Marin Jankovski d75cc7eafd Display https as repo clone indicator and prevent modification of web_protocol variable.
Rewrite build_url, use web_protocol for repo indicator.

Explicitly initialize custom port to make the logic obvious.
2012-10-21 15:48:34 +02:00

10 lines
558 B

= render partial: 'shared/ref_switcher', locals: {destination: 'tree', path: params[:path]}
= nav_link(controller: :refs) do
= link_to 'Source', project_tree_path(@project, @ref)
%button{class: "btn small active", :"data-clone" => @project.ssh_url_to_repo} SSH
%button{class: "btn small", :"data-clone" => @project.http_url_to_repo}= Gitlab.config.web_protocol.upcase
= text_field_tag :project_clone, @project.url_to_repo, class: "one_click_select span5"