41 lines
1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use strict;
use warnings;
# gitolite VREF to check max size of new binary files
# see gitolite docs for what the first 7 arguments mean
# inputs:
# arg-8 is a number
# outputs (STDOUT)
# arg-7 if any new binary files exist that are greater in size than arg-8
# *and* there is no "signed-off by" line for such a file in the top commit
# message.
# Otherwise nothing
# exit status:
# always 0
die "not meant to be run manually" unless $ARGV[7];
my ( $newsha, $oldtree, $newtree, $refex, $max ) = @ARGV[ 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 ];
# / (.*) +\| Bin 0 -> (\d+) bytes/
chomp( my $author_email = `git log --format=%ae -1 $newsha` );
my $msg = `git cat-file -p $newsha`;
$msg =~ s/\t/ /g; # makes our regexes simpler
for my $newbin (`git diff --stat=999,999 $oldtree $newtree | grep Bin.0.-`) {
next unless $newbin =~ /^ (.*) +\| +Bin 0 -> (\d+) bytes/;
my ( $f, $s ) = ( $1, $2 );
next if $s <= $max;
next if $msg =~ /^ *$f +signed-off by: *$author_email *$/mi;
print "$refex $f is larger than $max";
exit 0