53 lines
2.4 KiB
53 lines
2.4 KiB
/ Page Header
= link_to root_path, :class => "top_link home", :title => "Home" do
= image_tag "Home-UI.PNG", :width => 26
- if current_user.is_admin?
= link_to admin_root_path, :class => "top_link admin", :title => "Admin" do
= image_tag "Gear-UI.PNG", :width => 20
- if project_layout
= truncate @project.name, :length => 28
%input.git-url.text{:id => "", :name => "", :readonly => "", :type => "text", :value => @project.url_to_repo, :class => "one_click_select"}
- if @project.repo_exists?
.left{:style => "margin-left:5px;"}
= render :partial => "projects/refs", :locals => { :destination => controller.controller_name == "commits" ? "commits" : "tree" }
= yield :rss_icon
- elsif profile_layout
= link_to "Activities", dashboard_path, :class => "dash_top_link #{"active" if current_page?(dashboard_path) || current_page?(root_path) }"
= link_to "Projects", projects_path, :class => "dash_top_link #{"active" if current_page?(projects_path)}"
= link_to "Issues", dashboard_issues_path, :class => "dash_top_link #{"active" if current_page?(dashboard_issues_path)}", :id => "issues_slide"
= link_to "Merge Requests", dashboard_merge_requests_path, :class => "dash_top_link #{"active" if current_page?(dashboard_merge_requests_path)}", :id => "merge_requests_slide"
= text_field_tag "search", nil, :placeholder => "Search", :class => "search-input"
= link_to profile_path, :class => "pic" do
= image_tag gravatar_icon(current_user.email)
= link_to profile_path, :class => "username" do
My profile
= link_to 'Logout', destroy_user_session_path, :class => "logout", :method => :delete
/ .account-box
= text_field_tag "search", nil, :placeholder => "Search", :class => "search-input"
/ .login-top
- if current_user
= javascript_tag do
source: #{raw search_autocomplete_source},
select: function(event, ui) { location.href = ui.item.url }
- if current_user.require_ssh_key?
No SSH Key is defined. You won't be able to use any Git command!. Click #{link_to( 'here', keys_path )} to add one!