%h3.page_title = @wiki.title %span.right = link_to pages_project_wikis_path(@project), class: "btn small grouped" do Pages - if can? current_user, :write_wiki, @project = link_to history_project_wiki_path(@project, @wiki), class: "btn small grouped" do History = link_to edit_project_wiki_path(@project, @wiki), class: "btn small grouped" do %i.icon-edit Edit %br - if @wiki != @most_recent_wiki .warning_message This is an old version of this page. You can view the #{link_to "most recent version", project_wiki_path(@project, @wiki)} or browse the #{link_to "history", history_project_wiki_path(@project, @wiki)}. .file_holder .file_content.wiki = preserve do = markdown @wiki.content %p.time Last edited by #{link_to_member @project, @wiki.user}, #{time_ago_in_words @wiki.created_at} ago