Didn't bother with files in db/, config/, or features/
74 lines
2.4 KiB
74 lines
2.4 KiB
= link_to tree_project_ref_path(@project, @ref, path: nil), remote: true do
= @project.name
- tree.breadcrumbs(6) do |link|
%li= link
- if tree.is_blob?
= render partial: "refs/tree_file", locals: { name: tree.name, content: tree.data, file: tree }
- else
- contents = tree.contents
%table#tree-slider.bordered-table.table{class: "table_#{@hex_path}" }
%th Name
%th Last Update
Last commit
= link_to "History", tree.history_path, class: "right"
- if tree.up_dir?
%tr{ class: "tree-item", url: tree.up_dir_path }
= image_tag "file_empty.png"
= link_to "..", tree.up_dir_path, remote: :true
- index = 0
- contents.select{ |i| i.is_a?(Grit::Tree)}.each do |content|
= render partial: "refs/tree_item", locals: { content: content, index: (index += 1) }
- contents.select{ |i| i.is_a?(Grit::Blob)}.each do |content|
= render partial: "refs/tree_item", locals: { content: content, index: (index += 1) }
- contents.select{ |i| i.is_a?(Grit::Submodule)}.each do |content|
= render partial: "refs/submodule_item", locals: { content: content, index: (index += 1) }
- if content = contents.select{ |c| c.is_a?(Grit::Blob) and c.name =~ /^readme/i }.first
= content.name
- if content.name =~ /\.(md|markdown)$/i
= preserve do
= markdown(content.data)
- else
= simple_format(content.data)
$('select#branch').selectmenu({style:'popup', width:200});
$('select#tag').selectmenu({style:'popup', width:200});
history.pushState({ path: this.path }, '', "#{@history_path}");
// Load last commit log for each file in tree
- if params[:path] && request.xhr?
$(window).bind('popstate', function() {
if(location.pathname.search("tree") != -1) {
$.ajax({type: "GET", url: location.pathname, dataType: "script"})}
else { location.href = location.pathname;}});