2012-10-09 14:48:35 +02:00

84 lines
3.1 KiB

= form_for [@project, @note], remote: "true", multipart: true do |f|
%h3.page_title Leave a comment
-if @note.errors.any?
- @note.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
%div= msg
= f.hidden_field :noteable_id
= f.hidden_field :noteable_type
= f.text_area :note, size: 255, class: 'note-text gfm-input'
.right Comments are parsed with #{link_to "GitLab Flavored Markdown", help_markdown_path, target: '_blank'}.
= f.submit 'Add Comment', class: "btn success submit_note grouped", id: "submit_note"
= link_to 'Preview', preview_project_notes_path(@project), class: 'btn grouped', id: 'preview-link'
%h6.left Notify via email:
= label_tag :notify do
= check_box_tag :notify, 1, @note.noteable_type != "Commit"
%span Project team
- if @note.notify_only_author?(current_user)
= label_tag :notify_author do
= check_box_tag :notify_author, 1 , @note.noteable_type == "Commit"
%span Commit author
%h6.left Attachment:
%span.file_name File name...
%a.file_upload.btn.small Upload File
= f.file_field :attachment, class: "input-file"
%span.hint Any file less than 10 MB
// init auto-completion of team members
var membersUrl = "#{root_url}/api/v2/projects/#{@project.code}/members";
var membersParams = {
private_token: "#{current_user.authentication_token}",
page: 1,
var membersData = [];
$('.gfm-input').atWho('@', function(query, callback) {
(function getMoreMembers() {
$.getJSON(membersUrl, membersParams).
success(function(members) {
// pick the data we need
var newMembersData = $.map(members, function(member) { return });
// add the new page of data to the rest
$.merge(membersData, newMembersData);
// show the pop-up with a copy of the current data
// are we past the last page?
if (newMembersData.length == 0) {
// set static data and stop callbacks
$('.gfm-input').atWho('@', { data: membersData, callback: null });
} else {
// get next page
// next request will get the next page += 1;
// init auto-completion of emoji
var emoji = #{emoji_for_completion};
// convert the list so that the items have the right format for completion
emoji = $.map(emoji, function(value) {return { key: value+':', name: value }});
$('.gfm-input').atWho(':', {
data: emoji,
tpl: "<li data-value='${key}'>${name} #{escape_javascript image_tag('emoji/${name}.png', :size => '20x20')}</li>"