Robert Speicher d6c384c20f Reduce the amount of JavaScript written in views
Seeing `:javascript` all over Views feels like a code smell. This goes a
long way towards reducing the amount of JS in views, but there's still
plenty to be done on that front.
2012-09-10 02:12:36 -04:00

28 lines
1 KiB

%h3= @snippet.new_record? ? "New Snippet" : "Edit Snippet ##{}"
= form_for [@project, @snippet] do |f|
-if @snippet.errors.any?
- @snippet.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
%li= msg
= f.label :title
.input= f.text_field :title, placeholder: "Example Snippet"
= f.label :file_name
.input= f.text_field :file_name, placeholder: "example.rb"
= f.label "Lifetime"
.input= :expires_at, lifetime_select_options, {}, {class: 'chosen span2'}
= f.label :content, "Code"
.input= f.text_area :content, class: "span8"
= f.submit 'Save', class: "primary btn"
= link_to "Cancel", project_snippets_path(@project), class: " btn"
- unless @snippet.new_record?
.right= link_to 'Destroy', [@project, @snippet], confirm: 'Are you sure?', method: :delete, class: "btn right danger delete-snippet", id: "destroy_snippet_#{}"