Cedric Gatay c0b47d3245 Alert commit author on note
Allows to alert only the commit author when a new note is added on a commit, useful when gitlabhq is used for code
reviews, allows less noise with mails...
2011-12-24 17:28:20 +01:00

36 lines
970 B

= form_for [@project, @note], :remote => "true", :multipart => true do |f|
-if @note.errors.any?
- @note.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
%div= msg
= f.hidden_field :noteable_id
= f.hidden_field :noteable_type
= f.label :note
%cite.cgray markdown supported
= f.text_area :note, :size => 255
= f.label :attachment
%cite.cgray (less than 10 MB)
= f.file_field :attachment
= check_box_tag :notify, 1, @note.noteable_type != "Commit"
= label_tag :notify, "Notify project team about your note"
-if @note.noteable_type == "Commit"
= check_box_tag :notify_author, 1 , @note.noteable_type == "Commit"
= label_tag :notify_author, "Notify commit author about your note"
= f.submit 'Add note', :class => "grey-button", :id => "submit_note"