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Feature: Issues
Given I signin as a user
And I own project "Shop"
And project "Shop" have "Release 0.4" open issue
And project "Shop" have "Release 0.3" closed issue
And I visit project "Shop" issues page
Scenario: I should see open issues
Given I should see "Release 0.4" in issues
And I should not see "Release 0.3" in issues
Scenario: I should see closed issues
Given I click link "Closed"
Then I should see "Release 0.3" in issues
And I should not see "Release 0.4" in issues
Scenario: I should see all issues
Given I click link "All"
Then I should see "Release 0.3" in issues
And I should see "Release 0.4" in issues
Scenario: I visit issue page
Given I click link "Release 0.4"
Then I should see issue "Release 0.4"
Scenario: I submit new unassigned issue
Given I click link "New Issue"
And I submit new issue "500 error on profile"
Given I click link "500 error on profile"
Then I should see issue "500 error on profile"
Scenario: I comment issue
Given I visit issue page "Release 0.4"
And I leave a comment like "XML attached"
Then I should see commetn "XML attached"