Riyad Preukschas c4a7824a8c Fix wall notes
2012-12-03 22:51:56 +01:00

450 lines
12 KiB

var NoteList = {
notes_path: null,
target_params: null,
target_id: 0,
target_type: null,
top_id: 0,
bottom_id: 0,
loading_more_disabled: false,
reversed: false,
init: function(tid, tt, path) {
NoteList.notes_path = path + ".js";
NoteList.target_id = tid;
NoteList.target_type = tt;
NoteList.reversed = $("#notes-list").is(".reversed");
NoteList.target_params = "target_type=" + NoteList.target_type + "&target_id=" + NoteList.target_id;
if(NoteList.reversed) {
var form = $("#new_note");
form.find(".buttons, .note_advanced_opts").hide();
var textarea = form.find(".js-note-text");
textarea.css("height", "40px");
textarea.on("focus", function(){
textarea.css("height", "80px");
form.find(".buttons, .note_advanced_opts").show();
// get initial set of notes
disableButtonIfEmptyField(".js-note-text", ".js-comment-button");
var val = $('.input-file').val();
var filename = val.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '');
// add a new diff note
// reply to diff/discussion notes
// setup note preview
// hide diff note form
// do some specific housekeeping when removing a diff or discussion note
".diff_file .js-note-delete," +
".discussion .js-note-delete",
// remove a note (in general)
// clean up previews for forms
$(document).on("ajax:complete", ".note-form-holder", function(){
* Event handlers
* Called when clicking on the "add a comment" button on the side of a diff line.
* Inserts a temporary row for the form below the line.
* Sets up the form and shows it.
addDiffNote: function(e) {
// find the form
var form = $(".js-note-forms .js-discussion-note-form");
var row = $(this).closest("tr");
var nextRow =;
// does it already have notes?
if (".notes_holder")) {
} else {
// add a notes row and insert the form
row.after('<tr class="notes_holder js-temp-notes-holder"><td class="notes_line" colspan="2"></td><td class="notes_content"></td></tr>');
// show the form
* Shows the note preview.
* Lets the server render GFM into Html and displays it.
* Note: uses the Toggler behavior to toggle preview/edit views/buttons
previewNote: function(e) {
var form = $(this).closest("form");
var preview = form.find('.js-note-preview');
var note_text = form.find('.js-note-text').val();
if(note_text.trim().length === 0) {
preview.text('Nothing to preview.');
} else if($(this).data('url')) {
$.post($(this).data('url'), {note: note_text})
.success(function(previewData) {
* Called in response to deleting a note on a diff line.
* Removes the actual note from view.
* Removes the whole notes row if the last note for that line is being removed.
* Note: must be called before removeNote()
removeDiscussionNote: function() {
var notes = $(this).closest(".notes");
// check if this is the last note for this line
if (notes.find(".note").length === 1) {
// for discussions
// for diff lines
* Called in response to "cancel" on a diff note form.
* Shows the reply button again.
* Removes the form and if necessary it's temporary row.
removeDiscussionNoteForm: function(e) {
var form = $(this).closest("form");
var row = form.closest("tr");
// show the reply button (will only work for replys)
if (".js-temp-notes-holder")) {
// remove temporary row for diff lines
} else {
// only remove the form
* Called in response to deleting a note of any kind.
* Removes the actual note from view.
removeNote: function() {
* Called when clicking on the "reply" button for a diff line.
* Shows the note form below the notes.
replyToDiscussionNote: function() {
// find the form
var form = $(".js-note-forms .js-discussion-note-form");
// hide reply button
// insert the form after the button
// show the form
NoteList.setupDiscussionNoteForm($(this), $(this).next("form"));
* Shows the diff line form and does some setup.
* Sets some hidden fields in the form.
* Note: "this" must have the "discussionId", "lineCode", "noteableType" and
* "noteableId" data attributes set.
setupDiscussionNoteForm: function(data_holder, form) {
// setup note target
// setup interaction
disableButtonIfEmptyField(form.find(".js-note-text"), form.find(".js-comment-button"));
// cleanup after successfully creating a diff note
form.on("ajax:success", NoteList.removeDiscussionNoteForm);;
* Handle loading the initial set of notes.
* And set up loading more notes when scrolling to the bottom of the page.
* Gets an inital set of notes.
getContent: function() {
url: NoteList.notes_path,
data: NoteList.target_params,
complete: function(){ $('.notes-status').removeClass("loading")},
beforeSend: function() { $('.notes-status').addClass("loading") },
dataType: "script"
* Called in response to getContent().
* Replaces the content of #notes-list with the given html.
setContent: function(newNoteIds, html) {
NoteList.top_id = newNoteIds.first();
NoteList.bottom_id = newNoteIds.last();
// for the wall
if (NoteList.reversed) {
// init infinite scrolling
// init getting new notes
* Handle loading more notes when scrolling to the bottom of the page.
* The id of the last note in the list is in NoteList.bottom_id.
* Set up refreshing only new notes after all notes have been loaded.
* Initializes loading more notes when scrolling to the bottom of the page.
initLoadMore: function() {
bottomPixels: 400,
fireDelay: 1000,
ceaseFire: function() {
return NoteList.loading_more_disabled;
callback: function(i) {
* Gets an additional set of notes.
getMore: function() {
// only load more notes if there are no "new" notes
url: NoteList.notes_path,
data: NoteList.target_params + "&loading_more=1&" + (NoteList.reversed ? "before_id" : "after_id") + "=" + NoteList.bottom_id,
complete: function(){ $('.notes-status').removeClass("loading")},
beforeSend: function() { $('.notes-status').addClass("loading") },
dataType: "script"
* Called in response to getMore().
* Append notes to #notes-list.
appendMoreNotes: function(newNoteIds, html) {
var lastNewNoteId = newNoteIds.last();
if(lastNewNoteId != NoteList.bottom_id) {
NoteList.bottom_id = lastNewNoteId;
* Called in response to getMore().
* Disables loading more notes when scrolling to the bottom of the page.
finishedLoadingMore: function() {
NoteList.loading_more_disabled = true;
// make sure we are up to date
* Handle refreshing and adding of new notes.
* New notes are all notes that are created after the site has been loaded.
* The "old" notes are in #notes-list the "new" ones will be in #new-notes-list.
* The id of the last "old" note is in NoteList.bottom_id.
* Initializes getting new notes every n seconds.
* Note: only used on wall.
initRefreshNew: function() {
setInterval("NoteList.getNew()", 10000);
* Gets the new set of notes.
* Note: only used on wall.
getNew: function() {
url: NoteList.notes_path,
data: NoteList.target_params + "&loading_new=1&after_id=" + (NoteList.reversed ? NoteList.top_id : NoteList.bottom_id),
dataType: "script"
* Called in response to getNew().
* Replaces the content of #new-notes-list with the given html.
* Note: only used on wall.
replaceNewNotes: function(newNoteIds, html) {
* Adds a single common note to #notes-list.
appendNewNote: function(id, html) {
* Adds a single discussion note to #notes-list.
appendNewDiscussionNote: function(discussionId, diffRowHtml, noteHtml) {
// is this the first note of discussion?
var row = $("form[rel='"+discussionId+"']").closest("tr");
if (".js-temp-notes-holder")) {
// insert the note and the reply button after it
// will be added again below".note").remove();
// append new note to all matching discussions
* Adds a single wall note to #new-notes-list.
* Note: only used on wall.
appendNewWallNote: function(id, html) {
* Recalculates the votes and updates them (if they are displayed at all).
* Assumes all relevant notes are displayed (i.e. there are no more notes to
* load via getMore()).
* Might produce inaccurate results when not all notes have been loaded and a
* recalculation is triggered (e.g. when deleting a note).
updateVotes: function() {
var votes = $("#votes .votes");
var notes = $("#notes-list .note .vote");
// only update if there is a vote display
if (votes.size()) {
var upvotes = notes.filter(".upvote").size();
var downvotes = notes.filter(".downvote").size();
var votesCount = upvotes + downvotes;
var upvotesPercent = votesCount ? (100.0 / votesCount * upvotes) : 0;
var downvotesPercent = votesCount ? (100.0 - upvotesPercent) : 0;
// change vote bar lengths
votes.find(".bar-success").css("width", upvotesPercent+"%");
votes.find(".bar-danger").css("width", downvotesPercent+"%");
// replace vote numbers
votes.find(".upvotes").text(votes.find(".upvotes").text().replace(/\d+/, upvotes));
votes.find(".downvotes").text(votes.find(".downvotes").text().replace(/\d+/, downvotes));