diff --git a/doc/gitolite.conf.mkd b/doc/gitolite.conf.mkd index 663848d..242c12c 100644 --- a/doc/gitolite.conf.mkd +++ b/doc/gitolite.conf.mkd @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ whatever value it *currently* has: @staff = sitaram some_dev another-dev # line 1 @staff = au.thor # line 2 @interns = indy james # line 3 - @alldevs = bob @interns # line 4 + @alldevs = bob @interns @staff # line 4 "@alldevs" expands to 7 names now. However, remember that the config file is parsed in a single-pass, so later *additions* to a group name cannot affect