eval "echo \"$tail\""
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# prompt strings
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: getting '(unknown)' for the 'from' version should only happen once.
Getting '(unknown)' for the 'to' version means you are probably installing
from a tar file dump, not a real clone. This is not an error but it's nice to
have those version numbers in case you need support. Try and install from a
the next command will create a new keypair for your gitolite access
The pubkey will be \$HOME/.ssh/\$admin_name.pub. You will have to choose a
passphrase or hit enter for none. I recommend not having a passphrase for
now, *especially* if you do not have a passphrase for the key which you are
already using to get server access!
Add one using 'ssh-keygen -p' after all the setup is done and you've
successfully cloned and pushed the gitolite-admin repo. After that, install
'keychain' or something similar, and add the following command to your bashrc
(since this is a non-default key)
ssh-add \\\$HOME/.ssh/\$admin_name
This makes using passphrases very convenient.
Hmmm... pubkey \$HOME/.ssh/\$admin_name.pub exists; should I just re-use it?
Be sure you remember the passphrase, if you gave one when you created it!
you're running ssh-agent. We'll try and do an ssh-add of the
private key we just created, otherwise this key won't get picked up. If
you specified a passphrase in the previous step, you'll get asked for one
now -- type in the same one.
your \\\$HOME/.ssh/config already has settings for gitolite. I will assume
they're correct, but if they're not, please edit that file, delete that
paragraph (that line and the following few lines), Ctrl-C, and rerun.
In case you want to check right now (from another terminal) if they're
correct, here's what they are *supposed* to look like:
\$(cat \$tmpgli/.gl-stanza)
creating settings for your gitolite access in \$HOME/.ssh/config;
these are the lines that will be appended to your ~/.ssh/config:
\$(cat \$tmpgli/.gl-stanza)
the gitolite rc file needs to be edited by hand. The defaults are sensible,
so if you wish, you can just exit the editor.
Otherwise, make any changes you wish and save it. Read the comments to
understand what is what -- the rc file's documentation is inline.
Please remember this file will actually be copied to the server, and that all
the paths etc. represent paths on the server!
looks like you're upgrading, and there are some new rc variables that this
version is expecting that your old rc file doesn't have.
I'm going to run your editor with two filenames. The first is the example
file from this gitolite version. It will have a block (code and comments) for
each of the variables shown above with a '+' sign.
The second is your current rc file, the destination. Copy those lines into
this file, preferably *with* the surrounding comments (for clarity) and save
This is necessary; please dont skip this!
[It's upto you to figure out how your editor handles 2 filename arguments,
switch between them, copy lines, etc ;-)]
ignore any 'please edit this file' or 'run this command' type lines in the
next set of command outputs coming up. They're only relevant for a manual
install, not this one...
If you forgot the help message you saw when you first ran this, there's a
somewhat generic version of it at the end of this file. Try:
tail -31 \$0
now we will clone the gitolite-admin repo to your workstation and see if it
all hangs together. We'll do this in your \\\$HOME for now, and you can move
it elsewhere later if you wish to.
All done!
The admin repo is currently cloned at ~/gitolite-admin; you can clone it
@ -472,7 +571,7 @@ hosting your gitolite setup -- one to get you a command line, and one to get
you gitolite access; see doc/6-ssh-troubleshooting.mkd. If you're not using
keychain or some such software, you may have to run this each time you log in:
ssh-add ~/.ssh/$admin_name
ssh-add ~/.ssh/\$admin_name
URLS: *Your* URL for cloning any repo on this server will be
@ -480,5 +579,5 @@ URLS: *Your* URL for cloning any repo on this server will be
*Other* users you set up will have to use
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