Robert Speicher 7754189187 Fully embrace Ruby 1.9 hash syntax
Didn't bother with files in db/, config/, or features/
2012-08-10 18:25:15 -04:00

19 lines
1,014 B

%meta{charset: "utf-8"}
= " > #{}" if @project && !@project.new_record?
= favicon_link_tag 'favicon.ico'
= stylesheet_link_tag "application"
= javascript_include_tag "application"
-# Atom feed
- if controller_name == 'projects' && action_name == 'index'
= auto_discovery_link_tag :atom, projects_url(:atom, private_token: current_user.private_token), title: "Dashboard feed"
- if @project && !@project.new_record?
- if current_page?(tree_project_ref_path(@project, @project.root_ref)) || current_page?(project_commits_path(@project))
= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, project_commits_url(@project, :atom, ref: @ref, private_token: current_user.private_token), title: "Recent commits to #{}:#{@ref}")
- if request.path == project_issues_path(@project)
= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, project_issues_url(@project, :atom, private_token: current_user.private_token), title: "#{} issues")
= csrf_meta_tags