2012-03-08 13:30:13 +05:30
package Gitolite::Conf::Store;
# receive parsed conf data and store it
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@EXPORT = qw(
use Exporter 'import';
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
use lib $ENV{GL_BINDIR};
use Gitolite::Common;
use Gitolite::Rc;
use Gitolite::Hooks::Update;
use Gitolite::Hooks::PostUpdate;
use strict;
use warnings;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my %repos;
my %groups;
my %configs;
my %split_conf;
my @repolist; # current repo list; reset on each 'repo ...' line
my $subconf = 'master';
my $ruleseq = 0;
my %ignored;
# XXX you still have to "warn" if this has any entries
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub add_to_group {
my ( $lhs, @rhs ) = @_;
_die "bad group '$lhs'" unless $lhs =~ $REPONAME_PATT;
# store the group association, but overload it to keep track of when
# the group was *first* created by using $subconf as the *value*
do { $groups{$lhs}{$_} ||= $subconf }
for ( expand_list(@rhs) );
# create the group hash even if empty
$groups{$lhs} = {} unless $groups{$lhs};
sub expand_list {
my @list = @_;
my @new_list = ();
for my $item (@list) {
if ( $item =~ /^@/ and $item ne '@all' ) # nested group
_die "undefined group $item" unless $groups{$item};
# add those names to the list
push @new_list, sort keys %{ $groups{$item} };
} else {
push @new_list, $item;
return @new_list;
sub set_repolist {
@repolist = @_;
# ...sanity checks
for (@repolist) {
_warn "explicit '.git' extension ignored for $_.git" if s/\.git$//;
_die "bad reponame '$_'" if $_ !~ $REPOPATT_PATT;
# XXX -- how do we deal with this? s/\bCREAT[EO]R\b/\$creator/g for @{ $repos_p };
sub parse_refs {
my $refs = shift;
my @refs; @refs = split( ' ', $refs ) if $refs;
@refs = expand_list(@refs);
# if no ref is given, this PERM applies to all refs
@refs = qw(refs/.*) unless @refs;
# fully qualify refs that dont start with "refs/" or "NAME/" or "VREF/";
# prefix them with "refs/heads/"
@refs = map { m(^(refs|NAME|VREF)/) or s(^)(refs/heads/); $_ } @refs;
# XXX what do we do? @refs = map { s(/USER/)(/\$gl_user/); $_ } @refs;
return @refs;
sub parse_users {
my $users = shift;
my @users = split ' ', $users;
do { _die "bad username '$_'" unless $_ =~ $USERNAME_PATT }
for @users;
return @users;
sub add_rule {
my ( $perm, $ref, $user ) = @_;
for my $repo (@repolist) {
if ( check_subconf_repo_disallowed( $subconf, $repo ) ) {
my $repo = $repo;
$repo =~ s/^\@$subconf\./locally modified \@/;
$ignored{$subconf}{$repo} = 1;
push @{ $repos{$repo}{$user} }, [ $ruleseq, $perm, $ref ];
# XXX g2 diff: we're not doing a lint check for usernames versus pubkeys;
# maybe we can add that later
# XXX to do: C/R/W, then CREATE_IS_C, etc
# XXX to do: also NAME_LIMITS
# XXX and hacks like $creator -> "$creatror - wild"
# XXX consider if you want to use rurp_seen; initially no
sub set_subconf {
$subconf = shift;
trace( 1, $subconf );
sub new_repos {
2012-03-16 09:59:45 +05:30
_chdir( $rc{GL_REPO_BASE} );
2012-03-08 13:30:13 +05:30
# normal repos
my @repos = grep { $_ =~ $REPONAME_PATT and not /^@/ } sort keys %repos;
# add in members of repo groups
map { push @repos, keys %{ $groups{$_} } } grep { /^@/ } keys %repos;
2012-03-16 09:59:45 +05:30
for my $repo ( @{ sort_u( \@repos ) } ) {
2012-03-08 13:30:13 +05:30
next unless $repo =~ $REPONAME_PATT; # skip repo patterns
next if $repo =~ m(^\@|EXTCMD/); # skip groups and fake repos
# XXX how do we deal with GL_NO_CREATE_REPOS?
new_repo($repo) if not -d "$repo.git";
sub new_repo {
my $repo = shift;
trace( 4, $repo );
# XXX ignoring UMASK for now
system("git init --bare >&2");
2012-03-16 09:59:45 +05:30
_chdir( $rc{GL_REPO_BASE} );
2012-03-08 13:30:13 +05:30
# XXX ignoring creator for now
# XXX ignoring gl-post-init for now
sub hook_repos {
# all repos, all hooks
2012-03-16 09:59:45 +05:30
_chdir( $rc{GL_REPO_BASE} );
2012-03-08 13:30:13 +05:30
# XXX g2 diff: we now don't care if it's a symlink -- it's upto the admin
# on the server to make sure things are kosher
for my $repo (`find . -name "*.git" -prune`) {
$repo =~ s/\.git$//;
sub store {
# first write out the ones for the physical repos
2012-03-16 09:59:45 +05:30
_chdir( $rc{GL_REPO_BASE} );
2012-03-08 19:20:00 +05:30
my $phy_repos = list_phy_repos(1);
2012-03-16 09:59:45 +05:30
for my $repo ( @{$phy_repos} ) {
2012-03-08 13:30:13 +05:30
2012-03-16 09:59:45 +05:30
_chdir( $rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE} );
2012-03-08 13:30:13 +05:30
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub check_subconf_repo_disallowed {
# trying to set access for $repo (='foo')...
my ( $subconf, $repo ) = @_;
# processing the master config, not a subconf
return 0 if $subconf eq 'master';
# subconf is also called 'foo' (you're allowed to have a
# subconf that is only concerned with one repo)
return 0 if $subconf eq $repo;
# same thing in big-config-land; foo is just @foo now
return 0 if ( "\@$subconf" eq $repo );
my @matched = grep { $repo =~ /^$_$/ }
grep { $groups{"\@$subconf"}{$_} eq 'master' }
sort keys %{ $groups{"\@$subconf"} };
return 0 if @matched > 0;
trace( 3, "disallowed: $subconf for $repo" );
return 1;
sub store_1 {
# warning: writes and *deletes* it from %repos and %configs
my ($repo) = shift;
trace( 4, $repo );
return unless $repos{$repo} and -d "$repo.git";
my ( %one_repo, %one_config );
open( my $compiled_fh, ">", "$repo.git/gl-conf" ) or return;
$one_repo{$repo} = $repos{$repo};
delete $repos{$repo};
my $dumped_data = Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \%one_repo ], [qw(*one_repo)] );
if ( $configs{$repo} ) {
$one_config{$repo} = $configs{$repo};
delete $configs{$repo};
$dumped_data .= Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \%one_config ], [qw(*one_config)] );
# XXX deal with this better now
# $dumped_data =~ s/'(?=[^']*\$(?:creator|gl_user))~?(.*?)'/"$1"/g;
print $compiled_fh $dumped_data;
close $compiled_fh;
$split_conf{$repo} = 1;
sub store_common {
my $cc = "conf/gitolite.conf-compiled.pm";
my $compiled_fh = _open( ">", "$cc.new" );
2012-03-16 09:59:45 +05:30
my $data_version = glrc('current-data-version');
2012-03-08 13:30:13 +05:30
trace( 1, "data_version = $data_version" );
print $compiled_fh Data::Dumper->Dump( [$data_version], [qw(*data_version)] );
my $dumped_data = Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \%repos ], [qw(*repos)] );
$dumped_data .= Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \%configs ], [qw(*configs)] ) if %configs;
# XXX and again...
# XXX $dumped_data =~ s/'(?=[^']*\$(?:creator|gl_user))~?(.*?)'/"$1"/g;
print $compiled_fh $dumped_data;
if (%groups) {
my %groups = %{ inside_out( \%groups ) };
$dumped_data = Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \%groups ], [qw(*groups)] );
# XXX $dumped_data =~ s/\bCREAT[EO]R\b/\$creator/g;
# XXX $dumped_data =~ s/'(?=[^']*\$(?:creator|gl_user))~?(.*?)'/"$1"/g;
print $compiled_fh $dumped_data;
print $compiled_fh Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \%split_conf ], [qw(*split_conf)] ) if %split_conf;
close $compiled_fh or _die "close compiled-conf failed: $!\n";
rename "$cc.new", $cc;
my $hook_reset = 0;
sub hook_1 {
my $repo = shift;
trace( 4, $repo );
# reset the gitolite supplied hooks, in case someone fiddled with
# them, but only once per run
if ( not $hook_reset ) {
2012-03-16 09:59:45 +05:30
_print( "$rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}/hooks/common/update", update_hook() );
_print( "$rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}/hooks/gitolite-admin/post-update", post_update_hook() );
chmod 0755, "$rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}/hooks/common/update";
chmod 0755, "$rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}/hooks/gitolite-admin/post-update";
2012-03-08 13:30:13 +05:30
# propagate user hooks
2012-03-16 09:59:45 +05:30
ln_sf( "$rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}/hooks/common", "*", "$repo.git/hooks" );
2012-03-08 13:30:13 +05:30
# propagate admin hook
2012-03-16 09:59:45 +05:30
ln_sf( "$rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}/hooks/gitolite-admin", "*", "$repo.git/hooks" ) if $repo eq 'gitolite-admin';
2012-03-08 13:30:13 +05:30
# g2 diff: no "site-wide" hooks (the stuff in between gitolite hooks
# and user hooks) anymore. I don't think anyone used them anyway...
sub inside_out {
my $href = shift;
# input conf: @aa = bb cc <newline> @bb = @aa dd
my %ret = ();
while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each( %{$href} ) ) {
# $k is '@aa', $v is a href
for my $k2 ( keys %{$v} ) {
# $k2 is bb, then cc
push @{ $ret{$k2} }, $k;
return \%ret;
# %groups = ( 'bb' => [ '@bb', '@aa' ], 'cc' => [ '@bb', '@aa' ], 'dd' => [ '@bb' ]);