require 'active_record/fixtures' namespace :gitlab do namespace :backup do # Create backup of GitLab system desc "GITLAB | Create a backup of the GitLab system" task :create => :environment do warn_user_is_not_gitlab Rake::Task["gitlab:backup:db:create"].invoke Rake::Task["gitlab:backup:repo:create"].invoke Dir.chdir(Gitlab.config.backup.path) # saving additional informations s = {} s[:db_version] = "#{ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version}" s[:backup_created_at] = "#{}" s[:gitlab_version] = %x{git rev-parse HEAD}.gsub(/\n/,"") s[:tar_version] = %x{tar --version | head -1}.gsub(/\n/,"")"#{Gitlab.config.backup.path}/backup_information.yml", "w+") do |file| file << s.to_yaml.gsub(/^---\n/,'') end # create archive print "Creating backup archive: #{}_gitlab_backup.tar ... " if Kernel.system("tar -cf #{}_gitlab_backup.tar repositories/ db/ backup_information.yml") puts "done".green else puts "failed".red end # cleanup: remove tmp files print "Deleting tmp directories ... " if Kernel.system("rm -rf repositories/ db/ backup_information.yml") puts "done".green else puts "failed".red end # delete backups print "Deleting old backups ... " if Gitlab.config.backup.keep_time > 0 file_list = Dir.glob("*_gitlab_backup.tar").map { |f| f.split(/_/).first.to_i } file_list.sort.each do |timestamp| if < ( - Gitlab.config.backup.keep_time) %x{rm #{timestamp}_gitlab_backup.tar} end end puts "done".green else puts "skipping".yellow end end # Restore backup of GitLab system desc "GITLAB | Restore a previously created backup" task :restore => :environment do warn_user_is_not_gitlab Dir.chdir(Gitlab.config.backup.path) # check for existing backups in the backup dir file_list = Dir.glob("*_gitlab_backup.tar") { |f| f.split(/_/).first.to_i } puts "no backups found" if file_list.count == 0 if file_list.count > 1 && ENV["BACKUP"].nil? puts "Found more than one backup, please specify which one you want to restore:" puts "rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=timestamp_of_backup" exit 1 end tar_file = ENV["BACKUP"].nil? ? File.join("#{file_list.first}_gitlab_backup.tar") : File.join(ENV["BACKUP"] + "_gitlab_backup.tar") unless File.exists?(tar_file) puts "The specified backup doesn't exist!" exit 1 end print "Unpacking backup ... " unless Kernel.system("tar -xf #{tar_file}") puts "failed".red exit 1 else puts "done".green end settings = YAML.load_file("backup_information.yml") ENV["VERSION"] = "#{settings[:db_version]}" if settings[:db_version].to_i > 0 # restoring mismatching backups can lead to unexpected problems if settings[:gitlab_version] != %x{git rev-parse HEAD}.gsub(/\n/,"") puts "GitLab version mismatch:".red puts " Your current HEAD differs from the HEAD in the backup!".red puts " Please switch to the following revision and try again:".red puts " revision: #{settings[:gitlab_version]}".red exit 1 end Rake::Task["gitlab:backup:db:restore"].invoke Rake::Task["gitlab:backup:repo:restore"].invoke # cleanup: remove tmp files print "Deleting tmp directories ... " if Kernel.system("rm -rf repositories/ db/ backup_information.yml") puts "done".green else puts "failed".red end end ################################################################################ ################################# invoked tasks ################################ ################################# REPOSITORIES ################################# namespace :repo do task :create => :environment do backup_path_repo = File.join(Gitlab.config.backup.path, "repositories") FileUtils.mkdir_p(backup_path_repo) until Dir.exists?(backup_path_repo) puts "Dumping repositories ...".blue Project.find_each(:batch_size => 1000) do |project| print " * #{project.path_with_namespace} ... " if project.empty_repo? puts "[SKIPPED]".cyan next end # Create namespace dir if missing FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(backup_path_repo, project.namespace.path)) if project.namespace # Build a destination path for backup path_to_bundle = File.join(backup_path_repo, project.path_with_namespace + ".bundle") if Kernel.system("cd #{project.path_to_repo} > /dev/null 2>&1 && git bundle create #{path_to_bundle} --all > /dev/null 2>&1") puts "[DONE]".green else puts "[FAILED]".red end end end task :restore => :environment do backup_path_repo = File.join(Gitlab.config.backup.path, "repositories") repos_path = Gitlab.config.gitolite.repos_path puts "Restoring repositories ... " Project.find_each(:batch_size => 1000) do |project| print "#{project.path_with_namespace} ... " if project.namespace project.namespace.ensure_dir_exist end # Build a backup path path_to_bundle = File.join(backup_path_repo, project.path_with_namespace + ".bundle") if Kernel.system("git clone --bare #{path_to_bundle} #{project.path_to_repo} > /dev/null 2>&1") puts "[DONE]".green else puts "[FAILED]".red end end end end ###################################### DB ###################################### namespace :db do task :create => :environment do backup_path_db = File.join(Gitlab.config.backup.path, "db") FileUtils.mkdir_p(backup_path_db) unless Dir.exists?(backup_path_db) puts "Dumping database tables ... ".blue ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.each do |tbl| print " * #{tbl.yellow} ... " count = 1, tbl + ".yml"), "w+") do |file| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT * FROM `#{tbl}`").each do |line| line.delete_if{|k,v| v.blank?} output = {tbl + '_' + count.to_s => line} file << output.to_yaml.gsub(/^---\n/,'') + "\n" count += 1 end puts "done".green end end end task :restore => :environment do backup_path_db = File.join(Gitlab.config.backup.path, "db") puts "Restoring database tables (loading fixtures) ... " Rake::Task["db:reset"].invoke Dir.glob(File.join(backup_path_db, "*.yml") ).each do |dir| fixture_file = File.basename(dir, ".*" ) print "#{fixture_file.yellow} ... " if File.size(dir) > 0 ActiveRecord::Fixtures.create_fixtures(backup_path_db, fixture_file) puts "done".green else puts "skipping".yellow end end end end end # namespace end: backup end # namespace end: gitlab