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package Gitolite::Rc;
# everything to do with 'rc'. Also defines some 'constants'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@EXPORT = qw(
use Exporter 'import';
use Getopt::Long;
use Gitolite::Common;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
our %rc;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# pre-populate some important rc keys
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# these keys could be overridden by the rc file later
$rc{GL_REPO_BASE} = "$ENV{HOME}/repositories";
$rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE} = "$ENV{HOME}/.gitolite";
$rc{LOG_TEMPLATE} = "$ENV{HOME}/.gitolite/logs/gitolite-%y-%m.log";
# variables that should probably never be changed but someone will want to, I'll bet...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
$REMOTE_COMMAND_PATT = qr(^[- 0-9a-zA-Z\@\%_=+:,./]*$);
$REF_OR_FILENAME_PATT = qr(^[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z._\@/+ :,-]*$);
$REPONAME_PATT = qr(^\@?[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z._\@/+-]*$);
$REPOPATT_PATT = qr(^\@?[0-9a-zA-Z[][\\^.$|()[\]*+?{}0-9a-zA-Z._\@/,-]*$);
$USERNAME_PATT = qr(^\@?[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z._\@+-]*$);
$UNSAFE_PATT = qr([`~#\$\&()|;<>]);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# find the rc file and 'do' it
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my $current_data_version = "3.0";
my $rc = glrc('filename');
do $rc if -r $rc;
2012-03-23 02:07:44 +01:00
if ( defined($GL_ADMINDIR) ) {
say2 "";
say2 "FATAL: $rc seems to be for older gitolite; please see doc/g2migr.mkd\n" . "(online at";
exit 1;
# let values specified in rc file override our internal ones
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@rc{ keys %RC } = values %RC;
# add internal triggers
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# is the server/repo in a writable state (i.e., not down for maintenance etc)
unshift @{ $rc{ACCESS_1} }, 'Writable::access_1';
# (testing only) override the rc file silently
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# use an env var that is highly unlikely to appear in real life :)
2012-03-15 15:34:30 +01:00
do $ENV{G3T_RC} if exists $ENV{G3T_RC} and -r $ENV{G3T_RC};
# fix some env vars, setup gitolite internal "env" vars (aka rc vars)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
$rc{GL_TID} = $ENV{GL_TID} ||= $$;
# TID: loosely, transaction ID. The first PID at the entry point passes
# it down to all its children so you can track each access, across all the
# various commands it spawns and actions it generates.
$rc{GL_LOGFILE} = $ENV{GL_LOGFILE} ||= gen_lfn( $rc{LOG_TEMPLATE} );
# these two are meant to help externally written commands (see
# src/commands/writable for an example)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use warnings;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my $glrc_default_text = '';
local $/ = undef;
$glrc_default_text = <DATA>;
sub glrc {
my $cmd = shift;
if ( $cmd eq 'default-filename' ) {
return "$ENV{HOME}/.gitolite.rc";
} elsif ( $cmd eq 'default-text' ) {
return $glrc_default_text if $glrc_default_text;
_die "rc file default text not set; this should not happen!";
} elsif ( $cmd eq 'filename' ) {
# where is the rc file?
# search $HOME first
return "$ENV{HOME}/.gitolite.rc" if -f "$ENV{HOME}/.gitolite.rc";
return '';
} elsif ( $cmd eq 'current-data-version' ) {
return $current_data_version;
} else {
_die "unknown argument to glrc: $cmd";
# exported functions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2012-03-23 02:07:44 +01:00
my $all = 0;
my $nonl = 0;
my $quiet = 0;
sub query_rc {
my @vars = args();
no strict 'refs';
if ($all) {
for my $e ( sort keys %rc ) {
print "$e=" . ( defined( $rc{$e} ) ? $rc{$e} : 'undef' ) . "\n";
exit 0;
my @res = map { $rc{$_} } grep { $rc{$_} } @vars;
2012-03-23 02:07:44 +01:00
print join( "\t", @res ) . ( $nonl ? '' : "\n" ) if not $quiet and @res;
# shell truth
exit 0 if @res;
exit 1;
sub version {
my $version = '';
$version = '(unknown)';
$version = slurp($_) if -r $_;
return $version;
sub trigger {
my $rc_section = shift;
if ( exists $rc{$rc_section} ) {
if ( ref( $rc{$rc_section} ) ne 'ARRAY' ) {
_die "$rc_section section in rc file is not a perl list";
} else {
for my $s ( @{ $rc{$rc_section} } ) {
my ( $pgm, @args ) = split ' ', $s;
if ( my ( $module, $sub ) = ( $pgm =~ /^(.*)::(\w+)$/ ) ) {
require Gitolite::Triggers;
trace(1, 'trigger', $module, $sub, @args, $rc_section, @_ );
Gitolite::Triggers::run( $module, $sub, @args, $rc_section, @_ );
} else {
$pgm = "$ENV{GL_BINDIR}/triggers/$pgm";
_warn("skipped command '$s'"), next if not -x $pgm;
trace( 2, "command: $s" );
_system( $pgm, @args, $rc_section, @_ ); # they better all return with 0 exit codes!
trace( 2, "'$rc_section' not found in rc" );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
=for args
Usage: gitolite query-rc -a
gitolite query-rc [-n] <list of rc variables>
-a print all variables and values
-n do not append a newline
2012-03-23 02:07:44 +01:00
-q exit code only (shell truth; 0 is success)
gitolite query-rc GL_ADMIN_BASE UMASK
# prints "/home/git/.gitolite<tab>0077" or similar
gitolite query-rc -a
# prints all known variables and values, one per line
2012-03-23 02:07:44 +01:00
Note: '-q' is best used with only one variable.
sub args {
my $help = 0;
2012-03-23 02:07:44 +01:00
'all|a' => \$all,
'nonl|n' => \$nonl,
'quiet|q' => \$quiet,
'help|h' => \$help,
) or usage();
2012-03-23 02:07:44 +01:00
usage("'-a' cannot be combined with other arguments or options") if $all and ( @ARGV or $nonl or $quiet );
usage() if not $all and not @ARGV or $help;
return @ARGV;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# configuration variables for gitolite
# This file is in perl syntax. But you do NOT need to know perl to edit it --
# just mind the commas, use single quotes unless you know what you're doing,
# and make sure the brackets and braces stay matched up!
2012-03-11 17:03:15 +01:00
# (Tip: perl allows a comma after the last item in a list also!)
%RC = (
# if you're using mirroring, you need a hostname. This is *one* simple
# word, not a full domain name. See documentation if in doubt
# HOSTNAME => 'darkstar',
UMASK => 0077,
# comment out if you don't need all the extra detail in the logfile
# settings used by external programs; uncomment and change as needed. You
# can add your own variables for use in your own external programs; take a
# look at the info and desc commands for perl and shell samples.
# used by the CpuTime trigger
# used by the desc command
# used by the info command
# SITE_INFO => 'Please see http://blahblah/gitolite for more help',
# add more roles (like MANAGER, TESTER, ...) here.
# WARNING: if you make changes to this hash, you MUST run 'gitolite
# compile' afterward, and possibly also 'gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE'
# uncomment (and change) this if you wish
# comment out or uncomment as needed
# these are available to remote users
'help' => 1,
'desc' => 1,
'info' => 1,
# 'mirror' => 1,
'perms' => 1,
# 'sskm' => 1,
'writable' => 1,
# 'D' => 1,
2012-03-11 17:03:15 +01:00
# comment out or uncomment as needed
# these will run in sequence during the conf file parse
# 'continuation-lines',
2012-03-11 17:03:15 +01:00
# comment out or uncomment as needed
# these will run in sequence to modify the input (arguments and environment)
# if you use this, make this the first item in the list
# 'CpuTime::input',
# 'Mirroring::input',
# comment out or uncomment as needed
# these will run in sequence just after the first access check is done
# comment out or uncomment as needed
# these will run in sequence just before the actual git command is invoked
# if you use this, make this the first item in the list
# 'renice 10',
# 'Mirroring::pre_git',
# see docs ("list of non-core programs shipped") for details
# 'partial-copy',
# comment out or uncomment as needed
# these will run in sequence just after the second access check is done
# comment out or uncomment as needed
# these will run in sequence after the git command returns
# 'Mirroring::post_git',
# if you use this, make this the last item in the list
# 'CpuTime::post_git',
# comment out or uncomment as needed
# these will run in sequence before a new wild repo is created
2012-03-11 17:03:15 +01:00
# comment out or uncomment as needed
# these will run in sequence after a new wild repo is created
2012-03-11 17:03:15 +01:00
2012-03-19 11:45:21 +01:00
2012-03-19 09:34:17 +01:00
# comment out or uncomment as needed
# these will run in sequence after post-update
2012-03-19 09:34:17 +01:00
2012-03-11 17:03:15 +01:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# per perl rules, this should be the last line in such a file:
# Local variables:
# mode: perl
# End:
# vim: set syn=perl: