89 lines
2.2 KiB
89 lines
2.2 KiB
# arguments: reponame, list of slaves
# optional flag after reponame: "-fg" to run in foreground. This is only
# going to be given by one specific invocation, and if given will only work
# for one slave.
# if list of slaves not given, get it from '...slaves' config
die() { echo gl-mirror-push${hn:+ on $hn}: "$@" >&2; exit 1; }
get_rc_val() { ${0%/*}/gl-query-rc $1; }
# ----------
# is mirroring even enabled?
hn=`get_rc_val GL_HOSTNAME`
[ -z "$hn" ] && exit
# we should not be invoked directly from the command line
[ -z "$GL_LOG" ] && die fatal: do not run $0 directly
# ----------
# get repo name then check if it's a local or slave (ie we're not the master)
[ -z "$1" ] && die fatal: missing reponame argument
repo=$1; shift
REPO_BASE=`get_rc_val REPO_BASE`
cd $REPO_BASE/$repo.git
gmm=`git config --get gitolite.mirror.master`
# is it local? (remember, empty/undef ==> local
[ "$gmm" = "local" ] && exit
# is it a slave?
[ "$hn" = "$gmm" ] || die fatal: wrong master. Try $gmm...
# ----------
# now see if we want to be foregrounded. Fg mode accepts only one slave
[ "$1" = "-fg" ] && {
[ -z "$2" ] && die fatal: missing slavename argument
[ -n "$3" ] && die fatal: too many slavenames
git push --mirror $2:$repo 2>&1 | sed -e "s/^/$hn:/"
# ----------
# normal (self-backgrounding) mode. Any number of slaves. If none are given,
# use the slave list from the repo config
export slaves
if [ -n "$1" ]
slaves=`git config --get gitolite.mirror.slaves`
# ----------
# print out the job ID, then redirect all 3 FDs
export job_id=$$ # can change to something else if needed
echo "($job_id&) $hn ==== ($repo) ===>" $slaves >&2
exec >>$logfile 2>&1 </dev/null
# ----------
# and finally...
# double fork, no zombies
echo `date +%T` $repo '===>'
for s in $slaves
[ "$s" = "$hn" ] && continue # skip ourselves
git push --mirror $s:$repo
done 2>&1 | sed -e "s/^/ /"
echo `date +%T` '===>' $slaves
) 2>&1 | sed -e "s/^/$job_id:/" & # background the whole thing