'hub' ADC takes patterns for 'list-request', has new 'accept' command
(plus a few minor fixes)
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 87 additions and 27 deletions
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Parent repo owner's commands (repo parent):
view-diff parent request-number <git diff options>
reject parent request-number
fetch parent request-number
accept parent request-number
exit 1;
@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ my %dispatch = (
'view-diff' => \&vd,
reject => \&reject,
fetch => \&fetch,
accept => \&accept,
my $cmd = shift || '';
@ -129,8 +131,8 @@ sub rs {
# -------------------- alice's commands
sub lr {
# list-requests parent
usage() unless @_ == 1;
# list-requests parent [optional search strings]
usage() unless @_ >= 1;
# Alice must have write access to parent, otherwise she can't really
# accept a pull request eventually right?
@ -139,7 +141,10 @@ sub lr {
my %hub = get_hub();
return unless %hub;
list_hub('', %hub);
# create the search pattern. ADC arg checking is very strict; it doesn't
# allow &, | etc., so we just generate an OR condition out of the pieces
my $patt = join("|", @_);
list_hub($patt, %hub);
sub vr {
@ -224,11 +229,11 @@ sub reject {
my ($repo, $n) = @_;
my ($child, $ref, %hub) = get_request_N($repo, $n);
map { die "request status is already '$_'\n" if $_ ne 'pending' } $hub{$child}{$ref}{STATUS};
# the 'cover letter' message comes from STDIN
my $cover = join("", <>);
map { die "request status is already $_\n" if $_ ne 'pending' } $hub{$child}{$ref}{STATUS};
$hub{$child}{$ref}{STATUS} = 'rejected';
$hub{$child}{$ref}{STATUS} = "rejected by $ENV{GL_USER}";
$hub{$child}{$ref}{COVER} .= "\n\nRejected. Message to requestor:\n$cover";
@ -239,7 +244,8 @@ sub fetch {
my ($repo, $n) = @_;
my ($child, $ref, %hub) = get_request_N($repo, $n);
map { die "request status is already $_\n" if $_ ne 'pending' } $hub{$child}{$ref}{STATUS};
map { die "request status is already '$_'\n" if $_ ne 'pending' } $hub{$child}{$ref}{STATUS};
print "user $hub{$child}{$ref}{BOB} asked you to\n\tgit fetch $BASE_FETCH_URL/$child $ref\n";
print "hit enter to accept the fetch request or Ctrl-C to cancel...";
@ -249,7 +255,22 @@ sub fetch {
system("git", "update-ref", "-d", "refs/heads/$fetched_ref");
system("git", "fetch", "$ENV{GL_REPO_BASE_ABS}/$child.git", "$ref:$fetched_ref");
$hub{$child}{$ref}{STATUS} = 'fetched';
$hub{$child}{$ref}{STATUS} = "fetched by $ENV{GL_USER}";
sub accept {
# accept parent request-number
usage() unless @_ == 2;
my ($repo, $n) = @_;
my ($child, $ref, %hub) = get_request_N($repo, $n);
map { die "request status is '$_'; must be 'fetched'\n" if $_ !~ /^fetched by / } $hub{$child}{$ref}{STATUS};
# the 'cover letter' message comes from STDIN
my $cover = join("", <>);
$hub{$child}{$ref}{STATUS} = "accepted by $ENV{GL_USER}";
$hub{$child}{$ref}{COVER} .= "\n\nAccepted. Message to requestor:\n$cover";
@ -323,7 +344,7 @@ sub hub_sort {
sub list_hub {
my ($status, %hub) = @_;
print "#\tchild-repository-name\t(requestor)\tbranch-or-tag-to-pull\tstatus\n----\n";
my $header = "#\tchild-repository-name\t(requestor)\tbranch-or-tag-to-pull\tstatus\n----\n";
my @hub = hub_sort(%hub);
my $sn = 0;
for my $pr (@hub) {
@ -331,7 +352,8 @@ sub list_hub {
my $child = $pr->{REPO};
my $ref = $pr->{REF};
my $pr_status = $hub{$child}{$ref}{STATUS};
next if $status and $pr_status ne $status;
next if $status and $pr_status !~ /$status/;
print $header if $header; $header = '';
print "$sn\t$child\t($hub{$child}{$ref}{BOB})\t$ref\t$pr_status\n";
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ The following commands do not cause a fetch, and should be quite fast:
in via STDIN [this message is meant to be transient and is not stored long
term; use email for more "permanent" communications].
echo "hi Alice, please pull" | request-pull child b1 [parent]
echo "hi Alice, please pull" | ssh git@server hub request-pull child b1 [parent]
If `child` was created by a recent version of the 'fork' ADC (or the KDE
'clone' ADC), which records the name of the parent repo on a fork, and it
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ The following commands do not cause a fetch, and should be quite fast:
made from his repo child to repo parent. (Note we don't say "accepted" but
"fetched"; see later for why):
request-status child [parent]
ssh git@server hub request-status child [parent]
The second argument is optional the same way as the 3rd argument in the
previous command.
@ -95,13 +95,21 @@ The following commands do not cause a fetch, and should be quite fast:
originating repo name (child, in our example), the requestor (Bob, here),
and the branch/tag-name (b1) being pulled:
list-requests parent
ssh git@server hub list-requests parent
This command also takes an optional list of search strings that are OR-d
together and matched against the 'status' field. So saying
ssh git@server hub list-requests parent fetched pending
would list only items that were 'fetched' or 'pending' (meaning 'accepted'
and 'rejected' would not show up).
* Alice views request # 1 waiting to be pulled into parent. Shows the same
details as above for that request, followed by the message that Bob typed
in when he ran `request-pull`:
view-request parent 1
ssh git@server hub view-request parent 1
* Alice views the log of the branch she is being asked to pull. Note that
this does NOT involve a fetch, so it will be pretty fast. The log starts
@ -110,7 +118,7 @@ The following commands do not cause a fetch, and should be quite fast:
`--decorate`, `--boundary`, etc., could be quite useful. However, she
can't use any GUI; it has to be 'git log':
view-log parent 1 <git log options>
ssh git@server hub view-log parent 1 <git log options>
Notice that the repo name Alice supplies is still her own, although the
log comes from the child repo that Bob wants Alice to pull from. It's
@ -119,7 +127,7 @@ The following commands do not cause a fetch, and should be quite fast:
* Alice views the diff between arbitrary commits on child:
view-diff parent 1 <git diff options>
ssh git@server hub view-diff parent 1 <git diff options>
Again, she mentions *her* reponame but the diff's come from `child`. Also
note that, due to restrictions on what characters are allowed in arguments
@ -133,11 +141,7 @@ The following commands do not cause a fetch, and should be quite fast:
* Alice doesn't like what she sees and decides to reject it. This command
expects some text on STDIN as the rejection message:
echo "hi Bob, your patch needs work; see email" | reject parent 1
The following commands will actually fetch from child into parent, and may take
time if the changes are large. However all this is on the server so it does
not involve network traffic:
echo "hi Bob, your patch needs work; see email" | ssh git@server hub reject parent 1
* Alice likes what she sees so far and wants to fetch the branch Bob is
asking her to pull. Note that we are intentionally not using the word
@ -151,7 +155,23 @@ not involve network traffic:
(presumably emailed) comments from Alice. In a way, this is a "remote
tracking branch", just like `refs/remotes/origin/b1`.
fetch parent 1
ssh git@server hub fetch parent 1
This command will actually fetch from child into parent, and may take time
when the changes are large. However all this is on the server so it does
not involve network traffic:
* Alice has fetched the stuff she wants, looked at it/tested it, and decides
to merge it into `parent`. Once that is done, she runs:
echo "thanks for the frobnitz patch Bob" | ssh git@server hub accept parent 1
to let Bob know next time he checks 'request-status'. Like the `reject`
sub-command, this is also just a status update; no actual 'git' changes
Notice the sequence of Alice's action commands: it's either 'reject', or a
'fetch' then 'accept'.
<a name="_what_next_"></a>
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ do
notexpect "new file mode"
expect "invalid SHA:"
name "alice rejects 2, accepts 3"
name "alice rejects 2, fetches 3"
echo captain was sober today | runlocal ssh u1 hub reject r1 2
notexpect .
echo | runlocal ssh u1 hub fetch r1 3
@ -143,14 +143,32 @@ do
name "bob checks his pending requests"
runlocal ssh u2 hub request-status child/u2/myr1
expect "1 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b1 pending"
expect "2 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b2 rejected"
expect "3 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b3 fetched"
expect "2 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b2 rejected by u1"
expect "3 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b3 fetched by u1"
name "alice checks her pull requests"
runlocal ssh u1 hub list-requests r1
expect "1 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b1 pending"
expect "2 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b2 rejected"
expect "3 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b3 fetched"
expect "2 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b2 rejected by u1"
expect "3 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b3 fetched by u1"
name "alice checks her pull requests by pattern"
runlocal ssh u1 hub list-requests r1 rej
notexpect "1 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b1 pending"
expect "2 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b2 rejected by u1"
notexpect "3 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b3 fetched by u1"
runlocal ssh u1 hub list-requests r1 pend rej
expect "1 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b1 pending"
expect "2 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b2 rejected by u1"
notexpect "3 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b3 fetched by u1"
name "alice accepts 3, then checks her pull requests"
echo the rain in spain | runlocal ssh u1 hub accept r1 3
notexpect .
runlocal ssh u1 hub list-requests r1
expect "1 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b1 pending"
expect "2 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b2 rejected by u1"
expect "3 child/u2/myr1 (u2) b3 accepted by u1"
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