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# F=pictures gitolite in pictures
2011-10-28 06:37:30 +05:30
Well, they say a picture speaks a thousand words, so here're a few!
**NOTE**: if you're viewing this file in raw text, please note that some
characters in text within a ditaa drawing may not be ASCII. This is due to a
ditaa flaw that treats even a single hyphen as a line drawing character, so I
had to use Unicode 2010 for it. I expect that I will have to resort to
similar tricks for colon, equals, and many others like it if and when I need
those in text within a ditaa diagram.
## installation and setup
2011-10-28 06:37:30 +05:30
Here's a picture showing the "non-root" install. We assume Alice is the
gitolite admin, and "git" is the hosting user on the server.
Gitolite install and setup sequence (non_root method, default values)
/-----------------\ /----------------------\
| user "alice" | | user "git" |
|(on workstation) | | (on server) |
|cPNK | |cGRE |
\-----------------/ \----------------------/
/-----------------\ /----------------------\
|~/.ssh/|------->| |-----\
\----------+------/ (1) \----------------------/ |
/----------------------\ |
/-------------->| ~/gitolite |-----+
| (2) /-----| | |
| | \----------------------/ |
| | /----------------------\ |
| | | ~/bin |-----+
| \---->| ~/share | |
| (3) \----------------------/ |
/----------+------\ /----------------------\ |
| (github) | | ~/.gitolite.rc | |
|cBLU | |~/.ssh/authorized_keys|<----/
\-----------------/ | ~/.gitolite | (4)
| ~/repositories |
The files names are there **only for information**. You do **not** have to do
anything to them yourself; in fact you should not! You only need the command
for each step shown:
1. copy the admin's pubkey to the server as ""
2. `git clone git://` or equivalent
3. `gitolite/src/gl-system-install`
4. `gl-setup`
Note also that you only need ONE real user on the server. In our example it
is git. In particular, you do NOT create Unix userids for your gitolite
## adding users to gitolite
2011-10-28 06:37:30 +05:30
Once you've done the install, here's how you add users.
Adding users to gitolite
/-------------------\ /-----------------------\
| user "git" | | user "alice" |
| (on server) | | (on workstation) |
| cGRE | | cPNK |
\-------------------/ \-----------------------/
/-------------------\ /-----------------------\
| (gitolite) |----------->| ~/gitoliteadmin |
| | (1) | |
| | | |
| |<-----------| |
\-------------------/ (3) \-----------------------/
/-------------------\ | (alice@workstation) |
| bob cYEL |----\ |~/gitoliteadmin/keydir|
| ~/.ssh/ | | |cPNK |
\-------------------/ | +-----------------------+
\------>| |
/-------------------\ (2) +-----------------------+
| carol cYEL |----------->| |
| ~/.ssh/ | +-----------------------+
\-------------------/ | (...) |
All this is done from the admin (Alice)'s workstation. The steps are:
1. `git clone git@server:gitolite-admin`
2. obtain pubkeys from each user. Email, USB, DHL, pigeon post, owl mail,
any method you like. Rename each received file to the name of the user,
add a ".pub" at the end, copy it into `keydir/` in the gitolite-admin repo
you cloned.
3. `git add keydir`, then `git commit`, then `git push`
You do NOT need to add Carol or Bob as *real* (Unix) users. You do NOT add
their keys directly anywhere on the server; you do it by cloning, adding keys,
and pushing.
## adding repos to gitolite
2011-10-28 06:37:30 +05:30
Adding a repo is even easier. It's so easy that you don't really need a
picture. OK maybe a small one:
Adding repos to gitolite
/-------------------\ /-----------------------\
| user "git" | | user "alice" |
| (on server) | | (on workstation) |
| cGRE | | cPNK |
\-------------------/ \-----------------------/
/-------------------\ /-----------------------\
| (gitolite) |----------->| ~/gitoliteadmin |
| | (1) | |
| | | |
| |<-----------| |
\-------------------/ (3) \-----------------------/
| (alice@workstation) |
| cPNK |
| <config lines for repo foo> |
| <config lines for repo bar> |
| (...) |
Again, all this is done from the admin (Alice)'s workstation. Steps one and
three are the same as for adding users, but step 2 consists of adding config
lines for whatever repo you want too add.
1. `git clone git@server:gitolite-admin`
2. edit `conf/gitolite.conf` in the repo clone you just made. Add repo
paragraphs, maybe like this, and save the file:
repo foo
RW+ = alice
RW = bob
3. `git add conf/gitolite.conf`, then `git commit`, then `git push`
You do NOT add the repos directly anywhere on the server; you do it by
cloning, adding keys, and pushing.