clean up gl-system-install

- redo it in perl
  - make it flow easier, with all the cruft in subs

and overall, make it obvious that this program does for a manual install
what doc/packaging.mkd advices packagers to do.
Sitaram Chamarty 2012-02-16 06:15:07 +05:30
parent 92e0577154
commit 6e7404fe8a
2 changed files with 110 additions and 98 deletions

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@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ $GL_CONF_COMPILED="$GL_ADMINDIR/conf/";
# These variables are set automatically by the install method you choose.
$GL_PACKAGE_CONF = "/tmp/share/gitolite/conf";
$GL_PACKAGE_HOOKS = "/tmp/share/gitolite/hooks";
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# most often used/changed variables

View File

@ -1,117 +1,129 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use English; # so I can say $EUID instead of $>
use File::Path qw(make_path);
# install the gitolite software *system wide*. Not too robust, fancy, etc.,
# but does have a usage message and catches simple problems.
# install the gitolite software *system wide*.
usage() { echo "
$0 [shared-bin-dir shared-conf-dir shared-hooks-dir]
# This program does for a manual install (root or non-root method) what
# doc/packaging.mkd describes is needed to be done by a packager.
Installs the gitolite software (just the software, not keys or repos)
within \$HOME when invoked by a user, or system-wide when invoked by root.
# Packagers can also use this program to do the same thing if they wish.
Takes 0 or 3 absolute paths. The first one must be part of \$PATH.
my ( $bin_dir, $conf_dir, $hooks_dir );
# as root
# this defaults to:
$0 /usr/local/bin /var/gitolite/conf /var/gitolite/hooks
use FindBin;
# we assume the standard gitolite source tree is here!
chdir( $FindBin::Bin . "/.." ) or die "can't cd: $!\n";
# as a normal user
# notice the 'and' for failure after system() calls, because they return
# "shell truth" not "perl truth"
# this defaults to:
$0 \$HOME/bin \$HOME/share/gitolite/conf \$HOME/share/gitolite/hooks
# copy src
system("cp src/* $bin_dir") and die "cp src/* to $bin_dir failed";
[RPM packagers: you can supply a 4th argument to specify a 'buildroot'
directory. DEB folks would call this a 'DESTDIR', I believe. In this
usage the first 3 arguments are NOT optional]
exit 1;
die() { echo >&2; echo "$@" >&2; echo >&2; echo Run "$0 -h" for a detailed usage message. >&2; exit 1; }
[ "$1" = "-h" ] && usage
validate_dir() {
echo $1 | grep '^/' >/dev/null || die "$1 should be an absolute path"
[ -d $1 ] || mkdir -p $1 || die "$1 does not exist and could not be created"
# if we have a buildroot, set that up first
[ -n "$buildroot" ] && validate_dir $buildroot
[ -n "$buildroot" ] && buildroot=$buildroot/
# either all 3 args must be supplied or none at all
[ -n "$1" ] && [ -z "$3" ] && die "I need all 3 directories or none at all"
# supply default values to args 1, 2, and 3 if not provided
[ -z "$1" ] && {
euid=`perl -e 'print $>'`
if [ "$euid" = "0" ]
set /usr/local/bin /var/gitolite/conf /var/gitolite/hooks
set $HOME/bin $HOME/share/gitolite/conf $HOME/share/gitolite/hooks
echo "using default values for EUID=$euid:" >&2
echo "$@" >&2
gl_bin_dir=$1; validate_dir $buildroot$gl_bin_dir
gl_conf_dir=$2; validate_dir $buildroot$gl_conf_dir
gl_hooks_dir=$3; validate_dir $buildroot$gl_hooks_dir
bindir=`echo $0 | perl -lpe 's/^/$ENV{PWD}\// unless /^\//; s/\/[^\/]+$//;'`
cd $bindir/.. # we assume the standard gitolite source tree is here!
cp src/* $buildroot$gl_bin_dir || die "cp src/* to $buildroot$gl_bin_dir failed"
perl -lpi -e "s(^GL_PACKAGE_CONF=.*)(GL_PACKAGE_CONF=$gl_conf_dir)" $buildroot$gl_bin_dir/gl-setup
# fixup GL_PACKAGE_CONF in gl-setup
replace( "/tmp/share/gitolite/conf", $conf_dir, "$bin_dir/gl-setup" );
# record which version is being sent across; we assume it's HEAD
if git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null 2>&1
git describe --tags --long --dirty=-dt 2>/dev/null > conf/VERSION || die "git describe failed -- your git is probably too old"
[ -f conf/VERSION ] || echo '(unknown)' > conf/VERSION
cp -R conf/* $buildroot$gl_conf_dir || die "cp conf/* to $buildroot$gl_conf_dir failed"
perl -lpi \
-e "s(^#\s*\\\$GL_PACKAGE_CONF\s*=.*)(\\\$GL_PACKAGE_CONF = '$gl_conf_dir';)" \
perl -lpi \
-e "s(^#\s*\\\$GL_PACKAGE_HOOKS\s*=.*)(\\\$GL_PACKAGE_HOOKS = '$gl_hooks_dir';)" \
# copy conf
system("cp -R conf/* $conf_dir") and die "cp conf/* to $conf_dir failed";
cp -R hooks/* $buildroot$gl_hooks_dir || die "cp hooks/* to $buildroot$gl_hooks_dir failed"
# fixup GL_PACKAGE_CONF and GL_PACKAGE_HOOKS in the example rc
replace( "/tmp/share/gitolite/conf", $conf_dir, "$conf_dir/example.gitolite.rc" );
replace( "/tmp/share/gitolite/hooks", $hooks_dir, "$conf_dir/example.gitolite.rc" );
# ----
# copy hooks
system("cp -R hooks/* $hooks_dir") and die "cp hooks/* to $hooks_dir failed";
# check if $gl_bin_dir is in $PATH and advise the user if needed
which=`which gl-setup 2>/dev/null`
# this is some extra gunk for people with crap setups
Since gl-setup MUST be run from the PATH (and not as src/gl-setup or such),
you must fix this before running gl-setup. The simplest way is to add
exit 0;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
to the end of your bashrc or similar file. You can even simply run that
command manually each time you log in and want to run a gitolite command."
sub check_args {
return unless @ARGV;
return if @ARGV == 3;
die "I need all 3 directories (bin-dir, conf-dir, hooks-dir) or none\n";
[ -z "$which" ] && die " ***** WARNING *****
gl-setup is not in your \$PATH.
sub argv_or_defaults {
( $bin_dir, $conf_dir, $hooks_dir ) = @ARGV;
return if @ARGV;
which=`dirname $which`
[ "$which" = "$gl_bin_dir" ] || die " ***** WARNING *****
$which precedes $gl_bin_dir in your \$PATH,
and it *also* contains gl-setup. This is almost certainly going to confuse
you or me later.
unless (@ARGV) {
my $HOME = $ENV{HOME};
if ( $EUID eq "0" ) {
( $bin_dir, $conf_dir, $hooks_dir ) = qw(/usr/local/bin /var/gitolite/conf /var/gitolite/hooks);
} else {
( $bin_dir, $conf_dir, $hooks_dir ) = ( "$HOME/bin", "$HOME/share/gitolite/conf", "$HOME/share/gitolite/hooks" );
print STDERR "using default values for EUID=$EUID:\n";
print STDERR join( ", ", $bin_dir, $conf_dir, $hooks_dir ), "\n";
exit 0
sub check_dirs {
for my $dir ( $bin_dir, $conf_dir, $hooks_dir ) {
die "$dir should be an absolute path\n" unless $dir =~ m(^/);
-d $dir or die "$dir does not exist and could not be created\n";
sub replace {
my ( $old, $new, $file ) = @_;
system("perl -lpi -e 's($old)($new)' $file");
sub record_version {
# this is really much easier in plain shell :(
if ( system("git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null 2>&1") ) {
# for system() calls, perl 'true/success' is shell 'false/fail', which
# means the command failed; we are not in a git work tree
-f "conf/VERSION" or system("echo '(unknown)' > conf/VERSION");
} else {
system("git describe --tags --long --dirty=-dt 2>/dev/null > conf/VERSION")
and die "git describe failed -- your git is probably too old";
sub path_advice {
my $path_advice = "
Since gl-setup MUST be run from the PATH (and not as src/gl-setup or
such), you must fix this before running gl-setup. Just add
to the end of your bashrc or similar file. You can even simply do that
manually each time you log in and want to run a gitolite command.\n";
for my $p ( split( ':', $ENV{PATH} ) ) {
return if $p eq $bin_dir; # all is well
if ( -x "$p/gl-setup" ) {
die " ***** WARNING *****\n" .
" you have installed the sources into $bin_dir, but\n" .
" $p in your \$PATH *also* contains gl-setup.\n" .
" This is almost certainly going to confuse you or me later.\n" .
die " ***** WARNING *****\n" .
" gl-setup is not in your \$PATH.\n" .