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package Gitolite::Common;
# common (non-gitolite-specific) functions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@EXPORT = qw(
print2 dbg _mkdir _open ln_sf tsh_rc sort_u
say _warn _chdir _print tsh_text list_phy_repos
say2 _die _system slurp tsh_lines
trace cleanup_conf_line tsh_try
usage tsh_run
use Exporter 'import';
use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use Carp qw(carp cluck croak confess);
use strict;
use warnings;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub print2 {
local $/ = "\n";
print STDERR @_;
sub say {
local $/ = "\n";
print @_, "\n";
sub say2 {
local $/ = "\n";
print STDERR @_, "\n";
sub trace {
return unless defined( $ENV{D} );
my $level = shift; return if $ENV{D} < $level;
my $args = ''; $args = join( ", ", @_ ) if @_;
my $sub = ( caller 1 )[3] || ''; $sub =~ s/.*://; $sub .= ' ' x ( 32 - length($sub) );
say2 "TRACE $level $sub", ( @_ ? shift : () );
say2( "TRACE $level " . ( " " x 32 ), $_ ) for @_;
sub dbg {
use Data::Dumper;
return unless defined( $ENV{D} );
for my $i (@_) {
print STDERR "DBG: " . Dumper($i);
sub _warn {
if ( $ENV{D} and $ENV{D} >= 3 ) {
cluck "WARNING: ", @_, "\n";
} elsif ( defined( $ENV{D} ) ) {
carp "WARNING: ", @_, "\n";
} else {
warn "WARNING: ", @_, "\n";
sub _die {
if ( $ENV{D} and $ENV{D} >= 3 ) {
confess "FATAL: " . join( ",", @_ ) . "\n" if defined( $ENV{D} );
} elsif ( defined( $ENV{D} ) ) {
croak "FATAL: " . join( ",", @_ ) . "\n";
} else {
die "FATAL: " . join( ",", @_ ) . "\n";
sub usage {
_warn(shift) if @_;
my ( $script, $function ) = ( caller(1) )[ 1, 3 ];
2012-03-15 15:34:30 +01:00
if ( not $script ) {
$script = (caller)[1];
$function = 'usage';
dbg( "u s a g e", $script, $function );
$function =~ s/.*:://;
my $code = slurp($script);
$code =~ /^=for $function(.*?)^=cut/sm;
say2( $1 ? $1 : " usage message in $script" );
exit 1;
sub _mkdir {
# it's not an error if the directory exists, but it is an error if it
# doesn't exist and we can't create it
my $dir = shift;
my $perm = shift; # optional
return if -d $dir;
chmod $perm, $dir if $perm;
return 1;
sub _chdir {
chdir( $_[0] || $ENV{HOME} ) or _die "chdir $_[0] failed: $!\n";
sub _system {
# run system(), catch errors. Be verbose only if $ENV{D} exists. If not,
# exit with <rc of system()> if it applies, else just "exit 1".
if ( system(@_) != 0 ) {
say2 "system @_ failed" if $ENV{D};
if ( $? == -1 ) {
die "failed to execute: $!\n" if $ENV{D};
} elsif ( $? & 127 ) {
die "child died with signal " . ( $? & 127 ) . "\n" if $ENV{D};
} else {
die "child exited with value " . ( $? >> 8 ) . "\n" if $ENV{D};
2012-03-15 15:34:30 +01:00
exit( $? >> 8 );
exit 1;
sub _open {
open( my $fh, $_[0], $_[1] ) or _die "open $_[1] failed: $!\n";
return $fh;
sub _print {
my ( $file, @text ) = @_;
my $fh = _open( ">", "$file.$$" );
print $fh @text;
close($fh) or _die "close $file failed: $! at ", (caller)[1], " line ", (caller)[2], "\n";
my $oldmode = ( ( stat $file )[2] );
rename "$file.$$", $file;
chmod $oldmode, $file if $oldmode;
sub slurp {
return unless defined wantarray;
local $/ = undef unless wantarray;
my $fh = _open( "<", $_[0] );
return <$fh>;
sub dos2unix {
# WARNING: when calling this, make sure you supply a list context
s/\r\n/\n/g for @_;
return @_;
sub ln_sf {
trace( 4, @_ );
my ( $srcdir, $glob, $dstdir ) = @_;
for my $hook ( glob("$srcdir/$glob") ) {
$hook =~ s/$srcdir\///;
unlink "$dstdir/$hook";
symlink "$srcdir/$hook", "$dstdir/$hook" or croak "could not symlink $srcdir/$hook to $dstdir\n";
sub sort_u {
my %uniq;
my $listref = shift;
return [] unless @{$listref};
undef @uniq{ @{$listref} }; # expect a listref
my @sort_u = sort keys %uniq;
return \@sort_u;
sub cleanup_conf_line {
my $line = shift;
# kill comments, but take care of "#" inside *simple* strings
$line =~ s/^((".*?"|[^#"])*)#.*/$1/;
# normalise whitespace; keeps later regexes very simple
$line =~ s/=/ = /;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$line =~ s/^ //;
$line =~ s/ $//;
return $line;
my @phy_repos = ();
sub list_phy_repos {
# use cached value only if it exists *and* no arg was received (i.e.,
# receiving *any* arg invalidates cache)
return \@phy_repos if ( @phy_repos and not @_ );
for my $repo (`find . -name "*.git" -prune`) {
$repo =~ s(\./(.*)\.git$)($1);
push @phy_repos, $repo;
return sort_u( \@phy_repos );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# bare-minimum subset of 'Tsh' (see
my ( $rc, $text );
sub tsh_rc { return $rc || 0; }
sub tsh_text { return $text || ''; }
sub tsh_lines { return split /\n/, $text; }
sub tsh_try {
my $cmd = shift; die "try: expects only one argument" if @_;
$text = `( $cmd ) 2>&1; echo -n RC=\$?`;
if ( $text =~ s/RC=(\d+)$// ) {
$rc = $1;
trace( 4, $text );
return ( not $rc );
die "couldnt find RC= in result; this should not happen:\n$text\n\n...\n";
sub tsh_run {
open( my $fh, "-|", @_ ) or die "popen failed: $!";
local $/ = undef; $text = <$fh>;
close $fh; warn "pclose failed: $!" if $!;
$rc = ( $? >> 8 );
trace( 4, $text );
return $text;